Total Number of VALUE OF TOTAL IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF MERCHANDISE DURING FIVE YEARS. DEFINITION OF ASTRONOMICAL TERMS. Aberration.An apparent change of place in the fixed stars, which arises from the motion of the earth combined with the motion of light. Allitudes.—The Altitude of an object is that portion of a vertical circle which is intercepted between the centre of the celestial object and the horizon. Aphelion. That point in the orbit of a planet in which it is at its greatest distance from the sun. Apogee. That point in the orbit of the moon or a planet in which it is at its greatest distance from the earth. Azimuths.-The Azimuth of an object is its true bearing, east or west, of its nearest meridian. It is always equal to that portion of the horizon which is intercepted between the vertical circle passing through the centre of the object and the meridian of the place of observation. Declination of a Celestial Object.-The Declination of any celestial object is its distance north or south from the equinoctial, and is measured by that portion of the celestial meridian which is intercepted between the centre of the object and the equinoctial. Disk of the Sun or Moon is its round face, which, on account of the great distance of the object, appears at aз like a plane surface. Diurnal -Diurnal motions of the planets are the spaces they move through in a day. Elongation. The angular distance of a planet from the sun as it appears to us upon the earth. Emersion.-The time when any planet which is eclipsed begins to recover its light again. The Horizon. The visible horizon is that which is seen while the eye is elevated above the surface; and the sensible is that which is seen when the eye is on a level with the water. The depression of the former below the latter is called the dip of the visible horizon. Immersion.—The moment when an eclipse begins, or when a planet enters into a dark shadow. Libration. An apparent irregularity of the moon's motion, which makes her appear to librate about her axis in such a manner that parts of her eastern and western limbs become visible and invisible alternately. Parallax.-Parallax is the difference between an altitude taken at the surface of the earth, and that taken at the centre at the same time. When the object is on the horizon, it is called the horizontal parallax ; but in any other case it is called the parallax in altitude. Penumbra.-A faint shadow which accompanies an eclipse and occasions a partial obscurity of the body to that part of the earth on which it falls. Perigee. That point of the moon or a planet's orbit in which it is at its least distance from the earth. Perihelion. That point of a planet's orbit in which it is at its least distance from the sun. Phases. The several appearances of the moon and planets, according as a greater or less part of their illuminated hemispheres are presented to our sight. Prime Vertical Circle.-The Prime Vertical Circle is the circle which passes from the zenith due east or west, having 90 degrees of the horizon intercepted between it and the meridian. All objects on this circle are said to be on the prime vertical. |