Sivut kuvina

cannot do, any more than he could the people of old, Deut. xxxi. 2. nor ever will. Or would you ask your prophets, or the Hagiopraphy under whofe leading and priesthood your fathers returned from captivity and had the temple built in which alone acceptable fervice could be performed, and through whofe interceffion and facrifice alone they looked for mercy? Do not Haggai, Zec HaRIAH, and EZRA answer JESUS or JeHOSHUA, THE ESSENCE THE SAVIOR? Did not they then approach to GOD by HIM? Was not be the person who made atonement by his one facrifice? But he was you grant a type of the MESSIAH, as indeed he has been proved CH. VI. Then the MESSIAH could not come under another name as a like leader from captivity, a raiser up again of the true bodily temple, in which only you should do acceptable fervice, and through whose alone mediation. and facrifice you were to have mercy or forgiveness of fins. Behold our LORD therefore, in completion of thefe prophecies, comes as JESUS to direct you to HIM as the true HIGH-PRIEST, by whom alone you should have deliverance from the bondage of the law, fin and death, in whose raised up body you may have acceptance, and by whose alone meritorious interceffion and facrifice you might have access to GOD, remiffion of offences and eternal life. Befides we have proved p. 46, 56, that this Divine perfon in numbers of

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places in your law and prophets promised to be this SAVIOR under the word [y] Jeso, and in hundreds of titles of His types. So that I am bold to affirm had HE not been JESUS he could not have been, nor have offered HIMSELF as the true MESSIAH. For as to fome of your fathers in Tertullian's days (p. 436, Edit. not looking for HIM under it, and saying they expected HIм under the name ELIAS, we may reply, 1. that it is no where said He should be called ELIAS, but that He is only described as fuch Mal. iv. though some of the Jews have erroneously made him a different person from the MESSIAH; 2dly. that they gained no ground by this mere affertion, because [*] ELIAS in Eng. is this very perfon [EL] THE INTERPOSING GOD & [JE] THE ESSENCE, whofe type ELIJAH was, so that this is acknowledging the MESSIAH for [JE] THE ESSENCE promised, but strangely refufing HIM under the title of THE SAVIOR; and 3dly, that they fhewed great want of acquaintance with the SS giving this name JESUS to these His two eminent figures. For these prove this name neceffary to HIM as the MESSIAH pointed out by MOSES, Num. xiii. 16, as much as the title imports HIM to you to be the great SUCCESSOR of MOSES, the true HIGH PRIEST, and calls you to look for the beginning of a like new but more, infinitely more memorable ara, for a like but inconceivably happier


and more glorious revolution to take place in our favor. For as you fee the name is no new one, but such as your fathers of old well knew the fucceffor to MOSES, the great high-priest was to be distinguished by, and must have expected the MESSIAH under, fo you perceive a grand and very interesting revolution of circumstances was wrought under these illuftrious perfons who bore it.

And if His name is thus awakening, no less fhould the precife correfpondency of His character with that prefigured in the law and prophets, nay, the neceffity of this character' under it, as recorded in the gospels, rouse the foul out of a lethargic unbelief and make it obedient to the faith. For after a demonftration of there being the divine hand in the wonderful concurrence of His character with theirs, and of the neceffity of it, even fuppofing we had not the gospel account, who but one judicially blind can refrain faying, (for there will be then all the reafon in the world you should fay) to the Lord JESUS as your fathers to His type, Jof. i. 17, ALL that thou commandeft us we will do, and whither foever thou sendeft us we will go. To prove this indeed, as it may be fhewn in every particular, would fill a volume; but it will appear clearly enough as a ground for our conclufion, and fufficiently for the conviction of any reasonable perfon if we fhew it in the chief particulars, which

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have been mostly collected, p. 98, 100, & feq. 128, as the divinely revealed marks by which the MESSIAH, the true JESUS was to be diftinguished at His coming. Behold then our everbleffed LORD, THE ESSENCE THE SAVIOR in the flesh, He comes in the fullness of time, Luk. ii. 6, Gal. iv. 4. predicted, as JESUS of old, Gen. xv. 13, Ex. xii. 41, Jer. xxv. 12, Hag. i. 2, Zech. i. 16. HE is manifest amidst the captivity of the people under the Romans, Luk. ii. 1. and when our nature was in bondage, Joh. viii. 36, Rom. vii. 2, 25, Gal. iv. 3, as the typic JESUS was, being a man, in Ex. xvii. 9, Ezr. ii. 2, Neh. vii. 7. He was before the law, as JESUS was, Ex. xvii. 9, and present in the captivity and typic redemption, though not manifeft fo publicly to the world, Joh. i. 3, viii. 58, as JESUS of old was Ex. xvii. 9. He confifted of ONE in fubjection as a son, Luk.ii. 51, Gal. iv. as JESUS was Num. xiii. 16, and at the fame time of [Gr. Kurios] THE ESSENCE THE JUST ONE, Rev. i. 8, Aɛt, iii. 14, as Jesus did, Hag. i. 1. Though a PRINCE and HEAD over all, A&t. v. 31, as JESUS was Num. xiii. 2, iii. 8, Hag. i. 1, though one with Gon THE HELPER Joh. x. 30, as JESUS with ELEAZER Num. xxvii. 19, and for the perfon of the ANGEL, Gal. iv. 14, or SENT PERSON dwelling in HIM Joh. xiv. 10, as Jesus was Zec. iii. I, yet as Hr came out of EGYPT Mat.

Mat. ii. 15, as JESUS did Ex. xii, fo was HE in the form of a fervant to MOSES Gal. iv. 4, Phil. ii. 7, as JESUS was Ex. xxxiii, 11. In this character HE was perfectly without fault Luk. xxiii. 4, Joh. viii. 55, xiv. 31, xviii. 13. haly, harmless, and undefiled, Heb. vii. 26, ix. 14. as in an inferior fenfe the typic JESUS was, and as was faid of HIM in the perfon of this type, As Jeноvан commanded MoOSES fo did he command JESUS and fo did JESUS, Jof. xi. 15, (fee p. 85, 86.) HE was the SAVIOR pointed out by Moses, Joh. v. 46, as JESUS was Ex. xvii. 9, Num. xiii. 26. He was the HIGHPRIEST, Heb. ii. 17, and took part of our nature, ver. 14, to ransom us Mat. xx. 28, 1 Tim. ii. 6, redeemed us, Gal. iii. 13, as Lev. xviii. 15, 16, by making amends as Lev. v. 16, and fo being our [ SeLeM] peace Eph. ii. 14, as JESUS was, and did typically, Hag. i, Zec. iii. 1. Ex. xxx. 12, 16. He was in His conjoined nature the great SUBSTITUTE taken in our flead (fee p. 216) and bore the iniquity of the people, I Cor. iii. I, and made atonement, Rom. v. 11, as JESUS the typic priest with the LEVITES OF CONJOINED ONES was univerfally known to be and do, Zec. iii. 1, 3, 4, Num. xviii. 1, 23, Lev. xvi. 16. had Satan for an adverfary, Mat. iv. SUS had Zec. iii. 2. HE though though like the type speaking the truth,

Yet HR I, as JEinnocent, Joh. viii.


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