ALEX. WILSON & Co., Engineers, VAUXHALL IRONWORKS, WANDSWORTH ROAD, LONDON, S. W. Contractors to the British Admiralty for Cutter, Pinnace, and Launch Machinery, Have the largest variety of Patterns, and an experience of twenty years with this class of Machinery. Single Cylinder High Pres- Double Cylinder High Pres- Compound Engines from PRICE LISTS ON APPLICATION. N. HINGLEY & SONS, Limited. NETHERTON AND OLD HILL Iron, Chain, Cable and Anchor Works, DUDLEY, Manufacturers of HIGH CLASS SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE BAR, TEE, ANGLE, CHANNEL, and other SECTIONS IRON. ALSO, CHAIN, CABLE AND ANCHOR MANUFACTURERS TO THE LARGE OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Bingley's Patent Stockless Self-Canting Anchor. RIGGING, CRANE, AND MINING CHAINS. London Office: 76, KING WILLIAM STREET, E.C. TYNE IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION. ALBERT EDWARD DOCK, NORTHUMBERLAND DOCK, RIVER COAL STAITHS, &c. The ALBERT EDWARD DOCK-opened by their Royal Highnesses the PRINCE and PRINCESS OF WALES, in August, 1884-is adapted for Vessels of the largest class, and affords the best facilities for dealing with IMPORT and EXPORT Traffic of every description. It is nearer the Harbour Entrance, and has Sills five feet deeper than any other Dock on the Tyne. The new WAREHOUSE, on the West Quay of the Dock, built for Grain and General Merchandise of all kinds, is 200 feet long by 100 feet broad, and contains six floors, each fitted with hydraulic machinery, and all necessary appliances; and spacious cellars suitable for the storage of provisions, oils, tallow, and other goods. STEAM AND HYDRAULIC CRANES are provided for unloading and loading vessels direct to and from Truck or Warehouse with the greatest expedition. Inside the Dock there is a large COAL SHIPPING STAITH at which vessels can bunker or load outward with Coal, after discharging their inward cargoes. The Norwegian Royal Mail and Passenger Steamers sail every week day between this Dock and Norway, passengers being conveyed by special train between the Commissioners' station at the Dock and the Central station of the North-Eastern Railway Company, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. acres; Water area of Dock 24 acres; Tidal Basin, 2 Length of Quays inside Dock, 2,600 feet; of River Wall or The NORTHUMBERLAND DOCK, 1,200 yards above the Albert Edward Dock Entrance, is the chief outlet for the Coalfields of Northumberland. It contains 16 Staiths at which upwards of 2,680,000 tons of Coal have been shipped in twelve months. Powerful Steam Cranes, capable of landing and shipping general Cargoes with the utmost despatch, and spacious Brick Warehouses for the Storage of Esparto, Hemp, Grain, Guano, Oil Cake, Chemicals, and damageable Goods of all kinds are provided. Water Area of Dock, 55 acres; Tidal Basin, 21⁄2 acres ; Tidal Entrance, 70 feet wide; Lock 250 feet long and 52 feet wide; Depth of Water on Sills at High Water Spring Tides, 24 feet; at High Water Neap Tides, 20 feet. Inside the Dock there are Jetties, with a Wharf behind 450 feet long by 100 feet broad. Outside the Dock there is a River-side Quay, 1,100 feet long and 144 feet broad, having a depth of water alongside of 18 feet at Low Water Ordinary Spring Tides. At the Commissioners' RIVER STAITHS (between Albert Edward and Northumberland Docks) the largest class of Steamers and Sailing Ships, requiring to load Coal and Coke without entering the Docks, can take in a full cargo and proceed direct to Sea at all times of tide. The above Docks and Staiths have direct railway communication with the Coalfields of Northumberland and Durham, and with all parts of the Kingdom. They are within twelve minutes' walk from Percy Main and North Shields Stations, on the Tynemouth Branch of the North Eastern Railway. The Tyne General Ferry Company's Steamers, running between Newcastle and Tynemouth, call every half hour at the Northumberland Dock Landing, close to the Dock Offices, and the Commissioners' Steam Ferry plies every quarter of-an-hour between South Shields and Whitehill Point Landing, situated between the two Docks, |