Sivut kuvina


VOL. XXVI. No. 18.] LONDON, SATURDAY, SEPT. 3, 1814. [Price 1s.

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SUMMARY OF POLITICS. pied, and saved France the degradation of having her capital entered by a foreign BALANCE OF POWER.-This nice busi-enemy. His having neglected this, was ness, of which we have heard so much, and one of the greatest sins he committed, and which was to be settled as easy as the toss for which he is now deservedly suffering the up of a halfpenny, whenever Napolcon was punishment.-But although the North of put down, will not, it now appears, be so Europe, through the apparently unambitious speedily adjusted as what these wise-acres disposition of the Emperor of Russia, is pretended. There were too many contend- likely, for some time, to enjoy repose, ing parties in the field; too many clashing is said not to be so very clear that this will interests to consider, to render this a mat- be the case in the South. Every thing has ter of easy accomplishment; and it always indeed been done by our corrupt press, to appeared to me to betray a very superficial rekindle the flames of war on the Continent, knowledge of the relative situations of the and to excite jealousy among the Sobellegerents, and of their separate views, to vereigns who were formerly leagued against attempt to give any other colouring to the France. These attempts have been disubject. Amongst all the contending rected, in particular, against Austria, who, powers who will figure in the approaching it is pretended, meditates the aggrandizeCongress, Russia seems the least disposed ment of herself in Italy, and in the Netherto grasp at new acquisitions of territory. fands, greatly to the prejudice of those SoveThe balance of power in the North may reigns who have a legitimate claim to these be considered in a great measure settled, by States. France also is accused of wishing the annexation of Norway to Sweden. I to repossess herself of the Belgic pronever thought that the Norwegians would vinces, the people of whom, it is said, are be able to resist, for any length of time, the unanimous in their wishes to be restored vast combination that was formed against to the mild sway, established under the them. I am pleased, however, to find, that operation of the code Napoleon, and which they are not to be transferred, as was in- they now perceive is enjoyed by all tended by the treaty of Kiel, to their new Frenchmen, notwithstanding the return of masters like horned cattle, but that they the Bourbons. It would be an unprofitable are to have something to say in the forma- and idle speculation, to enter into a consition of their government, and in the enact-deration of the various topics which these ment of the laws by which justice is to be rumours present to the mind. That great administered. In this arrangement, is difficulties will arise, during the discussions, evidently to be discovered, some of the be-about to take place at Vienna, for the final neficial fruits of the French Revolution, settlement of the peace of the Continent, which, however fatal in its consequences there cannot be the smallest doubt. But to many who were actively engaged in that these will terminate in any other way it, has produced more good in the ag-than amicably, there does not appear, to gregate, than any other event recorded me at least, any well founded reason to in history. It would seem as if some- suppose. The war faction, who exist, in a thing was intended favourable to unfor- greater or less degree, in every country, tunate Poland. It is supposed, and I will not be slow in their endeavours to think it would be good policy, that Alex-excite discord; but I think, even supposing ander wishes to restore the Poles to inde- the Monarchs of Europe to be totally rependence. Had Napoleon done this, when gardless of the sufferings of their people, he had it so often in his power, he would that they have sufficient personal motives have gained the affections, and the support for wishing an end put to the contest. of a nation, that would have succoured him in all his difficulties; that would have secured to him the thrones which he occu

Most of them have already run the risk of losing their crowns; the preservation of which, let it never be forgotten, they of K


ploy Christian nurses without being called "to account by the Inquisition.




entirely to the generosity of the man whom " torture' cannot be applied in any case. they so lately dethroned. Besides, the "The charges are to be so specific, that maxim which now seems to be recognised," slight or violent suspicion of heresy canand acted upon as a fundamental law in" not suffice, without a commencement of Europe, that the rights and interests of "proofs, for ordering the arrest of any inSovereigns may be separated from those of "dividual. Jews may be allowed to emthe people, is a principle, which none of" them would like to incur the risk of seeing acted upon in their own particular case. Majesty appears disposed to submit criA state of war is frequently dangerous to "minal affairs, in matters of religion, to a Government. It leads to the imposition "the ordinary forms of criminal justice. of additional taxes, and these, in the most "The property of the condemned cannot favourable circumstances, excite discon-" in any case fall to the Inquisition. The tent, and frequently murmurs, often prove fatal to the head of a State; the more especially, if the management is in the hands of a weak and unpopular Minister. Such are the principal reasons why I feel disposed to believe, that matters" will be settled at the ensuing Congress, without another appeal to arms. The seeds of discontent, and future quarrels, it is more than probable, will be plentifully, sown at this meeting, but it is the interest of all concerned to pause a little, before they renew a strife, for which they cannot, at present, be supposed to be well prepared, and which, at any period, must be attended with very serious consequences.

THE INQUISITION.-Respecting this abominable Institution, the original idea of establishing which never could have entered the mind of any other being, but that of a gloomy and barbarous Monk; the following article appeared in the Paris papers of the 26th ultimo :-" ROME, AUG. 12.-We are assured that Ferdinand VII. has addressed a long Me"morial to his Holiness, praying him "to regulate the jurisprudence of the Su"preme Council of the Inquisition by a "Bull. His Majesty proposes to abolish "the code called Directorium Inquisitorum. It is in that code, the author of "which was Nicholas Rimeric, a Dominican, that we read the following sentence "Let no man say that he is condemned 'unjustly, nor complain of his ecclesiasti"cal judges, nor of the judgment of the ""church; but if he be unjustly condemn"ed, led him make it matter of joy that he suffers for justice.' Mahometans, Jews, and other infidels, will no longer "be allowed to give, testimony in matters of religion against Catholics accused of Wives, children, relations, are not to be admitted as st instance. The

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expences of the Supreme Council are to "be defrayed by the Royal Treasury; the "families of the condemned are to be ad"mitted to their inheritances. This Mcmorial, full of wise views, and such as are in harmony with the glory of reli gion, and the present enlightened state "of the world, has been well received by his Holiness, who, it is said, has since "had several conferences with his Majesty King Charles IV."-In the last Register I published a letter upon this subject, well calculated to excite a general detestation against the Inquisition, and to induce the active partizans of the Slave. Trade abolition, in particular, to raise their voices against the re-establishment of a tribunal, which, under the sanctified tence of zeal for the glory of God, and the safety of religion, has committed more atrocious murders, and inflicted greater torments on their fellow men, than are de tailed in all the accounts that have been published, of the cruelties practised by the most savage dealer in human flesh. doubt much, however, that any appeal upon this, or even upon any other subject, in which the real happiness of mankind is the primary and sole object, can arouse the public feeling; can induce people to bestir themselves; can render them active in their present state of apathy and spiritless submission to the most abominable system of corruption that ever disgraced any country, pretending to be civilized. The greater part of those who have signed the petitions against the Slave Trade, have done so, I readily admit, from motives of the purest philanthropy; but I question whether as much can be said of the leading men among them, who have chosen this particular moment to agitate the question; who, while the French West India Islands were in other hands made no stir about the emancipation of the blacks; and who, while the mass of the natives of Ireland are sunk


in the grossest superstition, and groaning writer of the Times newspaper, that the under the most oppressive tyranny, exerted Inquisition has lately "lost many of its themselves no farther to obtain the aboli- " terrors, and that its tribunals were not tion of this white slave traffic, than they" so bloody and barbarous as in the days found consistent with their own views of " of their youthful vigour."-This sort of aggrandizement; with procuring lucrative language, I find, is made use of to lessen posts in the State for themselves and public indignation against the restoration. a few select friends. Was it not because of this Institution, merely because it was the war faction had baulked them in their abolished by Napoleon; and in the same schemes of getting into power? was it not way would these wretches justify the total because they had left them no loop hole destruction, in France, of all those excelthrough which to get at a share of the lent laws, those benevolent institutions, public plunder, that they were driven, as and those proofs of the glory which Napo to a dernier resort, to make a noise and a leon acquired for France, those imperishclamour about the total abolition of slavery able monuments of his fame, merely because in the West Indies; of which, it would they owe their existence to his superior scem, Ministers were not sufficiently atten- skill, and anxious desire to render his tive in the treaty of peace lately concluded country great and respected. But the with France? I am afraid, that the great truth is, this paltry subterfuge ought rather leaders in this business were influenced by to be attributed to a natural hostility, enmotives of this description. I am much tertained by these enemies of Napoleon, inclined to suspect, that it is not the love of against the introduction of all liberal pofreedom which stimulates them to say so licy, against the emancipation of every much, as they have done of late, in behalf people, and against the enactment of every of the injured African; but that this arises law which might tend to check them in from the want of other grounds of com- their infamous career. For, instead of any plaint against Ministers, than those which well-founded reasons existing for holding, applied to themselves when the reins of that the Inquisition, in latter times, had Government were entrusted to their hands. lost any of its terrors, or that its tribunals The faction who hold the strings of the were less bloody and barbarous than at public purse, had done nothing more, and former periods, I think there is sufficient perhaps far less, against general liberty, reason for believing that its members are than these humanity men. In this particular as wicked as formerly, and consequently instance, however, Ministers seem to have that they are as cruel and unrelenting. acted rather tamely, though probably not To establish this, it is scarcely necessary to more so than their opponents would have go farther for authorities than the article I done, had they been placed in similar have quoted above, which comes from circumstances. This really appears to be Rome itself. There, it is plainly admitthe true cause of their zeal; for which ted, that it is, at this very moment, a printhey are entitled to no credit, and for ciple recognised by the priests composing which they deserve to be held in sovereign the tribunal of the Inquisition, that if a man contempt by every enemy of corruption. If be unjustly condemned, by his ecclesiastical it were otherwise; if these strenuous advo- judges, he is not to be at liberty to say so, cates for the abolition of the African nor to complain of the judgment of the Slave Trade were genuine patriots, they Church, however erroneous; "but if he would be as desirous and as forward to be unjustly condemned, let him make it obtain the destruction of slavery in Spain matter of joy that he suffers for justice!!!" and in Portugal, as they profess to be for Was there ever such hellish principles its overthrow in the French West India heard of? What is it an amelioration Islands: they would be as eager to con-in the laws of the Inquisition, that a man, tribute for the diffusion of knowledge after suffering all the cruelties that the among the illiterate and uncultivated Irish, ingenuity of these blood hounds could inas they are to promote expensive missions vent, to force him to confess a crime of to the coast of Africa, to the East Indies, which he was not guilty, should be threatenor to the islands of the Pacific, to instructed with additional tortures, if he ventured the natives in the first principles of religion. But some, have contended, and I observe the same sentiments have been put forth by the canting and hypocritical

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to complain of his sufferings; should be doomed again to the rack, perhaps to the stake, if he did not actually rejoice for the injustice which these holy gladiators had

Monarchy. What a blessed reign the Spaniards are to expect from a Sovereign so bigotted to religion, and so much under the controul of an ignorant clergy, like that with which Spain is inundated! What happiness, what comfort, they are to enjoy, where the will of a sot of blood-thirsty Monks is paramount to that of the Monarch, or of the law-All the Spanish writers, who give a history of the original laws of the Inquisition, tell us, that no one can be apprehended on a warrant from the Holy Office, until a summary inquest be first had concerning the crime laid to

done him? This, I dare say, is that sort | resist all applications to have the Inof amelioration in the laws, which. the quisition restored? Or why, in yielding Times writer, and all his admirers, would to these, did he not qualify that restoration like to see operated upon those who dare with such conditions as would have enabled to question the omnipotence of their own him to modify the laws of the office in the opinions. But, except the disciples of this way he now proposes? When I look into jesuitical teacher, I do not believe there the history of the Inquisition, I find that is a man, possessed of his reason, in this even Kings and Popes were not exempt country, that does not consider the recog. from the influence of its terrible mandates. nition of such a principle, as sufficient to The conduct of Ferdinand, in this instance, constitute the Inquisition, even in these would lead one to suppose, that he recogi most enlightened times, as barbarous anised this principle in so far as respected tribunal, and as capable of bloody deeds, as ever it was at any former period of its history. This, however, is not the only feature which marks the atrocity of this infernal office. It is proved, by the above article, that the torture exists in Spain at present, else why address a Memorial to the Pope to have it abolished. It is proved, by the same document, that persons are arrested and sent to the dungeons of the Inquisition, upon slight suspicions of heresy, (i. e. of being Protestants), without any previous investigation as to their guilt. It is proved, that wives, children, relations, and domestics, are compelled to be wit-his charge, and this particularly to be obnesses, even in the first instance, against their unfortunate relatives. It is proved, that the Inquisition lays its fangs upon the property of all persons they condenm, and that no part of it is ever restored to their families. Need more be proved to shew, that this office, called, by way of eminence, the Holy House, and connected with which all good Catholics must believe every thing to be holy, under pain of damnation. Does it, I say, require stronger evidence than what this statement from Rome affords, that the Inquisition, as now constituted, is the wickedest, and the most abominable institution that ever existed on the earth? Or is it possible to suppose a period, when its mandates were less barbarous, or its punishments less cruel and bloody, than they are at this very day? It is no doubt said, that the beloved, the devout, the amiable Ferdinand, "full of wise views," has applied" to his Holiness, praying him "to regulate the jurisprudence of the Supreme Council of the Inquisition by a "Bull." But why did not this Monarch regulate this affair by the same power which enabled him to re-establish the Inquisition? Why consider it necessary to apply to a spiritual authority, to settle the mere subordinate matters of a tribunal, the very existence of which depended upon his own free will? Why did he not at once

served as to the crime of heresy; that, before a witness is admitted to give evidence, even in this previous stage, he is to be admonished by the Judge in a most solemn manner as to the sacredness of an oath; that, when apprehended and imprisoned, the party is to be allowed such provisions as he may think fit, if he has the means of providing for them; and that all his property, which these rapacious knaves then lay their hands upon, must be restored to him on his being set at liberty. These are good regulations in so far as they go; and were I only made acquainted with the fundamental laws of this Order, I might, perhaps, be led to pronounce it a wise and excellent Institution. But when I dip a little into its history; when I examine even superficially its subsequent acts, I find that this Sancta Casa was not long in departing from its own original rules; did not long hesitate about violating its sacred institutions; nor in substituting the barbarous and vile maxim, "that no faith ought to be kept with heretics," in place of that rule of right, which served as the foundation of their early code of laws. -Notwithstanding the uncommon paips which were taken to conceal the private proceedings of the Inquisition; notwithstanding the dreadful penalties that were attached to a breach of the path of secrecy,

which even every menial servant of the office troul the turbulence of this dangerous porwas bound to swear; and notwithstanding tion of his subjects. Whether his Holithe terrible punishments which were in- ness interfere or not, it is very clear, that flicted, as an example to others, upon some this appeal of Ferdinand must increase, inindividuals who, in spite of their oaths, did stead of diminishing the insolence of his not hesitate to make disclosures. Notwith- clergy. They will regard it as an acknowstanding all this, there have been numbers ledgment, on the part of the Crown, that of well authenticated cases published, from the Inquisition, which is nothing but an which it appears, that the Holy Office, instrument of the Church to support even where the persons accused of offences its arrogant assumptions, is above the conagainst their Order were known to be troul of the civil power. As to the Pope Catholics, considered themselves justified himself, he cannot but laugh at the simpli in departing from their established laws, city of any Monarch who could be so foolwhether as to receiving information re-ish as to apply to him, in the nineteenth specting the charge, the mode of conduct-century, to regulate any part of the intering the proceedings against the accused, nal affairs of his dominions. In a History bis treatment in prison, the restoration of of the Inquisition, composed by a Jesuit his property, or the manner of his punish-named Macedo, it is stated, that God was ment. In no one instance, indeed, have the first Inquisitor. He says, that the they scrupled to disregard their own rules Almighty sat in this character, upon and regulations, when they found it conve- Adam and Eve, upon Cain, and upon the nient, or calculated to promote the interest founders of the Tower of Babel. St. Peter of the Order, to depart from them. How he also designates with the same title. He then is it to be expected that the clergy asserts, that Peter displayed the powers of his in Spain, of the present day, will consider office in the case of Ananias and Saphira; themselves bound by any other motives and he maintains that similar powers were than those which influenced their prede- transmitted by this Apostle to his succescessors? Will not their conduct be looked sors who filled the papal chair, and who to as an example deserving of imitation? thereby acquired a right to confer them on and, in answer to any charge that might be whom they pleased. It is easy to understand brought against them of innovation upon why a race of interested Monks; a banthe laws of their Order, will they not plead ditti of sanctified robbers, should have forthe innovations of former Inquisitors, as a merly succeeded, in imposing these absurd precedent in their favour? Is it very doctrines upon the votaries of their faith. likely that a body of men, so formidable in But it is amazing to find that so many ennumber as the Spanish clergy, and posses- tire nations, so many millions of rational sing, as they do, so unlimited a controul beings, should still continue to be their over the people, will be disposed so readily willing dupes. Such, indeed, has been to give up any part of the empire which the powerful effects of the Inquisition; they have so long exercised over the mind? such its extensive and decided influence This is too agreeable a sway to be so over the human mind, that many of those, tamely relinquished; and the late attempts employed in the affairs of that tribunal, of Napoleon to destroy their power altoge- who at first disbelieved their pretensions, ther, were not of a nature to induce them have afterwards become real converts to to relinquish a part when they have again, them, and persuaded that they were in and so easily, got possession of the whole. I reality serving God when they were torturcan very well conceive, that the Monks and ing, and leading to the stake, the miserable other religious orders, in all Catholic coun- victims of their blind and infuriated zcal. tries, may have become more insolent and Among the people of Spain and Portugal, sioverbearing, in consequence of the favour-milar effects are likewise produced. So great able turn in their affairs. This, I can well suppose, may have made Ferdinand, as well as some other sovereigns, somewhat uneasy. They have, very likely, found the clergy less pliable, and more disposed to clamour about their "divine rights" than they were some years ago; and this, it is more than probable, has given birth to the Spanish Monarch's application to the Pope to con

is their confidence in these sainted ruffians;
so fully are they convinced of the sanctity
and sincerity of this tribunal, that when
any individual is apprehended to be brought
before them, they readily give up their pro-
perty of every description to the officers,
under a firm persuasion that the whole
be restored when their innocence sh
pear; and although innumeral stances


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