The acts of the Parliament of Western Australia1955 |
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Act Amendment Act Act is amended advice and consent Affecting Act Agreement amended by adding Amendments to Second Appd apply appointed Appx Assembly of Western Assented authorised authority Board cited claimant coming into operation Commonwealth compensation Constitution Acts Court deleting the words Drainage Elizabeth Elizabeth II enacted Excellent Majesty fee simple fertiliser FREMANTLE Geraldton Governor incl Land Act Land Titles Office Legislative Assembly Legislative Council line four line three ment metropolitan main drain Minister notice ONE-PUBLIC GENERAL ACTS paragraph payable pension person Perth portion pounds present Parliament assembled principal Act Proc provisions Public Queen's Most Excellent referred Reprint as Principal Reprinted Acts Reserve rights-of-way Road District Salaries and Allowances Schedule Second Reprint section three Sess Sewerage Short title Superannuation TABLE ONE-PUBLIC take or resume Third Reprint thousand nine hundred tion Titles Office Plan Trustees vested Vict Western Australia Western Australian Marine