Kinipple's caissons, and keeping in 32ft water at ordinary spring tides. Crane power up to 70 tons. Graving Docks, &c.: Charges.-Harb. rates. Foreign, divided into 6 classes, from 4 to 1/1 per ton covering in and out. River craft, coasting vessels, steam, for repairs, &c., in distress, exceptional, time, miscellaneous rates. Trimining charges, 2d to 6d ton. Rates on goods, sugar 1od, grain and flour 5d. Pilotage.-District. Between Greenock and the Island of Little Cumbrae, including vessels proceeding outwards from and inwards to Port Glasgow. Rates. See Glasgow. P. NC. Towage.From Greenock to-(or vice verså). Larger, 1 per 100 tons additional. Innistrahull and St. John's Point 10 in addition to Rathlin rates. Light vessels from Greenock to Ardrossan and Troon, to load : Officials.-Gen. Man. and Sec, T. Wilson; Traffic Man., J. MacCunn; Coll. of Harb. dues, D. Darroch; Harb. and Dock Master, J. Baillie; Coll. of H.M. Cust., T. Charlton. The River Clyde is under the jurisdiction of the Clyde Lighthouse Trust. Hotels." Tontine" and "White Hart." GREENORE, Louth, Ireland. Lat. 54° 1′ 55′′ N; long. 6° 7′ 52" W. Auth. L. & N. W. under the Dundalk, Newry, and Greenore Ry. Co.'s Acts of Parliament of 1863, 1867, 1869, and 1873. Accn. Area about 5 acres. D. 13 to 17ft at LW. Chiefly used by the L. & N.W. Ry. Co.'s boats carrying cargo and passengers. GREENWICH, River Thames. below London Bridge on S. side. Port of London. 5 miles Official.—Sec., S. Reay, Euston, London. Lat 53° 8' N; long. place, with a pier No dues. GREER'S QUAY, Co. Louth, Ireland. Lat. 54° 5' N ; long. 6° 10' W. Nearest railway station, Omeath, one mile distant. THW. f. and e. 12h om. Auth. Owner, A. F. Campbell, Esq., J P., of Warrenpoint. W. prev. SW. A tidal harb. with a pier 300ft long, dry at LW. and with 15ft HWST. Used by coasters of about 75 tons reg. Charges.-Dock dues 2d per ton. Official.- Harb. Master, Matthew Woods. GREYSTONES, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. 6° 5' W. A small belonging to the Grand Jury of Co. Wicklow. Official.-Sec., E. N. Wynne, Wicklow. GRIMSBY, Lincolnshire. On the Humber, 6 miles above Spurn Point. Lat. 53° 32′ N.; long. 0° 5' W. Pop. 28,500. Auth. M.S. & L. Ry. Co. P. C. THW. f. and c. 5h 36m Sp. rise 191ft.; N. rise 15ft. W. prev. SW. to NW.; the most favourable for vessels entering the port are from NE. to SE. Rys. M.S. &. L. and G.N. Tr.-I Timber, iron, cotton, grain, seed, tar, oil, hemp, sugar, fruit, and general goods. E. Coal, salt, machinery, Manchester and other Midland goods, earthenware, cotton, &c. LV. Sailing ship Bates Family, 2,153 tons, and the steamer Germania, 2, 123 tons reg. Accn. : A Extensive warehouse accommodation. Fish landing stage. Foreign animals' wharf. Cranes and other appliances worked by hydraulic machinery. Charges. Pilotage.-District. Into and out of the port or upon the Humber below Grimsby, and so far out to sea as to bring the Northness of Dimlington to bear or be seen a sufficient distance clear or open of the land to the southward thereof, so as to pass clear of the New Sand; and also along the coast northward hereof to the Northness of Dimlington southward to Donna Nook. Rates, per foot. From or to the distance at sea where the Northness of Dimlington bears west-south-west to the northward of Kilnsea North Cliff, to or from the Grimsby Docks 36. From or to the distance at sea where Kilnsea North Cliff bears west-north-west to the northward of the New Sand Buoy, or the floating light_vessel, at the entrance of the river Humber, to or from the Grimsby docks 2/6. From or to the said New Sand Buoy, or the floating light vessel at the entrance of the river Humber, to the eastward of the point where the Spurn High Lighthouse bears north-east, to or from the Grimsby docks 2,2. From or to the Spurn High Lighthouse bearing north-east, to or from the Grimsby docks 2 2 foot. For the fractional part of a foot, not less than half a foot, a proportionate rate. For intermediate distances, a proportionate rate. Ships and vessels in ballast pay two thirds of the above rate. Ships and vessels employed in the coasting trade, whether laden or in ballast, pay one-half the above rate. Ships and vessels drawing less than six ft pay for six ft. New Holland. Rates for all ships and vessels piloted from New Holland, and upon any part of the Humber between New Holland and Kingston-upon-Hull, and vice versa, 6d foot dft. For the fractional part of a foot, not less than half a foot, a proportionate rate. Ships and vessels in ballast pay two-thirds of the above rate. Ships and vessels employed in the coasting trade, whether laden or in ballast, pay one half the above rate. Ships and vessels drawing less than six ft pay for six ft. Towage. As per agreement. Officials.-Gen. Man. M.S. & L. Ry. Co., W. Pollitt; Port Master, W. Alford Green; Principal Dock Master, Capt. Jewitt; Coll. of Cust., A. Richardson. The river Humber is under the jurisdiction of the Humber Conservancy. GUARDBRIDGE or Eden Water, Fifeshire, a creek of St. Andrews. D. HWST. 9ft. GUERNSEY.-See Channel Islands. GWEEK, a creek of Port of Falmouth. D. HWST. 14ft, HWNT. 1oft HAMOAZE.-See Plymouth. HARRINGTON, Cumberland. Lat. 54° 37' N ; long. 3° 34′ W. A small port 5 miles N. of Whitehaven. A station on the Whitehaven & Penrith Ry. Auth. The Harbour Board. Accn. Area of inner Harbour 2 acres; quayage, 1250 ft. Dry at LW., 17ft HWST. Used by vessels of up to 800 tons, entering at S. tides. THW. f. and c. 11h 15m. Crane power to 10 tons. Charges.-6d per reg. ton. Official.-Harb. Master, James Douglas. HARTLAND. Devonshire. Lat. 51° 2' N; long. 4° 30′ W. A small harb., dry at LW., accommodating one vessel of 75 tons. Owned by Sir G. Stuckley, Bart., of Moreton, Bideford. Dry at LW, 18ft HWST. THW. f. and c. 5h 56m. HARTLEPOOL, West, and HARTLEPOOL, Durham. Lat. 54° 41' N ; long. 1° 11' W. Pop. 54,000. Auth. All the inner harb. and dock works in the Port of Hartlepool belong to the N. E. Ry. Co. The outer harb. is under the jurisdiction of the Harb. Comm. D. at entrance to harb. about 12ft OST. THW. 3h 28m; Sp. rise 16ft; N. rise 12ft. W. prev. are W., but the most dangerous are from N. to E. Ry. N.E. Tr.-I. Cattle, timber, grain, general. LV. at any time of tide, sailing 1,996 tons, steamer 2,424 tons; LV. at LWST., 1,556 tons. Accn. : Central Dock.. 6oft gooft 21ft 6in zzft 22ft 17ft 6in 450ft X 220ft There are two powerful sheer legs, lifting 80 tons each, and one Swanson Dock .. | 780ft X 460ft | 9 acres | 1,850ft 21ft 6in | 17ft 6in Cranes from 1 to 3 tons power. Fleet of powerful tugs, owned by Dock Co. At the various quays vessels can load and discharge at all times of the tide. Very extensive warehouses and every accn. cf a first-class port. Graving Docks, &c. :— Charges.-Dock and harb. rates vary from 2d to 1/ per ton. Tolls on cattle, wood, and other goods d per t›n. Police, hospital, lifeboat, and ballast 1/- per ton. Wharfage. Harbourage. Pilotage.-District. The Bay of Hartlepool, inside an imaginary line drawn from Black Hall Rocks, about three miles north of Hartlepool, to a point about two miles south of the mouth of the river Tees. Rates, per foot. For every British ship or other vessel piloted and conducted within the Hartlepool Pilotage District 1/6, except coasting vessels and vessels trading between the Elbe and Brest, both inclusive, which from April 1 to October 1, pay at the rate of 1/3. The Commrs. may charge vessels above 400 tons reg. d ton on such excess of reg. ton. over and above that number of tons both inwards and outwards, but this excess does not apply to vessels simply changing ports within the district. Vessels moving from harb. to docks or vice versa, not ex. 50 tons 2/6; ex. 50 and not ex. 200, 5; ex. 200 and not ex. 400, 7/6; ex. 400, 10/. From and to each harb. within the port of Hartlepool :-When any vessel requires to change harbours in the port, the pilotage dues from and after April 1 to October 1, both inclusive, out of Hartlepool docks or harb. at the rate of 74d foot, and into West Hartlepool docks or harb. the same rate; from and after October 1 to April 1 in the following year, both inclusive, out of Hartlepool docks or harb. 9d foot; into West Hartlepool Docks or harb. the same rate, and these dues are payable by vessels changing from the docks or harb. of West Hartlepool to the docks or harb. of Hartlepool. Towage. (East or West). 13d per ton. Officials.-Man. for N. E. Ry. Co., John Bland; Colls., J Taylor and J. Sanderson; Goods Agents, C. Learman and J. Porritt ; Dock Masters, Capt. W. Watson and John Marshall; Staith and Ballast Master, G. Hodgson; Coll. of H. M. Cust., W. R. Staveley. HARTLEY, Northumberland. Four miles N. of N Shields. Ry. Blythe & Tyne. Harb. capable of accommodating vessels of 200 to 300 tons, but not now used. HARWICH, Essex. At the SE. extremity of the estuary of the river Stour. Lat. 51° 56' N ; long. 1° 17' E. Pop. 7,842. Auth. Harbour Conservancy Board. Owners of quays and piers, G.E. Ry. Co. P. NC. THW. 12h. 6m; Sp. rise 11ft; N. rise 9ft; D. There is no bar; the depth of LW. at harb. entrance is variable, but vessels of 16ft draught enter at LW. W. prev. E. to SE. in winter; SW. to NW. in summer. Ry. G. E. Tr.-I. Coal, timber, grain, eggs, butter, cheese, fruit, vegetables, cattle, horses, and every description of general merchandise; E. Cement, stone, general goods, and horses. LV. The harb. is used by vessels from all parts of the world. Accn. The harb. is formed by the broad estuaries of the Orwell and the Stour. entrance is between ast one breakwater which runs about 1,500ft out, and a groyne and wooden breakwater at Landguard Point, on the Suffolk shore. Depth of water in harb. 30ít LWST., 27ft NT. Parkeston Quay, erected by the G. E. Ry. Co., is a free quay within the port of Harwich. By discharging at this quay vessels altogether escape the payment of any dock landing or quay dues. The quay is 1,80oft long, with a depth of water at LT. of 16ft, and HT. 27ft 6in. It can be approached at all times. Daily (Sundays excepted) passenger and goods service to and from Antwerp and Rotterdam by G.E. Ry. Co.'s fast steamers, bi-weekly ditto to Hamburg by G.S.N. Co.'s steamers, also bi-weekly to and from Esbjerg, Den The |