APPLEDORE, Devonshire. A small port within Barnstaple 6h 15m. There is a stone pier at Instow, with 13ft to 15ft at HW.; dry at LW. Seaport. Lat. 56° 33′ N; long. 2° 35' W. Pop. 22,000. Auth. Harb. Trust., under Acts 2 Vict., c. 16, and Acts of 1864, and Harb. Order, 1877. P. NC. THW. f. and c. 1h 35m; Sp. rise 14ft; N. rise IIft; R. of N. 8ft. D. on bar LW. of OST. 3ft; NT. about 6ft. W. prev. W. are W. and SW.; most dangerous from SE. Rys. Cal. and N. B. Tr.-I. Flax, hemp, jute, coal, iron, bones, guano, linseedcake, bleaching-powders, salt, lime, timber, grain, slates, &c.; E. Sailcloth, yarns, linen, grain, potatoes, pit timber, stone, &c. Steamers with flax of gross ton. of 1,000 to 1,300 tons. Dock 420ft x 260ft; dock area 2 acres ; harb.-W. of E. rooft. W. of E. 40ft. Depth on sill at HW. of Av.ST. 16ft to 17ft; quayage space of dock 1,350ft, and of basin 1,480ft, in length, H. of T., ST. 151⁄2st; and patent slipway 450ft long by 44ft wide. N. ft. A lifeboat station. LV. Outer Charges.-Harb dues 1d to 1/6+25% to 50%. Harb. lights and police ad reg. ton. Plankage 1 to 6/6 per vessel. Pilotage.-District. Pilots are licensed for the harb. only. Rates per ton.-Coasting sailing vessels, 4d per ton; coasting steamers, 3d per ton; foreign trade sailing vessels, 4d per ton; In addition to these, rates are levied foreign steamers, 3d per ton. (for providing the pilot master's salary), viz. :-Under 80 tons 1/; 80 and under 100 tons 1/6; 100 and under 120 tons 2/; 120 and under 150 tons 3/; 150 and under 180 tons 4; 180 and under 200 tons 5/; 200 tons and upwards 7/6. Towage Rates included in pilotage rates. Officials.-Clerk to Trust., W. K. Macdonald; Harb. and Pilot Master, Capt. D. Patterson; Coll. of Shore dues, W. Cargill; H. M. Cust., James Cassie. Hotels.White Hart," "Imperial," and " ARDGLASS, co. Down, Ireland. Royal." Lat. 54° 15' 10" N; long. 5° 36' 50" W. Ry. Belfast & Co. Down. THW. f. and c. 11h om. A seaport, the centre of the fishing stations on the NE. coast of Ireland. Auth. Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland, unler Acts 39 and 40 Vict., c. 236. Accn. Area about 60 acres at HW. and 17 acres at LW., with depth from 2ft to 17ft at LW. and 15ft additional at HWST. D. at entrance 15t to 18ft at LW. W. prev. S W., most dangerous ESE. to SE. Used by coasters of up to 150 tons, carrying coal and country produce, and LV. 200 tons. Quavage, north quay by about 500 fishing vessels. 500ft, south quay 1,000ft. The e is a small dock adjoining the north quay, where vessels drawing 9ft can enter at HWST. Charges.-61 per ton on cargo vessels, with Id to 4d per ton whirfage, and an additional d per ton for each week, or portion of week, over first 21 days alter arrival. Officials.-Sec. to Commissioners of Public Works, Dublin, W. B. Soady, Esq.; Harb. Master, J. A. Mullins; Assist. Harb. Master, J. Cunningham. Hotel. St. Alban's Arms." ARDRISHAIG, Argyllshire. Lat. 56° 0′ 45′′ N ; long. 5' 26′ 30′′ W. Entrance to the Crinan Canal. Auth. Caledonian Canal Commissioners, by Act of Parliament. THW. oh 15m. D. in channel leading to canal from 4ft to 16ft, according to state of tide. D. at outside quay berths 9ft to 20ft. D. in canal and basins, 9ft 6in. Vessels 88ft by 20ft by 9ft can pass locks. Sp. rise 11ft; N. 9ft. W. prev. SE. to SW. Used by coasting vessels and passenger steamers. Charges.-2d per ton on vessel and Id to 1/ per ton on goods. ARDROSSAN, Ayrshire. On the Firth of Clyde. Lat. 55° 38' 27" N.; long. 4° 49′ 28′′ W. Pop. 4,000. Auth. Ardrossan Harbour Company, under Act 1886. P. NC. THW. 11h 45m; Sp. rise 1oft; N. rise 8ft. W. prev. SW. and are most dangerous. Rys. G., S. W. & C. Tr.-I. Iron ore, limestone, pig-iron, &c. ; E. Coal, pig-iron, &c. LV. Vessels drawing 21ft can enter and leave at HWST.; in one or two cases they have left drawing as much as 224ft (they could of course have entered as well), and they can enter or leave at LWST. drawing 12ft.; vessels of 1,200 reg. tons may be considered the maximum size that can be accommodated, though there have been one or two in the harb. of 1,700 reg. tons. Accn., an outer breakwater, in the inside of which there is a 20-ton steam crane, and a berth where a vessel 280ft in length could load to 21ft; and a wet dock with an entrance 38ft wide and 18ft deep at HWST., having an area of about four acres, and with twelve steam cranes for shipping or discharging coals, pig-iron, ores or goods, as also quayage for the storing of pig-iron, &c. There is also an inner harb. on the inner and E. side of the wet dock. This harb. is closed, being converted into a wet dock of about 9 acres in extent, with 18ft. at LW., which will be opened in 1890 or 1891. Charges. Dues on vessels vary, 15 tons and over 3d reg. ton and boat's assistance 1d reg. ton. Dues on goods 2d to 6d, and dues on sundries from 2d to 6d. Cranes to 25 tons. Towage. All vessels up to 250 reg. tons, per ton 2d; from 250 to 500, 24d; from 500 upwards 3d reg. ton (chargeable within the W. point of the Horse Isle on the Little Cumbrae). Beyond the limits as per agreement. Officials.-Man. for the Props., J. Craig; Dock and Harb. Master, R. Shields; Coll. of Dues, R. Hendrick; Coll. of H. M. Cust., S. Lyall. Hotels.- "Eglinton Arms" and "Railway." ARINAGOUR, Island of Coll. Lat. 59° 10' N ; long. 6° 30' W. TWH. 5h 41m. D. N. 9ft. There is a stone pier and anchorage for boats drawing 5ft or 6ft. to enter from the E. Dry at LW. Sp. rise 12ft; slip at this place, and an A leading wind is required ARKLOW, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. On the Avoca. Lat. 52° 53' N. long. 6° 10' W. Pop. 5,000. Ry. D.W. & W. THW. f. and c. 8h om. Auth. Trustees under Act of Parliament 1882. Accn. A river 180ft wide, with D. from 6ft to 1oft. Tide flows very little on this coast. Crane power to 5 tons. W. prev. SW. round by S. to SE. LV. 352 tons. Charges. On vessels 6d per ton; coal, pyrites, iron ore, and ochre, 3d per ton; timber, 4d per ton; salt, artificial manures and phosphates, 6d per ton. AROS, Island of Mull, Argyleshire. Lat. 56° 40' N; long. 6° o' W. In the Sound of Mull, 6 miles from Tobermorey. THW. 5h 58m. A small fishing station, having a pier for steamers. ARTHURSTOWN, Co. Wexford. A small fishery harbour on the river Suir, opposite Passage East. ARUNDEL.-See Littlehampton. THW. f. and c. 11h 35m. ASKEATON, Ireland. A small harb. on the river Shannon, near Foynes. AUBIN, ST.-See Jersey. AXMOUTH, Devonshire. At the mouth of the Axe. Lat 50 42' N; long. 3° 2′ W. Auth. Owner, W Trelawney Hallett, of Stedcombe House, Axminster. Regulated by Act 11 Geo. IV., 1830. THW. f. and c. 6h 33m. D. on bar 4ft LWST., 12ft to 14ft HWST. Harb. dries at LW. W. prev. SE. and SW. Quayage about 440 yards. Charges.-Over 10 tons 2d per ton, and 2d per month for laying up. Rates upon goods as per schedule to Act. Hotel.-Nearest at Seaton, half a mile distant. AYMOUTH, Berwickshire, Scotland, 6 miles N. of Berwick. A small harb. for fishing vessels. AYR, Ayrshire, seaport. Lat. 55° 28' 10" N; long. 4° 38' 10" W. Pop. 20,821. Auth. Harbour Trust. P. NC. THW. 11h 50m; Sp. rise 8ft; N. rise 74ft. D. on bar 20ft and 12ft at entrance. New dock sills ST. 22ft., N. 19ft. Ry. G. & SW. Tr.-Large import and export of minerals. The harb. is formed by the river Ayr, which falls into the sea between piers, having the entrance sheltered by a breakwater with an opening 320ft wide, facing NW by W. The banks of the river are quayed on each side from the bridge seaward, and afford about 1,200 yards of wharfage. There is a wet dock to the N. of the harb., with an area of 8 acres, in which vessels drawing 18ft to 20ft can be kept afloat. Good warehouses, steam cranes to 25 tons, and every facility, Special appliances for the shipment of coals. There is also a patent slipway, 80oft long × 60ft wide, and shear legs lifting 50 tons H. of T. ST. 20ft; N. 17ft 6in. Charges.-Harb. rates, 2d to 4d reg. ton. Anchorage from 1/ for vessels of 20 reg. ton to 10/ for vessels of 500 reg. ton and upwards. Rates for planks and shutes 6d to 2/. Rates on goods, shipped, unshipped, or transhipped, from Id to 1/, and 5 for gunpowder. Pilotage.-District. Into and out of the harb. of Ayr to a safe distance at sea, say three miles. Rates. Vessels engaged in the coasting trade id ton. Vessels engaged in the foreign trade Ind ton. for vessels from or fe vis from ot for foreign ports. Iyyat - Harb Master, J Hate'y. Dungarvon. Between Coleraine an Charges.-6d per ton on vessels. Officials.-Gen. Man. and Sec., W. A. Donald; Harb. Master, 'n MacHendry. Hotels." Boyd Arms," Ballycastle; lls. "Commercial," Bush BALLYCASTLE, Co. Antrim, Ireland, near the Fair Head. uth. Owner, Lady Boyd. Dock Official.-Agent to Owner, J. B. Johnstone. Lat. 51° 49' N ; long. 7° 59′ W. Pop. 350. THW. f. and c. jh 38m. A small pier. Harb. dry at LW., affording protection o fishing vessels and coasters. long. 8° 2' W. BALLYCROVANE, Harb. in Kenmare Bay, Co. Kerry, Ireland. An anchorage in about 4 fms. BALLYSHANNON, Co. Donegal, Ireland. Lat. 54° 31′ N; At the mouth of the D. on bar 3ft LWST., and 6ft LWNT.; Erne. THW. 5h 18m. 13f HWS I., and 1oft HWNT. Channel is about 110 to 150 yds wide, with depth of about 12ft, except near the Bar; and 18 to 20ft at wharves, LW. Auth. Harb. Trust., under Act, 1886. En. occasionally difficult, but undergoing improvements. Charges.-On vessels, 2d per ton reg. ; on cargo, 3d to 4d per ton. Pilotage. Coasters 2/6 in, 2/0 out, per foot dft. ; foreign 3/6 in, 3/ out, per foot dft. 64 Official.-Sec. to Harb. Trust., Edward Lynch. Commercial," and "Railway." Hotels." The Imperial," Lat. 54° 18' N ; long. BALLYSODARE, Co. Sligo, Ireland. 8° 25' W. A small port on the coast of Connaught, with secure anchorage for two or three small vessels in THW. f. and c. 6h 35m. No Porthcurry Pool in 13ft LW. harb. authority. Lat. 56° 25' N ; long BALMERINO, Fifeshire. River Tay. 3° 2' W. Pop. 800. Auth. Owner, E. A. Stuart, Kinfauns Castle. Rys. N.B. THW. f. and c. 2h 44m. There is a stone pier, 120ft long, connected with a timber jetty, with about 1oft at HWST. alongside. D. Dry at LW, BALTIMORE, Co. Cork, Ireland. Lat. 51° 27' N; long. 9° 16' W; about 5m NE. from Cape Clear. An anchorage for vessels Pop. 150. THW. f. and c. 4h 23m. In the reign of Charles I., 1631, this town drawing up to 18ft. was plundered by Algerine pirates, who carried above 200 of the inhabitants into slavery. No harb. dues. Official.-John Brown, Harb. Constable. BAMBOROUGH, Northumberland, _15m SE. from Ber wick-on-Tweed. Pop. 4,000. The keep of the castle- said to have been built by Ina, King of Northumbria, in 548-is used as a refuge for shipwrecked sailors. |