Sivut kuvina

With ruftie horrour and fowle fashion;
And deep digd vawtes; and Tartar covered
With bloodie night, and darke confufion;
And iudgement feates, whofe Iudge is deadlie

A Iudge, that after death doth punish fore
The faults, which life hath trefpaffed before.


"But valiant fortune made Dan Orpheus bolde: For the fwift running rivers ftill did stand, 450, And the wilde beasts their furie did withhold, To follow Orpheus muficke through the land: And th' okes, deep grounded in the earthly molde,

Did move, as if they could him understand ; And the fhrill woods, which were of fense be



Through their hard barke his filver found receav'd.

"And eke the Moone her haftie fteedes did stay,
Drawing in teemes along the starrie skie ;
And didft, O monthly Virgin, thou delay
Thy nightly course, to heare his melodie? 460

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note on this expreffion, Shep. Cal. June, ver. 61. TODD.

[blocks in formation]

The fame was able with like lovely lay
The Queene of hell to move as easily,
To yeeld Eurydice unto her fere
Backe to be borne, though it unlawfull were.

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“She, (Ladie) having well before approoved 465 The feends to be too cruell and fevere, Obferv'd th' appointed way, as her behooved, Ne ever did her eyfight turne arere,

Ne ever spake, ne cause of speaking mooved; But, cruell Orpheus, thou much crueller, 470 Seeking to kiffe her, brok'ft the gods decree, And thereby mad'ft her ever damn'd to be.

"Ah! but sweete love of pardon worthie is,
And doth deferve to have fmall faults remitted;
If Hell at least things lightly done amis
Knew how to pardon, when ought is omitted;
Yet are ye both received into blis,

And to the seates of happie foules admitted:
And you, befide the honourable band
Of great heroes, doo in order ftand.

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"There be the two ftout fonnes of Eacus, Fierce Peleus, and the hardie Telamon,

Ver. 468..



arere,] Backward.

Fr. arriere. Ufed by Chaucer. See Gloff. edit. Urr. " Arere fopor, after fupper." See alfo F. Q. iii. x. 23. “And would bave fled arere.' And in other places. TODD.

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Both feeming now full glad and ioyeous
Through their fyres dreadfull iurifdiction,
Being the Iudge of all that horrid hous:
And both of them, by ftrange occafion,
Renown'd in choyce of happie marriage
Through Venus
grace, and vertues cariage.


"For th' one was ravifht of his owne bondmaide, The faire Ixione captiv'd from Troy :


But th' other was with Thetis love affaid,
Great Nereus his daughter and his ioy.
On this fide them there is a yongman layd,
Their match in glorie, mightie, fierce, and coy;
That from th' Argolick ships, with furious yre,
Bett back the furie of the Troian fyre,


"O! who would not recount the ftrong divorces Of that great warre, which Troianes oft behelde, And oft beheld the warlike Greekifh forces, When Teucrian foyle with bloodie rivers fwelde,


And wide Sigæan fhores were fpred with corfes, And Simois and Xanthus blood outwelde; Whilft Hector raged, with outragious minde, Flames, weapons, wounds, in Greeks fleete to have tynde.

Ver. 490. The fair Ixione] Inftead of Hefione. But it is doubtful whether this be the true fenfe of the place. See Scaliger. JORTIN.

"For Ida felfe, in ayde of that fierce fight, 505
Out of her mountaines miniftred supplies;
And, like a kindly nourfe, did yeeld (for spight)
Store of firebronds out of her nourferies
Unto her fofter children, that they might
Inflame the navie of their enemies,


And all the Rhétæan fhore to ashes turne, Where lay the fhips, which they did feeke to burne.

"Gainft which the noble fonne of Telamon
Oppof'd himselfe, and, thwarting his huge fhield,
Them battell bad, gainst whom appeard anon 513
Hector, the glorie of the Troian field:
Both fierce and furious in contention
Encountred, that their mightie strokes so fhrild,
As the great clap of thunder, which doth 'ryve
The ratling heavens, and cloudes afunder dryve.

"So th' one with fire and weapons did contend To cut the fhips from turning home againe To Argos; th' other ftrove for to defend

The force of Vulcane with his might and maine.

Ver. 511.

Rhétæan] So fpelt and accented on the first fyllable, in the original edition; as Némaan alfo is in F. Q. vii. vii. 36.

Ver. 523.


defend] Repell. This

is a Latinifm, and an elegant boldness. See alfo F. Q. ii. xii. 63. JORTIN.

See alfo Upton's note, F. Q. ii. xii. 63. TODD.

acide did his fame extend:


Thus th' one
But th' other ioy'd, that, on the Phrygian playne
Having the blood of vanquifht Hector fhedd,
He compaft Troy thrice with his bodie dedd.



Againe great dole on either partie grewe, That him to death unfaithfull Paris fent; And alfo him that falfe Ulyffes flewe, Drawne into danger through clofe ambushment; Therefore from him Laërtes fonne his vewe Doth turne afide, and boafts his good event In working of Strymonian Rhæfus fall,, And efte in Dolons fubtile fúrpryfall.


"Againe the dreadfull Cycones him difmay,
And blacke Læftrigones, a people stout:
Then greedie Scilla, under whom there bay
Manie great bandogs, which her gird about : 540
Then doo the Etnean Cyclops him affray,
And deep Charybdis gulphing in and out:

Ver. 528. He compaft Troy thrice] Thrice is not in the original. Virgil affirms it indeed, Æn. i. 487, contrary to Homer's account of it. JORTIN.

Ver. 540.

Ver. 536. fubtile] The folio of 1611 judiciously altered the original word flye to fubtile, which is of fimilar import, and completes the measure of the verfe. TODD. bandogs,] The mastiff was formerly called a bandog. See Cotgrave in V." Maftin, a maftive or ban-dog, a great (countrey) curre." See Johnfon for the various etymologies of the word. See alfo Serenius's Dict. Anglo-Sueth. Lat. where the word is rendered band-hund.


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