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We have to acknowledge our obligations to the public for the encouragement given to this work, and to assure them that we shall endeavour to persevere in inculcating those principles of POLITICAL, CIVIL, and RELIGIOUS LIBERTY, which we are more and more convinced are of the utmost importance to the welfare of society in general, and of our country in particular.

Our present Volume has unavoidably proved of a less miscellaneous cast than the preceding Volumes, on account of the number of important documents necessary to be preserved as containing an history of the great events now passing in Europe; and which documents will be found valuable by those who wish to form an accurate judgment of the important revolutions which are taking place in the world.

The increasing power of France, and the accumulation of evils, the natural consequence of that fatal system which distinguished the PITT administration, and marks the present, formed of the same principles, although destitute of the abilities of their grand exemplar, imperiously demand the serious attention of the public. The experience of the present reign affords demonstrative evidence, that it is not a change of ministers which will produce any effectual relief: nothing but a total change of system; a radical reform in every department of government; and more especially A REFORM IN PARLIAMENT, by which the

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