Sivut kuvina

hoftile to the interefts of both. While freedom of difcuffion was thus reftrained, the faculties of the human mind were benumbed, and truth and falfhood were confounded together. Crude speculations were ushered into the world, with the authority of truths; and not only was fcepticifm propagated by means of the promulgation of opinions, nurtured in ignorance, but encreased from that propenfity which the mind has, when newly freed from reftrictions, to rush from one extreme to another.

"From the nature of our conftitution (whofe fpirit is toleration) and from the freedom of our religion from fuperftition, fcepticifm has made little progrefs here, in comparifon of what it has cone upon the Continent. There its triumph has been in proportion to the blind obedience exacted to the national fuperftition, to which men of fenfe and obfervation could not, contrary to the dictates of their reafon, fubfcribe; and from that propenfity of the human mind, which I have just mentioned, these formed fyftems for themfelves, as diflant from the truth, as the doctrines of the high priests of the country were from the pure precepts of Chriftianity.

"The only fpecies of fceptics that abound in this kingdom, are not think

ing, but may be called talking fceptics. These are men of fhallow understandings, and cold hearts; who feeling their incapacity to attract attention, by going on in the ordinary path, endeavour to gain it by ftating opinions which may aftonish their hearers, and acquire them fome degree of applause, for their ingenuity and boldnefs. It may, indeed, be observed of this clafs, that they take fpecial care never to utter their oracles before thofe that are capable of entering into arguments with them, though they deliver themselves with dogmatical affurance before the ignorant and illite


"But let not my noble friend imagine from this account of fcepticifm, or from his own penetrating obfervation on the conduct of the gentlemen at ArdentHall, that metaphyfical enquiry is without its use. Such enquiry expands the powers of the human mind, enlarges the understanding, and, by placing the fcience of morals on a true foundation, tends to encrease the happiness of fociety.

"Would its profeffors purfue the fame plan of investigation that has been fo fuccefsfully adopted by natural philofophers, that of firft making themfelves well acquainted with facts, and thoroughly inveftigating them, before they draw

conclufions, they would perceive the neceffity of allowing first principles, which are fo felf-evident as not to admit of any direct proof. Indeed, I do not hesitate to affert, that almoft all the errors of metaphyficians have arifen from their neglect of natural philofophy.-The extreme accuracy, and exact precifion, that is requifite in the inveftigation of the phenomena of the material world, would induce like habits of reafoning in regard to that of the mental: while that Coloffus of Scepticifmo, I mean Atheism, would by acquaintance with the works. of Nature, be utterly annihilated.

I have endeavoured to explain myself to my noble friend as clearly as poffible on the fubject of his letter; and fhall only add, that true philofophy is never the companion of arrogance and vanity. While it inveftigates with affiduity, and pronounces with diffidence; they affert with boldnefs and give the crude conjectures of fancy, for the found deductions of truth.

"The natural turn of my mind, and ftill more the object which have for the greatest part of my life occupied my attention, have effectually precluded nie from fceptical opinions, and rendered me callous to the fophiftry of their promoters-but it has always appeared to me, VOL. II.


that where freedom of difcuffion is permitted, there fcepticism and infidelity will be but little known."

Such, Maandaara, are the opinions of the natural philofopher. The Philofophers at Ardent-Hall declare, that it is a pity fo good a man fhould have fo many odd prejudices. I confefs, that, to me, who have been accuftomed to behold with reverence, the felf-inflicted torture of holy men-the noble enthutiafm of the worshippers of Syftem is object of more veneration. It is true, thefe philofophers hold it not neceffary to mortify the body, or to bring the irregular paffions under fubjection. But what is the feverest penance of the most pious Yogee, compared to the utter dereliction of eternal happiness? By hope, a man is fupported through many forrows, but, on the fhrine of his Idol, the philofophic Sannaffee, makes a voluntary facrifice of even Hope itself.—On the fyftem that he worships, his thoughts for ever dwell, on it, his tongue for ever runs and while it exclufively occupies every avenue to his foul, he, with a fuperlative degree of modefty, beflows the epithet of prejudiced enthufiaft, on the votary of Chriftianity. How amiable is this condefcenfion!

Shall I confefs to my friend-that to my weak mind, the enlightening converfation of the philofophers had become fo tirefome, as to render the arrival of Lady Grey, and her blooming party, a confiderable relief to my wearied fpirits? Till then, I was deftitute of all refource: Mifs Ardent, being too fond of difputing with the philofophers, and too much engaged by them to attend to me; and her ladyship fo entirely engroffed by her darling boy, as to be incapable of attending to any other object. This boy, is fuffered to become fo troublesome, that it entirely eradicates that benevolent complacency which one is accustomed to feel at the fight of infant innocence. His parents behold the capriciousnefs of his defires increase with gratification, and the irrafcibility of his temper receives fuel from fatiety: yet do they continue to pamper the over-pampered appetite, and to indulge each caprice of the wayward fancy, in full expectation, that in the age of reafon, he will be able to exercise the virtue of felf-controul!-Yes, Maandaara, when, from the preffure of exifting circumftances, fparrows are taught to make honey, then fhall the paffions, which have been fanned into a flame by the breath of indulgence, liften to the voice of moderation!

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