Sivut kuvina

are very careful not to offend the Philofophers, by too rigid an adherence to the precepts of that Shafter, to which they know their adverfaries have fuch an infuperable antipathy.

All the Philofophers now at ArdentHall, perform poojah to different systems: and feem to have no opinion in common, except the expectation of the return of the Suttee Jogue, which they diftinguished by the name of The Age of Reafon.

In this bleffed æra of purity and perfection, it is believed by each of the Philofophers, that the worship of his Idol fhall be established; and the doctrines of his priest, be the faith of the world.

"Then," fays Mr. Puzzledorf, " will be evinced the dignity of man." for this is the Idol to which Mr. Puzzledorf, profeffes the performance of poojah. You are, perhaps, curious to know in what this dignity confifts? Know, then, that it appears, from the researches of the pricft of Mr. Puzzledorf-that fome difference in point of organization, doth actually exist between him and a Bamboo, or a Bramble-bufh: no brain having as yet been discovered in any of the vegetable tribes. Should fuch a discovery crown the labours of fome future Philofopher, what a fad ftroke will : be to the dig

uity of Man! He will then be reduced to a level, not only with, the beasts of the field, but with the very trees of the foreft! The fimilarity is already too confpicuous. Like them, he is doomed flowly to advance to maturity; fhortly to flourish, and quickly to decay. Like them too, according to the faith of Mr. Puzzledorf, he is doomed to moulder into duft, from which, there is no hopes of resuscitation, no profpect of revival!-Such in the eyes of the adherents of this fystem, is the vaunted dignity of Man!

The Idol of Mr. Axiom, is the little ftamina at the top of the nofe. This, he declares to be imperishable, and that it muft of neceffity exift to all eternity.To the faith of Mr. Axiom, Mr. Puzzledorf opposes an argument, that is frequently made ufe of by the biggoted of all fects, against the opinions of their adverfaries:-viz. That it is nonfenfe. He fays, moreover, that in the age of reafon, it will inconteftibly appear, that every particle is alike liable to the decompofition which thofe poor bodies of our's muft undergo in the laboratory of death, who is too good a chemift to fuffer a little favourite Stamina of Mr. Axiom, to efcape him. Both, Philofophers appeal for the truth of their systems, to the experiments of Doctor Severan.

Alas! little does the good Doctor think, that the existence of a future ftate, depends upon the management of his crucible!

I have not been able to discover the name of the Syftem, to which Doctor Sceptic pays his vows, the only thing I have ever heard him attempt to prove, is, that nothing ever was, will, or can be proved. All religions being, in his opinion, equally falfe, ridiculous, and abfurd. But, though he performs not poojah to the Idols of any of his brother Philofophers, it is the religion of Chriftianity, againft which, the arrows of his farcalm are chiefly pointed. When an opportunity occurs of venting the overflowings of his zeal, in a fneer at any of the opinions or practices of the Chrif tians, his rigid features relax into a fmile of triumph, which, for a moment, difpels from his countenance the gloom of discontent. It feems to have been the endeavour of his life, to eradicate from his bofom, thofe focial feelings and affections, which form fo great a part of the felicity of common mortals.-A ftranger to the animating glow of friendfhip, and the tender confidence of esteem; he confiders all attachments, as a proof of weakness-into which, if he has ever in any degree relaxed-it is in favour of

a nephew, a hopeful youth, whom he piques himself upon having freed from the prejudices he had contracted from a pious father, at whofe piety, and whose prejudices, the young man now laughs in a very becoming manner!

The Idol to whofe fervice this young man hath devoted himfelf, is called Atheifm. From all that I have been able to learn, Atheism is an infernal deity, who demands of his votaries, fuch cruel facrifices that every one initiated into the myfteries of this faith, muft make a folemn and abfolute renunciation of the use of his senses-fhut his eyes upon the fair volume of Nature-and deny to his heart, the pleafurable emotions of admiration and gratitude!

Such are the facrifices required by this Idol,

even from its fpeculative votaries. The zeal of its practical profelytes, carries them ftill farther.-I am told, that the female converts feldom fail to make an offering to Atheism, of their peace, purity, and good fame; and that of its worfhippers, among the lower orders of numbers every year fuffer martyrdom, at a place called Newgate; which I fuppofe to be a temple dedicated to this fuperftiti



What are the pofthumous honours, which the martyrs of Atheism, receive VOL. II. G

rom their brethren, the philofophers, I have not been able to difcover, as it is a fubject on which the philofophers modeftly decline to expatiate.

From the converfations that I have overheard, between the nephew of Doctor Sceptic, and Mr. Vapour, who is one of the most renowned teachers of this faith, I find, that its adherents perform poojah to certain inferior Dewtah, called Exifting, or External, circumstances, energies, and powers, of whom, I am not yet fufficiently prepared to fpeak.

Mr. Vapour is particularly tenacious of his faith, which is, indeed, of a very extraordinary nature. Rejecting all the received opinions that have hitherto prevailed in the world, and utterly difcrediting the circumflances upon which they have been founded; he referves his whole ftock of credulity for futurity. Here his faith is fo ftrong, as to bound over the barriers of probability, to unite all that is difcordant in nature, and to believe in things impoffible.

The age of reafon, is thought, by Mr. Vapour, to be very near at hand. Nothing, he fays, is fo eafy, as to bring it about immediately. It is only to perfuade the people in power to refign its exercife; the rich to part with their property; and with one confent, to abolish all laws,

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