| 1910 - 410 sivua
...otherwise be subjected. 367. Unwashed wools shall be considered such as shall have been shorn froa the sheep without any cleansing; that is, in their natural condition. Washed wool! Bhall be considered such as have been washed with water only on the sheep's back,1 or on the... | |
 | United States - 1890 - 142 sivua
...imported scoured shall be three tunes the duty to which they would be subjected if imported unwashed. 382. Unwashed wools shall be considered such as shall have...water on the sheep's back. Wool washed in any other mariner than on the sheep's back shall be considered as scoured wool. New provision. 383. The duty... | |
 | United States - 1890 - 520 sivua
...other foreign substance, shall be three times the duty to which they would otherwise be subjected. 355. Unwashed wools shall be considered such as shall have...be considered such as have been washed with water only on the sheep's back, or on the skin. Wools of the first and second classes washed in any other... | |
 | 1891 - 966 sivua
...which they would bo subjected if imported unwashed. З'ч2. Unwashed wools shall be considered such ns shall have been shorn from the sheep without any cleansing...is, in their natural condition. Washed wools shall IM? considered such as have been washed with water on the sheep's back. Wool washed in any other manner... | |
 | 1891 - 926 sivua
...three times the duty to which they would bo subjected if imported unwashed. 882. Unwashed wools «hall be considered such as shall have been shorn from the sheep without any cleansimr— that is, in their natural condition. Washed wools shall be considered such as have been... | |
 | Thomas Campbell-Copeland - 1892 - 572 sivua
...imported scoured shall be three limes the duty to which they would be subjected if imported unwashed. 382. Unwashed wools shall be considered such as shall have...wools shall be considered such as have been washed wilh water on the sheep's back. Wool washed in any other manner than on the sheep's back shall be considered... | |
 | United States. Department of the Treasury - 1892 - 934 sivua
...October 1, 1890, does define these terms generally in paragraph 382 as follows: Unwashed wools shall he considered such as shall have been shorn from the sheep without any cleansing ; that is, iu their natural condition. Washed wools shall be considered such as have been washed with water on... | |
 | International Bureau of the American Republics - 1892 - 612 sivua
...shall be imported scoured shall be three times the duty to which they would be subjected if I'nwashed wools shall be considered such as shall have been shorn from the *hoep without any cleansing; thai is, in their natural 'condition. Washeu \voolsshall be considered... | |
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