ABERAYRON, Cardiganshire, Wales. Bay of Cardigan. Lat. 52° 14' N ; long. 4° 15' W. Pop. about 1,200. Auth. Owner, Alban Gwynne, Esq., under Statute 47 Geo. III. THW. f. and c. 7h 25m. D. Dry at LW.; 12ft at HWST. Accn. Harb. of about 5 acres, with stone piers on N. and W. sides, each 396ft long, extending to half-tide mark. W. prev. NW. to NE. Tr.-I. Coal and limestone; E. Oats, pigs, butter, and timber. Harb. is used chiefly by locally owned vessels, drawing from 8ft to 9ft. Charges.-2d per ton reg. on ships, 1/ per ton on cargo. Officials.-Harb. Master, J. Davies Compton; Shipping Agent, Evan Loyn. Hotel. Feathers Royal Hotel, E. Jones. ABERDEEN, Aberdeenshire. On the Dee. Lat. 57° 8′ 20′′ N ; long. 2° 3′ 55′′ W. Pop. 120,000. Auth. Harb. Commission, incorporated under Acts of Parliament, 31 and 32 Vict., c. 138; 34 and 35 Vict., c. 141. P. NC. THW. I hour f. and c. Sp. rise 13ft; N. rise 1oft; D. on bar 10ft. W. prev. are from SW., and most dangerous gales on coast are from SSE. to ESE. Rys. Cal. and G.N. (S.) Tr.-I. Coal, lime, iron, timber, bones, esparto, fibre, slates, &c.; E. Cattle, oats, granite, pit props, sleepers, staves, paper, &c. At HW. of ST. vessels of 21ft dft. enter the harb., and at LW. vessels drawing 8ft enter. The navigation channel, the entrance to the harb. and docks is formed by the N. pier, extending 2,000ft into the German Ocean, and S. breakwater running out about 1,000ft from the shore. W. of E. 600ft. En. to Victoria Dock, one 70ft wide, with a HWD. of 24 ft.; lock 250ft x 60ft wide, over which there is a HWD. of 20 ft. Accn. :Areas. Average Depth. Average Depth. L.W.O.S.T. L.W.O.S.T. 125'350 Extensive warehouses and cranage accommodation up to 10 tons; shears to lift 50 tons. Particulars of Patent Slipways : Charges. Rates on vessels vary from 2d to 1/3 reg. ton. Lights, flags, or signals 4d reg. ton for all vessels. Pilotage. District. The harb., the rivers Dee and Don, the coast between these rivers, and the coast southward from the mouth of the Dee to the extremity of the city's precincts or boundary on the Torry or south side of the Dee. On the Dee being £ s. d. 5 O O 7 PORT DIRECTORY-BRITISH PORTS. diverted as authorised by the "Aberdeen Harbour Act, 1868," the For vessels under 50 tons.... 50 and under 75 Steam Vessels. 50 and under 75 £ s. d. 6 75 100 Ο ΙΟ 75 100 9 150 100 150 200 150 200 O 12 6 250 250 O 15 300 I O 250 300 C 17 300 400 I 5 400 400 500 I 10 500 500 600 600 7 600 600 700 800 2 800 1 15 900 2 10 800 1,000 5 1,000 and upwards 1,000 and upwards Outward pilotage rates-one-half the inward rate, but not in any work in the harb. each man in boat 2/. For any vessel beyond Towage.-Ordinary Sea Towage (by one or more tugs). From the docks or tidal harb. to the bay, or from the bay or outside Abercrombie's jetty, or vice versa, with cargo, reg. ton 24d; Harb. Towage. Between Abercrombie's jetty with ballast 2d. and the docks, or from one part of the harb. or docks to anotherIf 200 tons or under 6; above 200 and not ex. 500 tons Io/; above 500 tons and not exceeding 800 tons 15/; 800 and not exceeding 1,200 tons 30; 1,200 tons and upwards 40/. In the event of any vessel being towed into the tidal harb. after the dock gates are shut, the tugboat shall, if required, continue the towage of such vessel into the dock the following tide without any additional charge. Minimum towage outwards or inwards 5/. Officials.-Sec., W. Gordon; Treas. and Coll. of Harb. and 99 66 long. 3° 20' W. Post-town, Burntisland. 22, Coates Crescent, Edinburgh. Accn. Wooden pier 250ft long, with jetty carried out to 4ft Charges. Id per ton reg, on vessels; id per ton on cargo. ABERDOVEY, Merionethshire. At the mouth of the Dovey, Bay of Cardigan. Lat. 52° 30' N; long. 4° 15' W. Pop. 1,500. Auth. Cam. Ry. Co., under lease from the Crown. THW. f. and c. 8h om. D. on bar 3ft 6in LWST., and 19ft HWST., but is subject to frequent alteration. Accn. Pier 367ft carried out to 12ft LWST., and a wharf 365ft long. W. prev. NE. to SW., and most dangerous S. to E. Tr. Live stock, slates, lead-ore, grain, cement, fish, &c. LV. Steamers from the Baltic with cargoes of timber up to 1,100 tons. Steam crane power. A lifeboat station. Charges.-Moorage of vessels, ad per ton reg.; slates, coal, bricks, iron, 2d per ton; timber, grain, flour, cotton, wool, petroleum, and general merchandise, 3d per ton actual weight. Towage. As per arrangement. Officials.-J. Conacher, Secretary and General Manager, Cam. Ry., Oswestry; G. Owen, C. E., Engineer; Lewis Edwards, Harb. Master; J. H. W. Stephenson, Coll. of Customs, Aberystwith. Hotels. The " Dovey," the "Raven." ABERFFRAW, Anglesea. A creek of Beaumaris. A bay of refuge in E. or N. winds. D. 15fms. HWST. W. Jones, Dep. Lloyd's Agent and Harb. Wharfage free. ABERLADY (PEFFER BURN), East Lothian. THW. at f. and c. same as Leith. Very small trade. Officials.-H. Welch, Merchant; W. Wishart, Pilot. ABERTHAW, Glamorganshire. In the Bristol Channel, between St. Donats and Porthkerry. Lat. 51° 22' N ; long. 3° 20' W. No Harb. Auth. THW. 6h 48m. Tr. Aberthaw lime. ABERYSTWITH, Cardiganshire, Wales. At the joint outlets of the rivers Rheidol and Ystwith. Lat. 52° 24′ 30′′ N ; long. 4° 5' 30" W. Pop. 7,600. Auth. Corporation of Aberystwith (Act of Parliament, 1874). P. NC. THW. f. and c. 7h 31m; Sp. rise 15ft; N. rise 10ft. D. on bar uncertain, as bar shifts. W. Most dangerous are SW. to W. by N. Rys. Cam. and Manch. and Milford. Tr.-I. Timber, coal, limestone, bricks, culm, hemp; E. Lead and copper ore, bark, corn, timber. LV. 367 reg. ton. The area of the harb. is 20 acres, dry at LWST. Quayage space for about 670ft is accessible to vessels of 500 tons. East Quay about 250ft long, with 14ft water HWST.; West Quay about 80oft long, with 12ft water HWST. There are two powerful capstans with ropes on each side of the harb. entrance, and a 3-ton crane. A lifeboat station. Charges. -Harb. dues vary from 3d to 6d. Vessels exclusively employed in fishing are exempt from payment of harb. dues. Pilotage. District not defined. Towage. As per agreement. Rates. As per agreement. Officials.-Town Clerk, A. J. Hughes; Harb. Master, Capt. J. Thomas; Coll. of H. M. Cust., J. W. H. Stephenson; Lloyd's Agent, Capt. J. Thomas; Lloyd's Surv., H. John. Hotels.-"Belle Vue," W. H. Palmer; "Gogerddan Arms," J. Roberts: " 'Queen's," W. H. Palmer. ACARSAID, Island of Skye, Hebrides. Lat. 57° 10' N ; long. 6° 2' W. Bar dries at LW., 13ft at HWST., and roft at HWNT. THW. 6h. 28m. PORT DIRECTORY-BRITISH PORTS. ACKERGILL, Caithness, 2 miles N. of Wick. Lat. 58° 26' N ; long. 3° 8' W. Auth. Owner, G. Duff Dunbar, Esq., of Hempriggs. THW. 10h. 58m. Accn. A pier of masonry about 100ft long, used by fishing boats and by steamers loading into boats. D. Alongside 15ft HWOST., and 8ft at entrance of There are no charges. W. prev. S., most creek at LWST. dangerous NE. A lifeboat station. The harb. was destroyed by There is a good anchorage in the storms some years since. bay, with S. winds. Official.-Harb. Master, Wm. Thain. Hotel. The nearest is at Wick. ALDEBOROUGH, Suffolk. Lat. 52° 6' N ; long. 1° 30' E. Pop. about 2,016. A small decayed port 12 miles There is no harb. authority. THW. 10h 45m. Sp. rise 8ft.; N. 6ft. D. 18ft HWST. and A lifeboat station. 14ft HWNT. from the mouth of the river Alde. Official.-S. Mills, Principal Coast Officer. ALLOA, Clackmannanshire. On N. bank of Firth of Forth, 30 miles above Queensferry. Lat. 57° 7′ N; long. 3° 44′ W. Pop. 10,600. Auth. Harb. Trustees. under the Alloa Harbour Consolidation Act, 1872, and Alloa Harbour Acts, 1878 and 1889. P. NC. THW. f. and c. 3h 18m; Sp. rise 17ft; N. rise 15ft; R. of N. 10ft. D. on bar, Sp. 22ft to 24ft; N. 16ft. W. prev. from NW., not dangerous to shipping in the harb. Rys. Cal. and N. B. Tr.-I. Grain, timber, iron, dyewood, &c.; E. Pig-iron, coal, timber, dyewood, &c. LV. as follows: Gross Net Length. Breadth. Depth. Reg. 1881 SS. Hector. 1888 1888 Ingram Moss Brow.. Reg. tons. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in 37 19 1260 No vessels can enter the harb. at LW. of ST. The harb. consists of a line of open quays and a wet dock. Dock 630ft x 195ft, has an area of 3 imperial acres, depth ST. 17ft and NT. 13ft, and quayage 1,600ft. There are 400 yds of quayage space in tidal harb., also dry dock 210ft long, 37ft wide, 11ft deep at OHW. Cranes for lifting 20 tons of grain per hour, and two steam cranes for coals. Rates on entering into Charges.-Harb. dues 2d reg. ton. Vessels entering in or using any wet dock 3d to 1/ reg. ton. Vessels entering to load irom ballast and loading out 3d per ton. another vessel, overside, half dues. Rates on goods vary from Id to 1/ and 2/6 per ton for gunpowder. Anchorage rates id and 3d reg. ton. Pilotage.-District. From St. Abb's Head to Alloa, and vice verså. Rates. Same as Leith. Towage. As per Leith tariff. Officials. Clerk to Harb. Trust., N. MacWatt, Solr.; Harb. Master, J. Roy; Graving Dock Mans., A. Thompson & Sons; Coll. of H.M. Cust., G. H. E. Wright. Hotel. Royal Oak." SHIPPING WORLD ALLONBY, Cumberland, 21 miles SW. from Carlisle. There are a few boats employed in the cod and herring fisheries from this place. ALNMOUTH, Northumberland. At the mouth of the Alne. Lat. 55° 22' N; long. 1° 33 W. Auth. Owner, the Duke of Northumberland. THW. f. and c. 2h 40m. D. on bar HWST. about 13ft 6in. W. prev. NE. Used by fishing boats and by timber-laden vessels of under 200 tons. Harb. dues; 1/ per vessel, if requiring ballast 6d per vessel. A lifeboat station. Officials.-Agent, E. G. Wheler, Esq.; Harb. Master, Robt. Simpson; Pilot, G Richardson. Hotel.-"Ye Schooner," T. Binks. AMLWCH, Anglesea. Lat. 53° 25' N ; long. 4° 36′ W. Auth. Harb. Trustees, constituted by Statute 31 Geo. III. c. 125. Rys. The Anglesea Central Ry. Accn. A tidal harb. excavated from solid rock, can contain 30 vessels of about 200 tons each. THW. f. and c. 10h 30m; 16ft HWST.; 9ft. HWNT. W. prev. N. to W. and SW. Used by coasters of about 200 tons. Berths for about 20 vessels. Charges.-8d per ton reg. on all vessels loading and unloading, and 6d per ton on all loading or unloading; other vessels 4d per ton, with a rebate of Id per ton on all vessels leaving the harbour within 30 days after arrival, except in the case of vessels to or from foreign ports. Official. Harb. Master, James E. Williamson; Coll. of Port Dues, D. McLean. ANCHMASTER, Caithness. A small fishery harb., near Clyth. ANNALONG, co. Down, Ireland. Lat. 54° 10' N ; long. 5° 50' W. Auth. The Grand Jury of co. Down, under 16 and 17 Vict., c. 136, s. 7. THW. 11h 28in. Accn. Area of harb. about I rood 16 perches. Dries at three-quarters ebb. Used by fishing boats of 9ft dft. and local vessels loading dressed granite. Quay frontage 609ft. LV. III tons. Charges.-2d per ton reg., 2/6 each per annum on local vessels, and 6d each visit for vessels not belonging to the port. ANNAN, Dumfriesshire, Scotland. Lat. 54° 57' N; long. 3° 16′ W. Seaport in Solway Firth, at mouth of Annan river. Pop. 4,000. Rys. Carlisle & Glasgow. THW. f. and c. 11h 5m. Accn. A good harb., dry at LW., 15ft HWST. No harb. authority. ANSTRUTHER UNION (Easter and Wester), Fifeshire. Lat. 56° 13' 16" N; long. 2° 41'53"W. Auth. Commissioners of Anstruther Union Harb, by special Act, 23 and 24 Vict., c. 39, s. 5, and Anstruther Harbour Order, 1880. W. prev. W., most dangerous SE. to NE. Ry. Leven & East Fife Ry. THW. 2h 28m. Accn. New harb. has an area of 7 acres. D. 12ft at HWST. Old harb. has an area of 6 acres. E. pier (masonry), 1,200ft long; dry at LWST. W. pier is about 480ft long. Quayage about 1,720ft. Used by coasting steamers and sailing vessels, and by fishing boats. Cranes lift up to IO tons. Charges. Harb. dues from 13d to 4d per reg. ton. Pilotage. For vessels between 20 and 50 tons, 24d per ton. Official.-Clerk, H. B. Macintosh; Harb. Master, W. Lyall; Coll. of Dues, D. Pringle. |