PATENT FERRULE Patentees and Manufacturers of ALL KINDS OF SHIPPING TACKLE. Ramsay & Shoebotham's Patent Hanks. Co Ramsay's Improved Patent Hanks for Yachts' Balloon Foresails. Improved Patent Mast Hoops for Yachts. Improved Patent Sheet Tackle for Racing and Pleasure Yachts. Shoebotham's Patent Collapse Signal Balls. Olver's Patent Toggle. Sharp's Patent Ships' Thimbles. Shoebotham's Patent Chain Links. Patent Roller Bushes and Sheaves for Blocks. PATENT IRON AND STeel ferruLES for Marine Boilers. Shoebotham's Improved Forged Spectacle Clews. Small Malleable Pulley Blocks for Yachts. All kinds of Forgings for SHIPBUILDERS, SAIL MAKERS, AND RIGGERS. Sheepcote Street, BIRMINGHAM. First Class Award, Melbourne Exhibition, 1888-9. IMPORTANT TO SHIPOWNERS AND CAPTAINS. Should be inserted in every Specification. THE PAGET COMPASS The Best Compass for Iron Ships and Steamers. 1. STEADINESS IN ROUGH WEATHER, ADVANTAGES-2. SENSITIVENESS IN SMOOTH WEATHER. 3. CAPABILITY OF A MORE PERFECT COMPENSATION. The Paget Improved Standard Compass, complete with Azimuth Indicator, Improved Suspension, in handsome Teakwood Binnacle, with Brass Top and Revolving Lamps inside Adjustable Correcting Magnets, Heeling Magnet, Large Soft Iron Corre tors, with all Fixings, 10 in. Card... The Paget Improved Steering Compass in Improved Bowl, suspended in Indiarubber- Size for Binnacle, 8 in. 12 in. 80/ The Paget Compass Card alone in Box Diameter of Card, 8 in. 9 in. PRICE, 10 in. 14 in. 100/ 9 in. 13 in. 90/ 35/- 37/6 40 The Paget Improved Azimuth Indicator, fitted to any Compass MANUFACTURED BY £30 12 in. 16 in. 120/ 12 in. 47/6 50/ HENRY HUGHES & SON, MARINE OPTICIANS, 59, FENCHURCH STREET, LONDON. Telegraphic Address-" AZIMUTH, LONDON." By Royal Letters Patent. E. MARTIN'S PATENT INEXTINGUISHABLE SHIP-SIDE & MAST-HEAD LAMPS, RAILWAY & TRAMCAR LAMPS & OTHERS. 12 Prize Medals, Three Certificates of Honourable Mention, Two Special Prizes awarded to E. Martin for Inventions and Superority of Workmanship. TESTIMONIALS AND PRICES ON APPLICATION. Extract from Official Reports on Martin's Patent Lamps by Captain Wilson, principal Officer of the Board of Trade. "WHITEHALL. "It must be admitted that by a very simple and inexpensive contrivance, the "Patentee has accomplished what he claims for it, viz. :- It cannot be blown out by the wind or put out by water, and is so constructed that the lenses will always keep cool. "3rd February, 1885." "(Signed) CHARLES P. WILSON, Principal Officer. "These Lamps appear to be exceptionally well suited for large or small craft 'such as Coasters aud Fishing Vessels that usually carry their lights near the "water, as they are not liable to be blown or jerked out by the quick motion of such craft, neither would the lenses be damaged, or the light affected by sprays "or seas going over them. "19th June, 1885. "(Signed) CHARLES P. WILSON, 46 'Principal Officer. The only PRIZE MEDAL at the Inventions Exhibition for Lamps was awarded this firm. GOLD MEDAL at Liverpool Exhibition. Sole Manufacturers-E. MARTIN & CO., WHOLESALE Coppersmiths, Brassfounders, Tinsmiths, &c., &c. OFFICE: 68, WEST INDIA DOCK ROAD, LIMEHOUSE, LONDON. Works: 73, GARFORD STREET. The First Avenue Hotel HIGH HOLBORN, JᎾᏒᎠᎾᏒ. Electric Light throughout supplied to all Bedrooms, night and day. No charge for attendance. Position central, convenient to City and West-End, within 1/cab fare of all the Principal Theatres. Sanitary arrangements perfect. Railway and Steamship Ticket Office, also Theatre and Government Postal and Telegraph Offices. Moderate Charges and comfort unsurpassed. TARIFF ON APPLICATION TO THE MANAGER. "Industries: An Illustrated Journal of Engineering, Electricity, and Chemistry has a large circulation amongst the principal Engineers, Electricians, Contractors, Machinery Buyers, and Manufacturers, both at Home and Abroad. The Advertisement Pages are 4 columns in width, by 12 inches long, each column being 24 inches wide (full). Particulars as to charges for inserting Advertisements sent upon application. DISPERSION OF WRECKS BY JOHN JAMES FLETCHER, 73, Gracechurch Street, London, E.C. ESTIMATES FOR CLEARING AWAY WRECKS IN HARBOURS OR NAVICABLE WATERS, IN SUCH MANNER AS TO GIVE THE ORIGINAL DEPTH OF WATER FREE OF OBSTRUCTION. Among those already dispersed by J. J. Fletcher are the following: Iron Barque, Craig Ard, off Grimsby. Iron s.s., Silkstone, at Waterford. Iron Barque, Fiona, off the Sand- Schooner, Pearl, in the Humber. Estimates given for the Removal of Rocks or other Obstructions, or for any kind of Diving work. Surveys of Damage to Pier or Harbour Works AT HOME OR ABROAD. Among Claims for Damage recently investigated by J. J. FLETCHER have been cases at Antwerp, Calais, Dieppe, Dunkirk, Ghent, Havre, Honfleur, Rochefort, Terneuzen, Trouville, Noirmoutier, and other Continental Ports. |