Ianager THE BUTE DOCKS COMPANY. -The Bute Docks are 111 acres in extent, and will accommodate the els afloat. The entrance to the Docks is safe and well protected, and Roadstead affords the best shelter, with excellent anchorage ground. NERY and APPLIANCES of the most improved type. The Patent r Movable Coaling Cranes enable a vessel to load and unload at re hatchways simultaneously. These Cranes have shipped into one 7 tons in 20 working hours. HOUSES and TRANSIT SHEDS.-Good accommodation for the rain, Provisions, &c., &c. Bonded and Free. F SPACE and YARDS.-Large Provision is made for Stacking is, Iron-ore, &c. Timber Ponds 28 acres in extent, with competitive munication to all parts. TIES FOR SHIP REPAIRS, &c.-There are Eight Private Graving Docks, ranging up to 600 feet in length-with Separate Proprietaries, Public Graving Dock, 600 feet in length. Also several Marine Firms; thus giving Shipowners an opportunity of obtaining tenders every description. AY ACCOMMODATION. — Cardiff is the Natural Port for and the Midland District, as the London and North Western, d Great Western Railway Companies have direct communication from de. CHARGES.—These are much below the average of our Great Ports. enerally procure an outward cargo to any Port in the World, thus Bute Docks an advantage for Imports, as Vessels do not require to -The Bute Docks were opened in the year 1839, and the Imports are as follow: Year. 1840 1860 1880 1889 Exports. Total Imports. Tons. Tons. Cattle Importation.-The Bute Docks are the only Docks in South Wales which have permission from the Eoard of Trade to land Foreign Cattle. Excellent Cattle Lairs and Slaughter Houses are erected adjacent to the wharf in the deepest water dock, with Railways leading into them, having communication with all parts. Cold Storage.-Good accommodation is provided for the storage of dead meat, &c. US OF CARDIFF.-Cardiff now occupies the position of being the the United Kingdom for Shipping cleared to Foreign Countries and essions, and the Premier Port in the World for the Shipment of Coal. -The Bute Docks are the only Docks situated in the Town of Cardiff. using the Bute Docks thereby save their Owners and Captains from in making journeys between their Vessels and the Merchants' and ces, Banks, Custom House, Post Office, &c., &c.; all of which offices to the Bute Docks. lest information on all matters will be readily given on application to BUTE DOCKS COMPANY, CARDIFF. "Swansea, you may depend upon it, is destined to become the Ocean Port SWANSEA. The Dock accommodation at Swansea consists of the North, South, and Prince The Prince of Wales' Dock, constructed for vessels of the largest burthen, The Number of Vessels which entered and cleared in 1889 was 9, 280, of 2,603,333 The total Trade of the Port in imports and exports in 1889 amounted to The quantity of Copper smelted in the Local Works in a year is about By the completion of the Rhondda and Swansea Bay Railway, Swansea is now The Mumbles Lighthouse Signal Station is connected with the Post Office For information on any point connected with the Port and Harbour apply to JOHN DIXON, General Superintendent. Registered Address of Telegrams: "DIXON, SWANSEA." N.B.-TOWN DUES and BRIDGE TOLLS now abolished. QUAYSIDE, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, 491630 C2 1891 Manufacturers and Sole Proprietors of HOLZAPFEL'S INTERNATIONAL ANTIFOULING COMPOSITION, The Strongest Antifouler made. HOLZAPFEL'S National Antifouling Composition, Specially Prepared for North Atlantic, Baltic, and Home Trades. HIGHEST AWARD: SILVER MEDAL, International Exhibition, Calcutta, 1884. REGISTERED TRADE MARK, HIGHEST AWARD GOLD MEDAL, International Exhibition, Crystal Palace, 1884. HOLZAPFEL'S PATENT SOAPSTONE COMPOSITION, The most reliable Paint against atmospheric influences. The cheapest and best protective Paint manufactured. Quick drying. Ready for use. Price 30s. per cwt. Manufacturers of HOLZAPFEL'S Genuine "Rabtjen's Patent" Composition. BRANCHES: 57, Fenchurch Street, London, E.C. LIVERPOOL, CARDIFF, AND GLASGOW. BHS THIS is the fifth issue of the "Shipping World Year Book." Important additions and improvements upon former editions have been made; and the present volume contains THE TARIFFS OF ALL NATIONS, AND OF THE COLONIES, completely revised up to November 15th; THE FIRST COMPLETE PORT AND HARBOUR DIRECTORY OF THE BRITISH ISLES ever published, and A DIRECTORY OF THE PRINCIPAL PORTS Of the World, giving Accommodation, Charges, Tides, Trades, Pilotage, Towage, and Officials; with all necessary information required by Masters, Engineers, and Merchants. The book also contains, with other information :Almanack, Admiralty Notes, Agreements, Astronomical Definitions, Balance Sheet of Commerce, a list of British Consuls abroad, and of American Consuls in the United Kingdom; a Table of Consular Fees, Digest of Shipping Acts, Documents required for Clearing Ships, Engineering Notes, Information regarding the Examination of Masters and Engineers, Foreign Moneys, Weights and Measures, Foreign Mails, Freights, Imports and Exports, Instruments of the Weather, Lighthouses, Load-Line Tables, Measurement of Ships, Merchant Shipping Act (Digest), Navies of Europe, Pilotage Laws, Public Debt of Foreign Countries, Powers of the Board of Trade, Postal Information, Rates of Freights, Removal of Wrecks, Sailing Rules, Shipping Terms (Commercial), Stamp Duties, the Suez Canal, Trade Statistics of the most recent dates, valuable scientific information, specially prepared tables, calculators and guides for men engaged in Commerce and Navigation. The Pilotage and Towage rates are included in the Port Directory instead of under separate headings, thus enabling the reader to have at once before him all the information concerning each port. We have again to make grateful acknowledgment to many of our subscribers, to the various port authorities of the United Kingdom and the Colonies, and throughout the world, and to Her Majesty's and the United States' Consuls abroad, for excellent and ungrudging service in correcting past errors, supplying new facts, and making the necessary alterations for this Edition of 1891. Gresham Press Buildings, 25, Pilgrim Street, THE EDITOR. Ludgate Hill, London, |