Sivut kuvina


FIRST MOVIE OF THE FAMILY Take it on Christmas Day-Show it on New Year's

L the precious incidents of the year's most eventful day capforever on a strip of film! novie that tells the story of mas at your own home-an te, personal record of the way appy anniversary is celebrated 1 and yours.

family on its annual pilgrimearing gifts to friends, the sters on their new sleds, the of relatives you have not seen onths, the scene around the anity Christmas tree-what an unity to make a reel of the bsorbing interest!

so easy with the Ciné-Kodak. t and press the lever. That's 's as simple as making snap

mail the film to us and we do the cost of developing being d in the price of the film. It is


est of Movie Cameras

promptly returned to you. The pictures you took on Christmas are ready to be shown on New Year's.

Thanks to the Kodascope, they are no more trouble to project than they were to take. In a moment or two after you unwrap the film, they are flashing on your own home screen. You are amazed by the simplicity and success of it all.

The reason? Unbiased by the precedents and prejudices of professional cinema camera design, the men who made still photography so simple have now made home movie making equally simple for you.

And now, another Eastman development-Kodacolor-enables you to

make home movies in full color. With the Ciné-Kodak f.1.9., a filter and Kodacolor Film, you make the most beautiful living pictures of your family and friends, your pets, your garden and many another colorful subject. All the wealth of color before your eyes is caught by the lens and registered on this new-type film. You simply use a color filter when making or projecting Kodacolor.

Imagine how much home movies would add to your family's Christmas, or some other family's. Let any CinéKodak dealer demonstrate what is here described. Home movie outfits -Ciné-Kodak, Kodascope and screen -may be had for as little as $140. At least, return the coupon for a booklet that gives more of the details.

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Living Gifts that go on living




NCE in a blue moon of Christmases, a
gift of gifts is placed under the big tree


That Christmas forever after is remembered as the Christmas when Father or Brother or Bob or Jim got his Hamilton.

For a fine watch like the Hamilton is really a living gift that goes on living. Year after year it ticks confidently away, marking the passage of time with almost uncanny accuracy.

The longer you carry a Hamilton, the more you regard it as something greater than a mere miracle of workmanship. A human meaningan affection-attaches itself to this gift.

Here is a companion to consult many times. every day of your life, a companion ready to serve you with such tireless constancy that you may rely just as surely upon its word as you would upon an old friend's.

Your Hamilton, in fine, is a friend. A living, beautiful friend, that will go on living just so long as you gently impart strength to its tiny ticking heart.

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tomorrow-but not at all ornate.
In 14k green or white gold engraved,
with dial shown, $117 to $172..

Bottom... The "Engraved
Cushion " Beautifully propor-
tioned in line, with a welcome yet
simple richness of appearance. In
filled or 14k green or white gold,
$52 to $77; plain at $50 and $75.

Let us send you a copy of "The Timekeeper" and also our specially attractive Christmas booklet showing a complete line of Hamilton models. Address Hamilton Watch Co., 859 Columbia Ave., Lancaster, Pennsylvania, U. S. A.

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Railroad Accuracy


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God rest Ye, Merrie Gentlemen

ANCASTER is beaten. The white rose mocks the


red. Another winter... another Christmas... and England lies under forgetful snow.

Yew logs blaze beneath tavern rafters. All night the sound of singing comes from the castle. The boar's head is crowned with rosemary. The spiced brown bowl is passed from hand to hand. Lancaster or York? Who cares? Noel.

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tributes to the happiness and safety of every membe of your family, every day in the year. It is beautiful. powerful, incredibly quiet. It assures the constant low refrigerating temperatures which safeguard health and prevent food spoilage. It freezes an abundant supply of sparkling ice cubes. It provides delicious frozen salads and desserts. It brings a new convenience and a new economy into housekeeping And it does all this, day after day, month after month, quietly, surely, automatically.

Let the New Frigidaire do for your family what Frigidaire is already doing for more than 750,000 others. And let it carry your Christmas greeting down through the months and years to come Frigidaire Corporation, Subsidiary of Genera Motors Corporation, Dayton, Ohio.




Boiler and Radiators Combined in Package Unit

RCOFLASH" is the new creation

"Ain heating. It is a heating unit

with "Ideal" Boiler and "American" Corto Radiators in size and height exactly as you choose, to suit the requirements of your home of five, six, seven or eight rooms.

Your Guaranty is Our Undivided Responsibility When you are about to buy an automobile you do not think of selecting each component part. You want a car whose parts are designed to function as an efficient unit.

as a unit outfit. We manufacture It is so with a heating plant; and it in its entirety. Our undivided rethat is why we designed "Arcoflash" sponsibility is your best guaranty. Displayed and Sold at All Authorized Heating Contractors AMERICAN RADIATOR COMPANY

Branch Offices: Philadelphia Cincinnati

New York


New Orleans
Kansas City





"Ideal" Boiler and Your Choice of "American" Corto Radiators The boiler is completely equipped with automatic regulation and all acces sories. It has a beautiful red enamel jacket and is thoroughly insulated Designed to give you permanent fuel economy with a minimum of attention. Burns hard or soft coal, coke, oil or gas.

The radiators are the world fr mous "American" Corto, in size and height exactly as you choose, to suit your home.

$1 to $2 per week will pay for this equipment. Consult your own local Building and Loan Association, Cooperative Bank, Bank or Mortgage Company.. Mail This Coupon to Nearest Branch Office American Radiator Company

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Please send me descriptive liten about the new ARCOFLASH Heating Name. Address_

Boston Detroit



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Death Valley, 300 feet below sea level, from Dante's View, 6000 feet above. Painted by Hanson Puth..

T'S a colorful day's motoring from Los Angeles to Death Valley under Southern California's mellowy inter sunshine. Roads are good-and safe! Or, you ay make the trip practically all the way by train. As uch as 300 feet below sea level-the lowest spot on arth-and locked in by mountains of marvelous hues, eath Valley has no counterpart as a scenic wonder. Another alluring winter day's desert outing is Palm prings, a mecca for world-famous people. The vogue this once-forbidding country increases each season. To the lure of Southern California's winter desert add roves laden with golden oranges, snow-capped mounins, flowers, golf, the placid blue Pacific, Old Spanish Missions and warm, energizing spring-like sunny days. You will enjoy Los Angeles and its hotels, shops, heatres and cafes. Los Angeles County's oil fields are ited at a billion dollars; agricultural products average /95,000,000 annually.

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