Parliamentary Papers, Nide 67,Osa 1H.M. Stationery Office, 1880 |
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Tulokset 1 - 5 kokonaismäärästä 31
Sivu 12
... square arshines to the funt 0 50 9 17 " " Having 8 to 12 square arshines 0 60 11 16 5 " " 12 to 16 0 75 14 15 7 more than 16 , : " " 1 20 23 12 11 " Cotton Tissues of every kind , with appli- cations of gold , silver , tinsel , straw ...
... square arshines to the funt 0 50 9 17 " " Having 8 to 12 square arshines 0 60 11 16 5 " " 12 to 16 0 75 14 15 7 more than 16 , : " " 1 20 23 12 11 " Cotton Tissues of every kind , with appli- cations of gold , silver , tinsel , straw ...
Sivu 15
... square metres ( 20 lbs . or more to the 100 square yards ) : Of 35 threads and less to the 5 square millimetres Of 36 threads and above : - 2nd class , weighing from 7 to 11 kilo- grammes exclusively per 100 square metres ( 12 % lbs ...
... square metres ( 20 lbs . or more to the 100 square yards ) : Of 35 threads and less to the 5 square millimetres Of 36 threads and above : - 2nd class , weighing from 7 to 11 kilo- grammes exclusively per 100 square metres ( 12 % lbs ...
Sivu 16
... square metres , 5 lbs . to the 100 square yards Clothing and other ready - made articles Hosiery , haberdashery , tapes , and ribbons Lace and blonde All other tissues and wares : Cotton tissues mixed with silk , if the cotton ...
... square metres , 5 lbs . to the 100 square yards Clothing and other ready - made articles Hosiery , haberdashery , tapes , and ribbons Lace and blonde All other tissues and wares : Cotton tissues mixed with silk , if the cotton ...
Sivu 17
... square metres ( 5 ) lbs . to the 100 square yards ) Quiltings , dimities , stripes and checks , damasks and brilliants , counterpanes and blankets 15 ° ad val . 15 ° ad val . 15 % ad val . 15 % ad val . Net or tulle and imitation lace ...
... square metres ( 5 ) lbs . to the 100 square yards ) Quiltings , dimities , stripes and checks , damasks and brilliants , counterpanes and blankets 15 ° ad val . 15 ° ad val . 15 % ad val . 15 % ad val . Net or tulle and imitation lace ...
Sivu 18
... square of six millimetres Pes . cts . Of 26 threads and above : Kilog . 3 00 Cwt . 2 70 6 1 11 598 " " Close - woven tissues ; printed , twilled , or figured in the loom : Up to 25 threads , inclusive 4 00 827 " Of 26 threads and above ...
... square of six millimetres Pes . cts . Of 26 threads and above : Kilog . 3 00 Cwt . 2 70 6 1 11 598 " " Close - woven tissues ; printed , twilled , or figured in the loom : Up to 25 threads , inclusive 4 00 827 " Of 26 threads and above ...
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
1001 marks value ad val additional AUSTRALASIA AUSTRIA BARBADOS BELGIUM bleached bottles BREMEN BRITISH GUIANA carriages cent COLONIAL POSSESSIONS coloured Copper COUNTRIES DENMARK DOMINION OF CANADA Duty on transfer dyed ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS Free Free Frs.cts Gallon gilt glass GREECE gutta percha HAMBURG HOLLAND Hosiery INDIA CEYLON MAURITIUS India-rubber JAMAICA Kilog Kilos kinds Free Kron lace lacquered leather linen manufactures materials MAURITIUS MAURITIUS AUSTRALASIA METALS millimetres NATAL CAPE NORWAY öre paper pfgs plain plates polished PORTUGAL Poud printed Pund QUEENSLAND RATES OF DUTY Ready-made clothing registration duty Reis RUSSIA salted sheets silk silver Skålpund soda SOUTH AUSTRALIA SOUTH WALES SPAIN square Stamp or registration SWEDEN SWITZERLAND TARIFF CLASSIFICATION TARIFF RATES TASMANIA threads Tissues transfer or sale TRINIDAD BRITISH GUIANA TURKEY unbleached UNWROUGHT AND WROUGHT VICTORIA wares warp WESTERN AUSTRALIA wire wool WOVEN yards yarns Zinc دو وو وو وو دو
Suositut otteet
Sivu 78 - Provided, That all iron in slabs, blooms, loops, or other forms less finished than iron in bars, and more advanced than pig iron...
Sivu 82 - Sykes' hydrometer, and so in proportion for any greater strength than the strength of fi.. .1 per gall. ias. Spirits, cordials, liqueurs, or strong wateis, sweetened or mixed with any article so that the degree of strength cannot be ascertained by Sykes...
Sivu 1 - Foreign import duties. Return of the rates of import duties levied in European countries and the United States upon the produce and manufactures of the United Kingdom.
Sivu 51 - Perfumery, including toilet preparations (nonalcoholic), viz.: — Hair oils, tooth and other powders and washes, pomatums, pastes and all other perfumed preparations, nop, used for the hair, mouth or skin, thirty per cent ad valorem 30 pc 150.
Sivu 25 - ... (4) On cotton jeans, denims, drillings, bed-tickings, ginghams, plaids, cottonades, pantaloon stuffs, and goods of like description, or for similar use, if unbleached, and not exceeding one hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and exceeding five ounces to the square yard...
Sivu 39 - Tissues, haberdashery, and lace of silk or of waste silk :— With fine gold or silver .... With semi-fine or false gold or silver . . Tissues of silk or of waste silk, mixed with other materials, in which the silk or waste silk predominates in weight .... Ribbons of silk or of waste silk : — Of velvet ...... Others ...... Mixed with other materials, silk or waste silk predominating in weight CHEMICAL PRODUCTS AND DYE STUFFS.
Sivu 65 - Articles made partly of cast and partly of wrought iron, not polished, if the weight of wrought iron is less than half the total weight...
Sivu 25 - Article 1, section 14, tariff act of March 2, 1801, roads as follows: "On all manufactures of cotton not bleached, colored, stained, painted, or printed, and not exceeding 100 threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and exceeding...
Sivu 24 - Water pipes not otherwise described, and all material which may be specially imported for the purpose of construeting waterworks Caps, percussion ------- Musical instruments ------ Nails, not otherwise enumerated - - - Other kinds -------- Copper sheet -------- Free.
Sivu 52 - Stationery, including Account Books, Printed Cheques, Bill Heads, and other Printed or Ruled Paper, Blotting Pads, Sketch Blocks, Manifold Writers, Albums, and all kinds of Jewel, Dressing, and Writing Cases (excepting Pens, Penholders, Pencils, Pencilcases, and Slates).