THE FEDERAL REPORTER, (ANNOTATED), VOLUME 167. CASES ARGUED AND DETERMINED IN THE CIRCUIT COURTS OF APPEALS AND CIRCUIT UNITED STATES. PERMANENT EDITION. APRIL-MAY, 1909. KF ST. PAUL: WEST PUBLISHING CO. 1909. 105 V-167-165 JUDGES OF THE UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURTS OF APPEALS AND THE CIRCUIT AND DISTRICT COURTS. FIRST CIRCUIT. Hon. OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES, Circuit Justice...... Hon. LE BARON B. COLT, Circuit Judge.. Hon. WILLIAM L. PUTNAM, Circuit Judge. Hon. FRANCIS C. LOWELL, Circuit Judge..... Hon. CLARENCE HALE, District Judge, Maine...... SECOND CIRCUIT. Hon. RUFUS W. PECKHAM, Circuit Justice. Hon. JAMES P. PLATT, District Judge, Connecticut. THIRD CIRCUIT. Washington, D. C. .. Littleton, N. H. .Providence, R. I. Washington, D. C. New York, N. Y. .. Utica, N. Y. New York, N. Y. New London, Conn. ..Hartford, Conn. Brooklyn, N. Y. .... Norwich, N. Y. ....New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. ... New York, N. Y. ... Buffalo, N. Y. .Brattleboro, Vt. Hon. JAMES B. HOLLAND, District Judge, E. D. Pennsylvania............Philadelphia, Pa. Hon. ROBERT WODROW ARCHBALD, District Judge, M. D. Pennsylvania.. Scranton, Pa. Hon. JAMES S. YOUNG, District Judge, W. D. Pennsylvania Hon. WILLIAM H. MOODY, Circuit Justice. Hon. GEORGE M. DALLAS, Circuit Judge1.. Hon. GEORGE GRAY, Circuit Judge... Hon. JOSEPH BUFFINGTON, Circuit Judge........ Hon. EDWARD G. BRADFORD, District Judge, Delaware...... Hon. WILLIAM M. LANNING, District Judge, New Jersey. Hon. JOSEPH CROSS, District Judge, New Jersey .... Hon. JOHN B. MCPHERSON, District Judge, E. D. Pennsylvania...... 1 Resigned. 167 F. (iii) Washington, D. C. Pittsburgh, Pa. Trenton, N. J. Elizabeth, N. J. .Philadelphia, Pa. Hon. CHARLES P. ORR, District Judge, W. D. Pennsylvania2. Pittsburgh, Pa, FOURTH CIRCUIT. Hon. MELVILLE W. FULLER, Circuit Justice. Hon. NATHAN GOFF, Circuit Judge.... Hon. JETER C. PRITCHARD, Circuit Judge.... Hon. THOMAS J. MORRIS, District Judge, Maryland.. Hon. JAMES E. BOYD, District Judge, W. D. North Carolina.. ..Washington, D. C. .Clarksburg, W. Va. .... Asheville, N. C. .. Baltimore, Md. ...Greensboro, N. C. Hon. WILLIAM H. BRAWLEY, District Judge, E. and W. D. South Car.. Charleston, S. C. Hon. EDMUND WADDILL, Jr., District Judge, E. D. Virginia.....Richmond, Va. Hon. HENRY CLAY MCDOWELL, District Judge, W. D. Virginia.... Lynchburg, Va. Hon. ALSTON G. DAYTON, District Judge, N. D. West Virginia........Philippi, W. Va. Hon. BENJAMIN F. KELLER, District Judge, S. D. West Virginia...... Bramwell, W. Va. FIFTH CIRCUIT. Hon. EDWARD D. WHITE, Circuit Justice. Hon. DON A. PARDEE, Circuit Judge.. Hon. A. P. McCORMICK, Circuit Judge.. Hon. DAVID D. SHELBY, Circuit Judge.. Hon. THOMAS G. JONES, District Judge, N. and M. D. Alabama. SIXTH CIRCUIT. Hon. JOHN M. HARLAN, Circuit Justice.. Hon. HORACE H. LURTON, Circuit Judge.. Hon. HENRY F. SEVERENS, Circuit Judge. Hon. JOHN W. WARRINGTON, Circuit Judge'.... Hon. ANDREW M. J. COCHRAN, District Judge, E. D. Kentucky. Hon. WALTER EVANS, District Judge, W. D. Kentucky Hon. HENRY H. SWAN, District Judge, E. D. Michigan. Hon. LOYAL E. KNAPPEN, District Judge, W. D. Michigan...... Hon. ROBERT W. TAYLER, District Judge, N. D. Ohio... Hon. JOHN E. SATER, District Judge, S. D. Ohio....... ..Washington, D. C. .. Mobile, Ala. .Pensacola, Fla. Jacksonville, Fla. Atlanta, Ga. .Macon, Ga. New Orleans, La. Washington, D. C. Maysville, Ky. Detroit, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich. .Cleveland, Ohio. .Cincinnati, Ohio. .Columbus, Ohlo. Hon. EDWARD T. SANFORD, District Judge, E. and M. D. Tennessee.. Knoxville, Tenn. Hon. JOHN E. MCCALL, District Judge, W. D. Tennessee........ • Appointed April 8, 1909. .. Memphis, Tenn. • Died March 1, 1909. Appointed March 16, 1909, to succeed John K. Richards. |