Sivut kuvina

air; eagerness fparkled in her eyes, and an unfpeakable glow of ardour animated her countenance. Totally unconcerned for her fifter, on whom, indeed, feemed to dart a look of contempt, the haftily fnatched the hartfhorn, and the cordials, and defiring, with a tone of authority, all the men to follow her, she again flew off, with the fwiftnefs of a bird of Paradife, who has been frightened by the voice of the hunter.

Mifs Julia was left to recover as she could. Every foul deferted her. Men and maids, philofophers and footmen, all hurried after the fair Olivia; who like the meteor which floats on the dark-bofomed cloud of evening, was feen gliding before us. At length we reached the lane, and there feated on the ground, we beheld the twin-fifter of Olivia. Her fair arms fupported the unfortunate old man, whofe wounded head, reclined upon her lap. His wounds. were however bound up. The robe of Olivia, having been torn in pieces for the purpose. And now, with a tendernefs which equalled her activity, fhe knelt at the old man's fide, and carried to his pale lips the cordials fhe had, with fo little ceremony, fnatched from her fifter. The old man at length fo far revived, as to pronounce, with feeble

but impreffive accents, the bleffings of his God on the angel-forms who had faved his life. He was with all poffible care, by the direction of the two Ladies, carried up to the houfe. A furgeon was immediately fent for, who, on examining his wounds declared them to be of fuch a nature, that if he had not received the affiftance beftowed upon him by the two Ladies, he must inevitably have perifhed. "Then," cried the lovely Caroline, "it is to my fifter Olivia, that he owes his life! But for her, I fhould have followed my fifter Julia into the house, to call for help; it was Olivia alone, who had the courage to return to him, and the prefence of mind to afford him relief." "No, Caroline;" replied Olivia,

without you, I could have done nothing. When I looked back, and saw how the poor man bled, I knew he could not live, without affiftance; but it was you, by whom the affiftance was principally bestowed." "Don't fpeak any more about it, for Heaven's fake!" cried Mils Julia; "the very thought of it makes me fick. I would not have looked at, him, for a thoufand worlds! I wonder how you could have fo little fenfibility!"


Senfibility, my dear niece," faid Lady Grey," is but too often another word for felfifhnefs. Believe me, that

that fenfibility which turns with disgust from the fight of mifery it has the power to relieve, is not of the right kind. To weep at the imaginary tale of forrow exhibited in a Novel or a Tragedy, is to indulge a feeling, in which there is neither vice nor virtue : but when the compaffion which touches the heart leads the hands to afford relief, and benevolence becomes a principle of action; it is then, and then only, that it is truly commendable." " I perceive that your Ladyfhip has ftudied Mr. Hume's Principles of General utility," faid Mr. Axiom. No," faid Mr. Puzzledorf; "it is evident, her Ladyship has taken her opinions from my Effay on the Eternal and Neceffary Fitness and Congruity of Things." "I have taken them," faid her Ladyfhip, "from the doctrines and Examples of Jefus Chrift and his A poftles."

In this life, " compofed of good and evil," this younger fifter of the Baronet has had her fhare of calamity. Her marriage with Sir Phillip Grey, was an union of mutual affection, founded on mutual esteem, and productive of mutual felicity.

Though a Baronet, his eftate was not extenfive; and from it a numerous family of brothers and fifters were to be

provided with fortunes, fuited to their birth. Sir Philip and his Lady, having the fame views and opinions, easily fettled the plan of their future life. They took the management of their eftate into their own hands: tafle and elegance became a fubflitute for fplendor: and the propriety of domeftic arrangement, amply compenfated for the abfence of a few articles of fuperfluous luxury. But though they retrenched in oftentation, they decreafed not in hofpitality; their houfe was the refuge of the diftreffed, the home of merit, and the central point of all the genius and the talent which the surrounding country could boaft. In addition to the care of their fortune they took upon themselves the fole care of the education of their children.--But, notwithstanding all thefe avocations, they fill found time for the purfuit of literature, for which their tafte remained undiminished. Lady Grey was not only (as is univerfally the cuftom in this country*) the companion of her husband's table-but the partner of his ftudies; and by him, her opinions were as much refpected, as her person was beloved.

*It is by fome of the Hindoo Authors, men. tioned as one of the indifpenfible qualities of a good wife-that he never prefu aes to eat, until her hufband has finifhed.

Years rolled on, and each returning feafon faw an increase of the happiness of this well-matched pair. But who can give ftability to the felicity of mortals? While yet in the prime of life, this amiable and happy husband was feized by the ruthless hand of disease, in whose rude grafp, the vigour of life was blafted, and the gay hopes of future enjoyment dafhed on the rocks of difappointment. His fenfes, of which he fuffered a temporary deprivation, were gradually reftored; but the wheels of life were clogged the vital fluid ftagnated in the veins, or moved with fuch lingering and unequal pace, as was unequal to the re-animation of the palfied limbs: nor did he ever recover a fufficient degree of ftrength, to enable him to quit his apartment. In fuch a fituation, in vain would a man have looked for confolation to the pretty face of a fool. In vain would he have expected it from the trifling accomplishments, to the acquirement of which, the moft precious years of life are commonly devoted. Alas! though Lady Grey would have fpoken French, with the fluency of a Parifian; though fhe would have danced with the grace of an angel; though the could have painted a flower, or a butterfly, even without the affiftance of her drawing-mafter, and run

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