Sivut kuvina

made a noise which was like to that of a pig; she sunk down into the bed, and contracted herself into the postures and grimaces of a person who is out of his wits; a Car melite friar was at her right hand, and Mignon at her left, the last of these put his two fingers into her mouth, and presupposing that she was possessed, used many conjurations, and spake to the Devil, who answered him after this manner in their first dialogue.

that it would have been proper to urge the Prioress upon this cause of animosity, whereof she had spoke in her answers: upon this he excused himself, that he wa5 not allowed to make any questions of cu riosity.-The Lay-Sister had also several convulsions, and the motions of her body seemed very extraordinary. They were desirous to propose some questions to her, but she cried out twice, To the other, To the other; which was interpreted as if she had been willing to say that 'twas only the Superior who was sufficiently instructed to answer. The Judges retired, and understood the same questions had been al

cially in the presence of Paul Gronard, Judge of the Provostship of Loudun, and of Trinquant, the King's attorney, of which, and all other things they had seen and heard, they drew up a verbal process, and signed it.

The noise which this possession began to make produced different opinions; the devout souls, who regarded with respect and veneration the ministers of the Church, and who were inclined to receive blindfold, and without inquiry, all that was presented to them on their part, could not persuade themselves that Barre, Mignon, the Carmelités, Ursulines, Priests, Friars and Nuns, could possibly be the authors of so wicked a contrivance, or invent sa devilish an imposture.-But the Worldlings, not judging so charitably, were more inclined to suspect the whole: they could not comprehend how these devils, who hap

Mignon demanded, Propter quam causam ingressus es in corpus ujus virginis? For what reason hast thou entered into the body of this virgin? A. Causa Animosi tatis Upon the account of animosity. Q.ready put divers times to the Nuns, espePer quod Pactum? By what Pact? A. Per flores. By flowers. Q. Quales? What flowers? A, Rosas. Roses. Q. Quis misu? Who sent them? A. Ur banus. Urban. She pronounced not this word before she had stammered many things, as if she had done it by a coustraint. Q. Dic cognomen. Tell his Sirname. A. Grandier. This was again a word which she pronounced not till she had been very much urged to answer. Q. Dic qualitatem. Mention his quality. A. Sacerdos. A Priest. Q. Cijns Ecclesia? Of what Church? A. Sancti Petri. Of Saint Peters. She uttered these last words very boldly. Q. Que persona attulet flores? What person brought the flowers? A. Diabolica. A diabolical person. She came to her senses after this last answer; she prayed to God, and she tried to eat a little bread, which was brought her; she put it from her, how,pened to go out at one door, did as quickly ever, a little after, saying she was not able to swallow it, because it was too dry. There was brought to her liquid sweetmeats, of which she eat but very lit tle, because she was frequently perplexed by the return of her convulsions. The Bailiff and Lieutenant, who stood near her, and observed with good attention that which passed, seeing that they gave no more any sign of a possession, withdrew towards the window. Mignon came near them and said, that in the action which was presented, there was something like the History of Peter Ganfredi, who was put to death by virtue of a decree of the Parliament of Aix, in Provence; to whom there was no answer made, but the Lieutenant-Civil told him,

re-enter at another, to the confusion of the ministers of him by whose authority they had been dispossessed. They were asto nished that the devils of the Superior spake Latin, rather than that of the Lay sister; and that she spake not better than a scholar of the second form.-They mada reflections upon this, that Mignon had not been willing to interrogate her upon the cause of the animosity, of which he himself had spoken, and they concluded that it was because the devil was at the end of his lesson; that he had not as yet learnt any further; and that he was obliged to play the same part before all sorts of spectators, seeing he had spoke nothing before the Bailiff, but what he had already spoke before the Judge of the Provostship. (To be continued.)

Printed and Published by J. MORTON, No, 94, Strand,


VOL. XXVI. No. 6.] LONDON, SATURDAY, AUG. 6, 1814. [Price 1s.




enviable as the most enthusiastic admirers of the present can possibly represent it; but THE GRAND JUBILEE.- Of all the with the facts which are now staring me in tricks that have been resorted to during the face, with the proofs which meet me the present war, (for the war is not yet every where, and which would be equally terminated) to cheat John Bull out of his apparent to all, if they would only be at the money and senses, that which has just been trouble to look at them; I say, with the played off, under the name of "The Grand evidence, the broad-day evidence, which we Jubilee," appears to me to have surpassed have on every hand, that the change which them all in impudence and frivolity. With has taken place, has not been productive of whom this piece of mummery originated, it the good that was expected,-nor can be would be somewhat difficult to say. But productive of it; it is mere mockery to although it has been disclaimed by Minis- pretend, that the rejoicings have been on ters, and by the Vice Chamberlain, to account of the benefits we are now enjoying, whom the charge of the Royal purse is in a by the new order of things. The real special manner confided, I do not find the object of these Fetes, the only cause of same anxiety has beca shewn to persuade these inventions, was to blind, to mislead, the nation, that they are not to be saddled and to cajole the country; to lull it into a with the enormous expence attending these fancied security, while the hand of corfooleries. On the contrary, it has been ruption, which has already nearly exhausted very plainly intimated, that the whole is to the hard-earned pittance of industry, strips be paid out of the civil list, which, although the credulous wretch of his last is already nearly two hundred thousand To have a proper conception of this matter, pounds in arrear, must be made up by the let the reader only turn his attention, for a good people of this country, at a moment's little, to the remarks put forth in the notice. But there is another view to be Courier of the 1st instant, on the Regent's taken of this subject, which is even of more Speech, at prorogating the Parliament, a consequence than that of applying the copy of which I have annexed to this arpublic money to objects which, it is pre-ticle:-"The Speech from the Throne at tended, have not had the sanction of any" the close of a Session (says the Courier) proper authority. The bustle of prepara-" rarely notices public measures prospection, its long continuance, and the topics" tively; it is of much less importance than of conversation to which this Jubilee must" the Speech at the opening of Parliament. give rise, has already diverted, and must," On the present occasion the Speech confor a considerable time to come, divert the "tains one important prospective passage; public attention from those objects which" that in which the expence of still keeping more immediately concern their true in-" up for a time in our pay a body of foterest, and the ultimate welfare of the "reign troops, is announced to the House country, than all the shews and spectacles" of Commons as the guardian of the public. ever exhibited on the theatre of the world." purse. This sufficiently proves that GoIt is said, that these Fetes are in honour of "vernment is not without apprehensions rethe peace, and that all ranks rejoice," specting the final settlement of the Conbecause the treaty concluded with France" tinent; or, at least, that circumstances has been accompanied with all those bles-"exist which render it prudent for this sings which were anticipated as the result" country to maintain an IMPOSING ATTIof such a happy event. For my part, I can “TUDE. The success which has attended easily suppose a state of things to which" his Majesty's arms, the glory with which this country might easily be brought; I can" the struggle has been crowned, will justify readily figure a treaty of peace, the terms" Government in incurring any expence to of which would render our situation as "finish the great work it has already so


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"nearly completed. Well and proudly may that this expression Iras some allusion to "the Regent boast that ALL THE OBJECTS a wish entertained here, to extend our "have been obtained for which the war was Continental possessions; which, it is supbegun or continued; with exultation and posed, we can easily do at the present mogratitude will the people hear the un-ment. But whether it be views of personal questionable truth, that the character of aggrandisement, or whether it be the dread "this country stands so high on the Conti- of an immediate renewal of hostilities, "nent. Never before was England so which has given birth to the resolution not “powerful, or esteemed on the Continent, as to reduce our army to the peace establish"she is at present; never was she so power-ment, and to retain in our pay a body of "ful and esteemed in all other parts of the foreign troops, it is as clear as day, that as "world. With a mildGovernment at home; this will occasion as great an expenditure "for where can milder men be found than of public money as when the battle "Lords Liverpool, Castlereagh, Bathurst, was raging with all its fury, that this "Sidmouth, Eldon, and Melville? with a country is in as bad, if not in a worse, si"mild Government which is at the same time tuation now than before the late change strong in public opinion, because it has so took place. We have the same load of "amply proved its ability, as well as its mo- taxes to pay; and, with respect to the pro"deration; with such advantages it remains fits of trade and commerce, the Courir "but for the people to repair by their indus-consoles us with the idea, that they may be try and enterprise the disorders which so realised" in three or four years, when long and expensive a war has unavoidably this country will again overflow with capi "created. During the first years of peace tal, and a wise Government may diminish "there will necessarily be a drain of money our burthens nearly as rapidly as they "into new channels of trade, a great revolu- arose."-Blessed prospect! In three or "tion in property must take place; but when four years the public burthens may be di"the profits of commercial exertion are minished; in three or four years, the peorealised, as they will be in three or four ple may calculate upon enjoying some of "years, this country will again overflow with the fruits of their industry! Yet this is "capital, and a wise Government may dimi- what the enlightened and reflecting, at "nish our burthens nearly as rapidly as they least, those who pretend to know more than arose. The passage in the Speech announc- their neighbours, would have us believe, is "ing the necessity of keeping foreign troops a situation of profound peace and tran"still in our pay, is supposed to have lowered quillity, a state of enjoyment, of comfort, "the funds which have fallen considerably." and ease, in which we ought to give our No one who bestows the slightest attention selves up to all sorts of revels, and unon the above article, can fail to discover, bounded pleasure. To say nothing of the that it has been finally determined not to war with America and with Norway, which remit a single iota of the taxes which, in we are prosecuting with as much vigour as the name of war taxes, have, from year to ever, it is absurd to contemplate Great year, for a period of upwards of twenty years, Britain in any other light than as a counbeen gradually imposed upon the nation. try environed with all the pecuniary diffiThe reason is obvious: we are still keep-culties consequent on a state of war. But, ing in our pay a body of foreign troops. say the advocates of corruption, our suc This, says the Regent's speech, has cess has been glorious; we have obtained dered a continuation of our foreign expen- ALL THE OBJECTS for which the war was diture unavoidable;" and the Courier begun or continued; never were we beshrewdly remarks, "this sufficiently proves fore so powerful or esteemed on the Con that Government is not without apprehen- tinent, and in all parts of the world.— sions respecting the final settlement of the Well, then, if it be true that we are so Continent." Whatever may be the fears highly esteemed every where; and if we of others respecting the tranquillity of the are indebted for this character to the mildContinent, I confess I have seen nothingness, ability, and moderation of Ministers, vet which appears to me to justify them. The Courier, indeed, seems to wish to do it 1ch, when it speaks of other rendering it" prudent for tanan imposing attinot surprised to find

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where is the necessity of assuming an im posing attitude? Of whom are we afraid? Or whom is it necessary we should terrify Why keep up an army on the Continent, if we stand so high in the estimation of all the Continental States?Why continue


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the burthens under which the people groan, | does his name still strike terror into the if all the world are in admiration of our hearts of those whom he formerly threatenmoderation, and our justice? "All the ed with destruction? Though in a manner objects, it is plainly admitted, for which the politically dead, does the existence which war was begun and continued, have been he enjoys excite apprehensions in the breasts accomplished."-The power of Napoleon of those sovereigns, who were formerly inhas been broken; the Bourbons have been debted to him for their crowns, but who restored; the Pope has re-ascended the spared him not when he was in their chair of St. Peter; the Inquisition has re- power? To judge by the tone of our newsnewed its wholesome observances, by which paper press, there is every reason to bethe bodies of heretics are burned for the lieve, that this is the true cause of that good of their souls; the race of Jacobins alarm, of that panic, with which most of has been nearly exterminated; and, finally, the regular Governments have been seized, the deliverance of Europe, and the march and that nothing will restore tranquillity of to Paris, for which so many prayers, for mind to these alarmists, but Napoleon's so many years, were offered up by the utter extermination. Hence the feverishpious, and so many sighs uttered by the ness which pervades the columns of these believers in the "divine rights of Kings;" journals, whenever they find it necesthese great, these important objects have sary to mention his name; hence the all been attained. Nothing, in fact, re-readiness to which they still attribute to mains to be done; at least nothing in which him any obstructions which start in the this country can be any way interested.- way of their favourite projects; and hence "I have the satisfaction (says the Prince their reiterated recommendations that this Regent), of contemplating the full ac- object of their dread should be put to "complishment of all those objects for death, without regard to forms of law, "which the war was either undertaken or to the solemnity of treaties, or to the "continued; and the unexampled exer- immutable principles of justice.-How "tions of this country, combined with those it can be said, in this state of things, "of his Majesty's Allies, have succeeded in that all the objects for which the war was effecting the deliverance of Europe from begun and carried on, have been accom"the most galling and oppressive tyranny plished, is utterly inconceivable. If it is "under which it has ever laboured.". --Inot from fear of Napoleon that our war admit that there may be some territorial establishment is to be kept-up, it is proper arrangements to settle, which may render that the people, who pay for this, should be farther discussion necessary, and for that informed of the true reason, that they may end it is that a Congress is to be held. But conduct themselves accordingly. But if it it will not surely be pretended, that it is is the fear of Napoleon's great name, (as I necessary, as was lately done at Chatillon, am disposed to think) that has occasioned that the armies should continue to fight the present warlike aspect of Europe, it is while the negociators are proceeding with impossible to regard the Jubilee rejoicings in their deliberations. For what other pur- any other light than a solemn mockery, than pose, then, is this country to be continually an insult to the human understanding. Surburdened not only with the expence of rounded by all the accompaniments of war; nearly our whole domestic troops, but with our war expenditure in no sensible degree that of keeping up a body of foreigners also? abated; and trade and commerce labouring Are we afraid of France or Spain? That under all the obstructions of such a state; cannot be. The Regent has assured us, the great majority of the nation are en that "the restoration of so many of the an-gaged in celebrating, by riot and drunken cient and legitimate Governments of the festivity, by low gambling, and gormanContinent, affords the best prospect of the dizing vice, what they have been told is the permanence of that peace, which, in con- conclusion of a glorious and happy peace. junction with his Majesty's Allies, I have It is enough for them that corruption has concluded." Of whom, then, are we proclaimed this. It is believed without afraid? Not surely of our Allies. It examination. The rabble get a day by it, would be treason to insinuate any thing of which seems to be the most that the multithis nature. It cannot, then, be on Napo- tude of all countries calculate upon obtain leon's account, that all this "note and pre-ing, by the political changes which are paration of war" is kept up on the Conti- constantly taking place. The friend of Though deprived of his power, humanity would fain flatter himself, that ̧



the reign of corruption and error will terminate at some period; but as long as he sees beings, who pretend to rationality, give themselves up with so much indifference to the guidance of others, as the people of this country are doing at this moment, he can scarcely regret, if they should be indebted for a restoration of their senses, to some signal and overwhelming calamity.

object can be obtained, I am persuaded you will see the necessity of my availing myself of the means now at my disposal, to prosecute the war with increased vigour.

Gentlemen of the House of Commons,—I thank you for the liberal provision which you have made for the services of the present year. The circumstances under which the war in Europe has been concluded, and the necessity of maintaining for a time a body of troops in British pay, upon the Continent, have rendered a continuation of our Foreign expenditure unavoidable. You may rely, however, upon my determination to reduce the expences of the country as rapidly as the nature of our situation will permit,

My Lords and Gentlemen,-It is a peculiar

gratification to me to be enabled to assure you, that full justice is rendered throughout Europe to that manly perseverance which, amidst the convulsions on the Continent, has preserved this

PRINCE REGENT's SPEECH. My Lords and Gentlemen,—I cannot close this Session of Parliament, without repeating the ex*pression of my deep regret at the continuance of his Majesty's lamented indisposition.-When, in consequence of that calamity, the powers of Government were first entrusted to me, I found this country engaged in a war with the greater part of Europe. I determined to adhere to that line of policy which his Majesty had adopted, and in which he had persevered under so many and such trying difficulties. The zealous and un-country against all the designs of its enemies, remitting support and assistance which I have received from you, and from all classes of his Majesty's subjects; the consummate skill and ability displayed by the great Commander whose services you have so justly acknowledged; and the valour and intrepidity of his Majesty's forces

has augmented the resources and extended the dominions of the British Empire, and has proved in its result as beneficial to other nations as to our own. His Majesty's Subjects cannot fail to be deeply sensible of the distinguished advantages which they have possessed; and I am persuaded that they will ascribe them, under Providence, to that Constitution, which it has now for a century been the object of my family to maintain unimpaired, and under which the people of this realm have enjoyed more of real liberty at home and of true glory abroad, than

has ever fallen to the lot of any nation.


by sea and land; have enabled me, under the blessing of Divine Providence, to surmount all the difficulties with which I have had to contend. I have the satisfaction of contemplating the full accomplishment of all those objects for which the war was either undertaken or continued; and the unexampled exertions of this country, combined with those of his Majesty's Allies, have succeeded in effecting the deliverance of Europe (Concluded from last week's Register.) from the most galling and oppressive tyranny under which it has ever laboured. The restoThey were not ignorant that some time beration of so many of the ancient and legitimate. fore there lad been a meeting of all the Governments of the Continent affords the best most violent enemies of Grandier, at the prospect of the permanence of that peace which, village of Pindardane, in one of Trinin conjunction with his Majesty's Allies, I have quant's houses, and they found a great concluded: and you may rely on my efforts being there had a relation to the of probability, that what was acted directed at the approaching Congress to complete They could not also relish that Mignon the settlement of Europe, which has been al-had so readily explained himself upon the ready so auspiciously begun; and to promote, conformity, which he saw in this affair, upon principles of justice and impartiality, all with that of Ganfredy, the Priest, exc those measures which may appear to be best cal-cuted at Aix. And, in fine, they had enlated to secure the tranquillity and happiness of all the nations engaged in the late war. 1 regret the continuance of hostilities with the United States of America. Notwithstanding the unprovoked aggression of the Government of that country, and the circumstances under which it took place, I am sincerely desirous of the restoration of Peace between the two nations upon

Conditions honourable to both. Bet until this

rather that other Friars than Carmelites had been called to their exorcisms, because the quarrels of these good Fathers with Grandier had been known to all the world, by the sermons which he had made against a privileged altar, of which they so much boasted, and by the contempt which he publicly shewed of their preachers.

The next day after, being the 12th of

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