5 POSTAL INFORMATION. INLAND POSTAGE RATES.-Letters to any part of the United Kingdom (the Channel Islands included), if not exceeding 1 oz., are charged id; exceeding 1 oz., but not exceeding 2 oz., 1d; and id for every additional 2 oz. or fraction of 2 oz. An inland letter must not exceed 18 in. in length, 9 in. in width, and 6 in, in depth, except Parliamentary petitions and addresses to the Queen. A letter addressed to a provincial post office to be called for is kept a month; if addressed to a person on board a ship expected to arrive there it is kept two months. Unstamped or unpaid letters are charged double postage on delivery. The Registration Fee for Inland and Foreign letters is 2d. BOOK OR NEWSPAPER POST.-Any book packet, open at both ends, may be sent to any part of the United Kingdom at a rate of-not exceeding 2 oz., d; 4 oz. rd, 6 oz. 1d, 8 oz. zd, 16 oz. 4d, and 4d for every additional 2 oz. On a Newspaper and Supplement 4d; on a Postal Card d. No book packet may exceed 5 lbs. in weight, 18 in. in length, 9 in. in width, or 6 in. in depth, unless it be sent to or from a Government office. Newspapers going abroad must be posted within eight days of, and inclusive of day of publication, and must be prepaid. INLAND PARCEL POST.-Foran Inland Postal Parcel of a weight of-not exceeding 1 lb. 3d, 2 lb. 44d, 3 lb. 6d, 4 lb. 74d, 5 lb. 9d, 6 lb. 1old, 7 lb. 1s, 8 lb. is itd, 9 lb. 1s 3d, 10 lb. 1s 44d, 11 lb. 1s 6d, to be prepaid in ordinary postage stamps. The dimensions allowed are: Maximum length 3 ft. 6 in., maximum length and girth combined 6ft. TELEGRAPHIC AND CABLE RATES.-Throughout United Kingdom 6d for 12 words, including the address; d for every additional word. Cables to Austria 44d per word, Belgium 2d, France 2d, Germany 2d, Holland 2d, Hungary 44d, Italy 44d, Norway 4d, Portugal 54d, Russia in Europe 64d, Spain 44d, Sweden 5d, Switzerland 3d, Turkey in Europe 7d. To the United States, is to is 6d per word. Australia, 9s 2d to 9s 9d; India, 4s; by Submarine Co. (via Turkey), 3s 8d per word, MONEY AND POSTAL ORDERS FOR THE UNITED KINGDOM.-Sums not exceeding 10 can be remitted by Post Office Order as follows: Under 20s, 2d 20s and under £2, 3d; £2 and not exceeding £4, 4d; £4 and not exceeding £7, 5d; above £7 and not exceeding £10, 6d. Such Orders must be presented for payment within 12 months. Postal Orders, payable within 3 mouths, are issued as follows: For Is or Is 6d, at d; 2s to 10s 6d, 1d; 155 and 20s, 1d. They are payable not only at any place in the United Kingdom, but can be cashed at Malta, Gibraltar, and Constantinople. Foreign Postal Orders are procurable at moderate rates. TELEGRAPH MONEY ORDERS (INLAND).-Money can be wired between London, Birmingham, Brighton, Bristol, Cardiff, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Margate, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Portsmouth, Scarborough, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Belfast, Cork, and Dublin-in sums not exceeding £10, on payment of cost of Telegram (minimum 9d), and the following commission:-For sums not exceeding £1, 4d; £2, 6d; £4, 8d; £7, 1od; and £10, IS. STAMP DUTIES AND REGULATIONS. INLAND BILLS OF EXCHANGE OR PROMISSORY NOTES.-For any sum not exceeding £5, 1d; £10, 2d; £25, 3d; £50, 6d; £75, 9d; £100, is; £200, 2s; and is for every £100 or fractional part of £100. FOREIGN BILLS.-Foreign Bills, drawn in, but payable out of the United Kingdom. If drawn singly, or otherwise than in a set of three or more, the same duty as Inland Bills. If drawn in sets of three or more, for every Bill of each set, not exceeding £25, 1d duty; £50, 2d; £75, 3d; £100, 4d; £200, 8d; £300, 1s; £400, Is 4d; £500, Is 8d; £750, 2s 6d; £1,000, 39 4d; £1,500, 5s; £2,000, 6s 8d; and for every 1,000 or fractional part of £1,000, 3s 4d. Receipt or Discharge for payment of £2 or upwards, id. Bills of Lading, 6d. Charter Party, 6d. Affidavit or Declaration, 2s 6d. Agreement, under hand only, of any matter of the value of £5 or upwards, 6d. Bonds to secure any sum, commence at is 3d not exceeding £50, and increase is 3d for every £50 and fractional part of 50 up to £300, then increase 2s 6d for every £100 and fractional part of £109 and upwards. FOREIGN MAILS. No Colonial or Foreign letter to exceed 2 feet in length, or 1 foot in width or depth. CORN MEASURES OF DIFFERENT PORTS, With their Appropriate Equivalent in English Quarters. 8 Scheffels = 1 Toende or Tun; 21 Tuns= 10 Quarters. **Some calculate 208 Tuns = 100 Qrs. for Wheat,and 210 Tuns = 100 Qrs.for Oats. EGYPT. ALEXANDRIA.-100 Ardebs of Wheat, &c. =63 Qrs.; 100 Ardebs of Beans =65Qrs. FRANCE. 112 Lbs. (Cwt.) = 50 8-10th Kilogrammes; 100 Litres = 1 Hectolitre; 2 Hectolitres 88 Litres = 1 Qr.; 36 Litres=1 Bushel; 1 English Ton=1015 Kilogrammes. GERMANY, BREMEN HANOVER. 10 Scheffels=1 Whisp; 2 Whisps=1 Last; 1 Last=11} Quarters Wheat; 11 Quarters Barley. HAMBURG. Last of Wheat, Pease, Beans 11 Quarters; Barley = 10f Quarters; Oats = 10 Quarters. ROSTOCK.-1 Last = 12} Quarters. HOLLAND. ROTTERDAM.-1 Last = 10 Quarters Wheat and Rye; 10 Quarters Barley; and of Quarters Oats GRONINGEN. 1 Last 10 Quarters Oats. ITALY. ANCONA.-104 Rubbeu = 100 Quarters. GENOA.-24 Mini=1 Quarter. Some calculate 245 Minas, and some 248 Minas 100 Quarters. MILAN-VENICE.-3 Staja=1 Quarter. NAPLES.-5 2-5th Tomoli = 1 Quarter. LEGHORN.-4 Sacchi = 1 Quarter. TABLE SHOWING THE USANCE, OR USUAL TERM, AT WHICH BILLS ARE DRAWN IN LONDON ON THE FOLLOWING CITIES, AND THE DAYS OF GRACE ALLOWED. |