NOTE. The maximum rate on vessels not having British registers arriving from or sailing on a foreign voyage, 10 16s. ; on vessels with British registers arriving from or sailing on a foreign voyage, £8 2s. ; on vessels not steamers trading to or from a port in United Kingdom, £5 8s. ; on vessels being steamers, £3 5s. 6d. Limits of Out-Pilotage.-Larne Harbour, Co. Antrim, and Ballyhalbert, Co. Down. Out-pilots outside the Black Head, or outside the Buoy of the Brigs, to the Whitehouse Roads, of 200 tons or upwards £2 28. Above 100 and under 200 tons I IIS 6d; not exceeding 100 tons £1. Outside the Grey Point, or outside Kilroot Point, of 200 tons or upwards 1 Is; above 100 and under 200 tons 15/; not exceeding 100 tons 10/. Masters of vessel will take notice that the boats of the out-pilots have a white star on the bows. Towage. As per agreement. Officials.-Sec. to Harb. Commrs., W. A. Currie; Harb. Master and Supt. of Pilots, W. Tate, R.N.R.; Traffic Man., G. Patrick ; Lloyd's Surv., J. Turpin; Coll. of H.M. Cust., R. Henderson. BELLEPORTE, Inverness, Cromarty Firth. D. HWST. 1oft; HWNT. 6ft; THW. at f. and c. 12h 15m. Accom. for 4 vessels. BELMULLET, Co. Mayo, Ireland. Lat. 54° 16' N ; long. 10° o' W. Auth. the Grand Jury of co. Mayo, under Schedule to the Act 16 and 17 Vict., c. 36. A pier built by the Board of Public Works in Ireland. THW. f. and c. 5h 38m; dry at LW.; 8ft to 9ft at HWST. Charges. None. House. W. prev. SW. Official.-Harb. Constable, E. M. Richards. Hotels."Royal" and "Erris." BENWELL.-See Newcastle-on-Tyne. BEREHAVEN.-See Castletown and Bantry. Pickle Point BERWICK-ON-TWEED, Northumberland. Lat. 55° 46' N; long.1°59′ W. Pop. 14,000. Auth. Harbour Commissioners, under Berwick-on-Tweed Harbours Act, 1862. P. NC. THW. f. and c. 2h 18m; Sp. rise 15ft; N. rise 11ft; R. of N. 8ft. D. on bar, ST. 20 to 22ft; N. 14 to 16ft. W. prev. NE. Rys. N.B. and N.E. Tr.-I. Timber, guano, bones, phosphate, &c.; E. Coal, corn, salmon, cod, haddocks, herrings, &c. LV. Caloric, 1,138 reg. ton. The harb. is formed by the lower or sea-reach of the river, which falls into the sea about one mile below Berwick Bridge, between a stone pier on the N. and a long low sandy spit, serving as a natural breakwater, on the S. W. of E. varies, but as a rule is about 300ft, facing ESE. Half a mile inside the pierhead on Spittal side of river is a large rock formed into a quay. Area of wet dock is 3 acres ; depth of water OT. 18ft; HST. 21ft. 1,500ft of quayage space. Steam crane to lift 20 tons. Charges. Ballast dues inward, whether landed or shifted into another vessel 6d ton; outward 2d. Special dock dues for every ship or vessel entering the wet dock over and above the beforementioned dues 2d for every ton. Tonnage dues on ships entering or leaving the harb. Id to 11d. For every ship or vessel entering the harb. 3 4 (for harb, duty) over and above the beforementioned rates and duties. Dues on goods, from 4d to 4 charged per keel of cinders or coke. Pilotage. District. From the sea at the mouth of the river Tweed, up the river on both shores to the mouth of the river Whittader, where it flows into the Tweed, and also from the east end of the pier, two miles in a straight line in every direction along the coast and into the sea. Rates (both inward and outward): In summer, viz., from April 1 to Oct. 1, 1/3; in winter, viz., from Oct. 1 to April 1, 1/6 ft; and for each tide's work within the harb. 7 6. Towage. 5/ each vessel, and 2d reg. ton on all vessels of or above 40 tons. Officials. Clerk to Harb. Commrs. S. Sanderson; Harb. Master, G. Smith; Coll. of H.M. Cust., John W. Hay. Hotel. - "King's Arms," John Carr. BERWICK NORTH, Haddingtonshire, Firth of Forth. 56° 3' N; long, 2° 43′ W. Ry. Lat. N. B. There is a small trade in corn and potatoes. D. HWST. 12 to 13ft; HWNT. 8 to 9ft. A lifeboat station. Charges. 1d per ton reg. Lights 1,. Official.-J. Marr, Harb. Master. Water / per vessel. BIDEFORD, Devonshire. Lat. 51° 4' N; long. 4° 12' 30" W. Seaport on the river Torridge, 8m SE. from Barnstaple. Auth. Town Council. Ry. S.W. THW. 6h 26m; Accn. Small tidal harb. dry at LW. and 16ft to 18ft HWST. W prev. N. There is a wharf belonging to railway company 324ft long with crane power to 10 tons. Official.-Harb. Master, H. Lee Hutchings. BIRKENHEAD.-See Liverpool. BLACKPOTS, Banffshire, near Cullen. Lat. 57° 42' N ; long. 2° 45′ W. Auth. Owner, Earl of Seafield. W. prev. N. and NE. A small tidal fishing harb. D. 5ft to 6ft; dry at LW. Charges.-2d per ton. BLAKENEY and CLAY, Norfolk. Lat. 52° 57' N; long. 1° 3' E. 5m. NE. of Nott. Auth. Harbour Commissioners under Statute 57 George III., c. 70. THW. f. and c. 6h 30m. D. 2ft on bar at LW., 13ft HWNT., and 18ft HWST. D. in harb. 6ft HWNT., and 1oft HWST., 2ft LW. Official.-Clerk, C. J. Temple Lynes. Charges. 1d per ton on vessels and dues upon goods passing through the cut up to the quay. BLYTH, Northumberland. On the SW. side of the river Blyth at its outlet. Lat. 55° 7' N.; long. 1° 30′ W. Pop. 10,900. Auth. Harbour Commissioners, under Act of Parliament, 45 and 46 Vict., Session 1882. THW. 3h 15m; Sp. rise 15ft; N. rise 11ft.; R. of N. 7ft. D. on bar about 10ft at LWST. W. prev. W.; most dangerous E. Ry. N.E. Tr.-I. Timber and agricultural produce; E. chiefly coals. LV. using the harb. are about 350ft long, 40ft beam, and 23ft dft., and have a gross carrying capacity of about 500 to 4,500 tons. Accn. The total area of the harb. from the lowest quay to upper end of Cowpen-square, measuring to HW. mark, is about 64 acres. Area of Accn. in the harb. for ships and boats is about 34 acres, and the average depth over that area is about 15ft; 4 acres have a depth of 20ft, and I acre 29ft. No wet docks, but four dry docks, and one gridiron. Total length of quayage space in the harb., including the coaling staiths, 3,300ft. Eleven high-level coaling staiths upon the most improved principle, with railway approaches and sidings for the output of several collieries, capable of coaling into two hatchways of a vessel at one time. Charges.-Harb. dues 1d to 6d. Trimming charges. Ballast discharging at cranes I/ ton. Pilotage. See Whitby. Towage.-Towage in if under steam, from 300 tons reg. and under 1,000 tons reg. gd per reg. ton; out, ditto, 300, §d; in, 1,000 and above, 2 12s 6d; out, ditto, £2 12s 6d. In, if not under steam, all steamers 1d. reg. ton; out ditto, 1d. Docking or undocking 1. Sailing Ships-Towage in, 1/6 per keel; out, 2/6 per keel. Officials.-Clerk to Commrs., J. Easton; Harb. Master, W. Tate; Supt. of Customs, &c., J. McKittrick. BODDAM, Aberdeenshire. N. of Buchan Ness. Lat. 57° 28' N; long. 1° 18′ W. W. Aiton, of Boddam, by Act 8 and 9 Vict., c. visional Order of 1878. THW. f. and c. oh 44m. Auth. Owner, 25, and a ProW. The most dangerous is the E. Harb. has an area of 9,600 sq yds. D. is about 9ft HWN., and 11ft at HWST. The port is used by fishing boats, of which 76 large and 42 small vessels belong to the port, steamers, and coasting vessels up to 150 tons reg. A crane and weigh-bridge. The Harbour of Refuge works are in close proximity. Charges. For all vessels loading or unloading 4d per ton reg. ; for all vessels, windbound, or sheltering 2d per ton reg. Official.-Harb. Master, W. Mackie. Hotels." Seaview," and "Buchanness." BOGNOR, Sussex. Lat. 50° 47' N ; long. o° 40′ W. THW. f. and c. 11h 48 m. There is no harb. authority. Hotel. "Victoria," G. H. Owens. BONAR BRIDGE, Port of Inverness, Tain Forth. D. 1oft HWS. and 6ft HWNT. Official.-G. Henderson, Merchant. LV. BO'NESS, Linlithgow. On the Firth of Forth, about 17m. above Leith. Lat. 56° 2' N; long. 3° 36′ W. Pop. 6,000. Auth. Harbour Commissioners. P. NC. D. on bar 4ft at LWOST. W. The port is not exposed to gales such as endanger vessels entering or leaving the harb. Ry. N.B. Tr.-I. Timber, esparto grass, iron ore, grain, wood pulp, sulphur, ore phosphates and chemical manures; E. Coals, pig-iron, and fire-bricks. entered at any time of tide was the Dolcoath of Cardiff, 2,000 reg. ton., carrying 2,000 tons, and drawing 19ft of water; steamers of from 700 to 800 reg. ton., and carrying 2,400 tons of cargo, drawing 17 to 19ft of water, use the works daily. The total area of the harb. is 30 acres. The total extent of quayage is 1,900ft. The depth in the harb. varies, in consequence of a considerable deposit of silt, but by dredging the depth in the fairway is maintained. The above area includes a wet dock of 7 acres and 2,400ft of quayage. Depth of water on the sill of dock is 22ft at HW. of OST. Entrance to dock 50ft wide by 120ft long. There are portable cranes, storage sheds, hydraulic machinery, &c. THW. f. and c. 2h 10m. Charges.-Harb. dues, coast wise 2d reg. ton. Foreign 3d reg. ton. Rates on goods Id to 4d. Pilotage.-Local. According to tonnage, inward and outward, from 8/6 for vessels under 100 tons reg. to 35/ for vessels of 1,000 tons and upwards, vessels light or in ballast 3rd less. Rates. Coastwise ; foreign 1/6 ft. Towage. As per agreement. Officials. Clerk to Commrs., R. J. Jamieson, S. S.C.; Harb. Master, Angus McIntosh; Dep. Harb. Master, H. Phillips; Coll. of H.M. Cust., W. Eddy. Hotels." Clydesdale" and "Douglas." BOSCASTLE, Cornwall. Lat. 50° 30' N; long. 4° 48′ W. Bristol Channel. Auth. Owner, Henry Pigé Leschallas. THW f. and c. 4h 58m. W. prev. NW. and W. A small port used by vessels of 200 to 300 tons. Officials.-Agents, Merriman, Pike & Merriman, 25, Austin Friars, London; Harb. Master, James Rickards. Pilotage.-In or out 2/ for every 10 tons, and 2/ for warping in or out. SHIPPING WORLD BOSHAM, Sussex. Lat. 50° 50' N; long. o° 52' W. THW. f. and c. 11h 48m. There is no harb. authority. A small patent slipway. Lat. BOSTON, Lincolnshire. On the Witham, near the sea. 52° 57' N; long. 0° 3' W. Pop. 18,870. Auth. Corporation acting as Harbour Commissioners under Charter of Queen Elizabeth and Acts of Parliament. P. C. THW. 6h 30m; Sp. rise 22ft. D. on bar at lower end of Boston Deeps is 15ft, and in roadstead 26ft at LW. of ST. W. Roadstead (Clayhole) well sheltered and has good anchorage. Ry. G.N. Tr.—Í. Timber, pit-props, hemp, tar, iron, linseed, cotton seed, cake, grain, sugar and general goods; E. Corn, coal, machinery, agricultural implements, and produce. LV. The LV. can now proceed up the river to the dock and discharge cargoes, and in many cases exceed 1,600 tons net reg.; the LV. which has entered at any time of the tide is 21ft dft. and the largest at lowest, 15ft dft. Accn. Dock area 6 acres, depth of water on sill 25ft HWST., length of quayage space 2,330ft.; large fish landing stage and bonded warehouses for tobacco, wine, and spirits. The dock is provided with hydraulic cranes and a coal-hoist capable of discharging from either dropbottom or side-delivery waggons 100 tons an hour. Sheds are on the quays for the storage of grain, and there is a grain warehouse, provided with elevating and weighing machinery, capable of holding 20,000 quarters of grain. Another grain warehouse is being constructed capable of holding 24,000 quarters. There is a gridiron for vessels up to 300 tons reg. Thompson's Patent Slipway is 200ft long, 32ft wide. H. of T., ST. 22ft; N. 15ft 4in. Crane power to 15 tons. In addition to dock accommodation, there is sufficient quay space for a number of vessels. Charges. Harb. tonnage rates 6d ton. For vessels using the dock or any of the quays or wharves thereof, a duty of 3d reg. ton. is charged in addition to dock dues. Rates or duties d quarter for all kinds of grain. Wharfage dues in addition to harb. and dock dues. Dock rates payable on vessels entering the dock 3d to 1/. Pilotage.-District. To river Witham from the Grand Sluice in Boston, the Scalp, and also the Roads, and all the Norman Deeps, and also all places, watercourses, and streams of the washes in the parts of Holland extending to Wainfleet Haven, Pullye Heads, the Knock, the Dog's Head in the Pot, and to the uttermost limits of the flowing and ebbing of the above waters in the county of Norfolk. Rates. From High Horn or Boston Toft, to Boston Town or vice versâ, or any intermediate distance, under 10ft, 1/6; 10 to 12ft, 1/9; 12 to 14ft. 2/; 14 to 16ft, 2/6; over 16ft, 3/ Towage. Boston to Roadstead and vice versa-Sailing vessels from all Southern Ports, 6d per ton reg. Steamers, 2d. Sailing vessels from Baltic and Northern Ports, 44d per reg. ton. Steamers id. Light vessels 3d per reg. ton. Vessels attended to more than one tide between Elbow Buoy and Boston 10/ per tide extra. NOTE.-Passenger rates and towing beyond the limits of Elbow Buoy by arrangement. Officials. Clerk to Harb. and Dock Commrs., B. B. Dyer; Dock Man., C. W. B. Anderson; Harb. and Dock Master, T. Shephard; Surv. and Dock Engineer, W. H. Wheeler, M.I.C.E.; Supt. of Buoys, S. Hackford; Clerk to Pilot Commissioners, C. Lucas ; |