Sivut kuvina

preparations for the conveyance of his family. His lady's extreme delicacy not permitting her to fubmit to the ordinary mode of travelling, in hired carriages, he has been obliged to purchase one for her accommodation. Happily, the mortality which prevailed among her favourites in the courfe of the voyage, has fo much diminished their numbers, as to render their conveyance a matter of little COMPARATIVE difficulty; had they all furvived, he must surely have had a carriage built for them on purpose !

I am happy I had not closed this packet, as it gives me an opportunity of recording a scene that has juft now paffed, while my heart ftill glows with the emotions it has excited.

The youth, whom I had the good fortune to protect, from the ruthless fangs of the prefs-gang, prefented himself be fore me, at an early hour this morning. "You will think me a fad ungrateful

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fellow, Sir," faid he," that I fhould "not have appeared to thank you, for "the very great fervice you rendered me; but, the moment I obtained the "Captain's leave, I made the beft of my way out of this place; as I did not think "I fhould be in fafety, till I reached "home. I fet off on foot, and had got " rather more than ten miles on my


journey last night, when I was over"taken by a fellow midshipman, who in"formed me of the lofs you had fuf"tained from the fharks of the cuftom " houfe; I have got here, a bit of your "India fort of ftuff, to take home to my "mother; but I know fhe would wear "nothing I brought her with any fatif"faction, if fhe thought fo meanly of

me, as that I could bafely forget a debt "of gratitude." So faying, he pulled from his bofom a very handsome fhawl, purchased no doubt, with the fcanty earnings of his initiating voyage. "Here, "Sir," faid he prefenting it to me in a careless manner, as if in order to depreciate its value; "it is nothing to be fure " in comparison of the fine things you "have loft; but, as it is real Indian, it may "be more acceptable to your English

friends, than fomething much better "bought at home." There was fomething fo open and ingenuous, in the countenance of the youth, while he spoke these words, which he did in the most impreffive manner, that he altogether overpowered my feelings. Protecting power! I exclaimed, thou, whofe mighty breath, can kindle in the human foul, the fhame of virtue; oh! grant, that the fon of Zaarmilla, may be capable of infpiring in the breast of a stranger, fuch

fenfations as the noble action of this youth causes now to glow in mine! But think not, excellent young man (continued I) that I can deprive thy mother of the gift of fuch a fon. No, long may fhe wear this, and proudly may the exhibit it to her friends and neighbours as the fweet pledge of filial affection; more honourable than the gifts of princes! more precious than the jewels of Golconda! I was interrupted by the Dewan, who had hitherto been a filent fpectator of all that had paffed. Shaking the youth heartily by the hand, "You

are a noble fellow," faid he, " and I "muft know more of you; but you


may make yourself perfectly eafy about "this gentleman's loffes, as I believe, "I have taken fuch fteps, as will effect "their reftitution; but I must let you "know where to find me, and affure "you, that wherever I am, there you "thall have a friend." So faying, he gave him his addrefs, enjoining him to call upon him as foon as he could find an opportunity. While he yet fpoke, two men arrived, with the whole of the goods which had been feised by the pirates. The Dewan, defired each of us to pick out our own; but would give us no fatisfaction as to the manner in which he had effected their release.

I am told, the carriage waits for me, and must therefore conclude this long protracted journal.

May the Almighty Preferver, whofe omnipotent arm hath fafely guided me across the world of waters, to this remote corner of the habitable globe; He, whofe effence pervades all fpace! fhed the dews of his mercy, on the dwelling of my friend! may his choiceft bleffings reft on the child of my affections! the bloffom of my heart! and heart and may the fweet buds of hope, peace, and contentment, continue to expand in the virtuous bofom of my gentle Zamarcanda! What can I fay more?

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AT length Maandaara, behold me in

the metropolis of England, the celebrated city of London. My heart bounds within me at the idea of the new scenes I am about to behold. The pulse of expectation beats in every vein.-I was all impatience, to deliver my letters of introduction; but, unluckily, we arrived at the very season of a folemn feftival, which is very properly celebrated by the Chrif

tians, in commemoration of an event which opened to their view the glorious hopes. of rifing from the bed of death, to the regions of eternal glory!-You may well imagine that a feftival originating in fuch a fource, is celebrated throughout the Chriflian world with appropriate folemnity. With them, the forms and ceremonies of their religion, remain not merely as a teftimony of their fuperior piety which produced them. Thefe inftitutions have not become a reproach to the degeneracy of fucceeding ages! They have not, with them, become a folemn mockery! a fatire upon a trifling, and frivolous generation! No; at the time of thefe holydays, moft of the families of diftinction retire into the country, that they may there enjoy the beart purifying benefit of folemn meditation, uninterrupted by the bufinefs, or pleafures of the world. Ah! how edifying their devotion!-How exemplary their conduct!-How happy for the community muft it be, if the lower orders are induced to tread in their foot-fteps! The few people of rank who remain in town, are equally fedulous in preparing their minds for this devout folemnity.They frequent no places that are not private-private theatricals, private concerts private pharo-banks, I have already

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