The Book of Common Prayer: And Administration of the Sacraments, and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, According to the Use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America : Together with the Psalter, Or Psalms of David : with New HymnsThomas T. Ash, 1834 - 399 sivua |
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Sivu 22
... Amen . Or this . ALMIGHTY God , our heaven- ly Father , who , of his great ALMIGHTY and most merci- ful Father ; We have erred mercy , hath promised forgiveness of sins to all those who , with and strayed from thy ways like Most sheep ...
... Amen . Or this . ALMIGHTY God , our heaven- ly Father , who , of his great ALMIGHTY and most merci- ful Father ; We have erred mercy , hath promised forgiveness of sins to all those who , with and strayed from thy ways like Most sheep ...
Sivu 23
... Amen . Then shall be read the first Lesson , according to the Table or Calendar ; after which shall be said or sung the following Hymn . Note , That before every Lesson , the Minister shall say , Here beginneth such a Chapter , or Verse ...
... Amen . Then shall be read the first Lesson , according to the Table or Calendar ; after which shall be said or sung the following Hymn . Note , That before every Lesson , the Minister shall say , Here beginneth such a Chapter , or Verse ...
Sivu 26
... Amen . come again , with glory , to judge A Prayer for the President of the Unit both the quick and the dead ; whose ed States , and all in Civil Authority . kingdom shall have no end . LORD , RD , our heavenly Father And I believe in ...
... Amen . come again , with glory , to judge A Prayer for the President of the Unit both the quick and the dead ; whose ed States , and all in Civil Authority . kingdom shall have no end . LORD , RD , our heavenly Father And I believe in ...
Sivu 27
... Amen . tions : And this we beg for Jesus Christ's sake . Amen . A Prayer of St. Chrysostom . time , TA General Thanksgiving . ALMIGHTY God , who hast given us grace at this ALMIGHTY God , Father of all with one accord to make our com ...
... Amen . tions : And this we beg for Jesus Christ's sake . Amen . A Prayer of St. Chrysostom . time , TA General Thanksgiving . ALMIGHTY God , who hast given us grace at this ALMIGHTY God , Father of all with one accord to make our com ...
Sivu 29
... Amen . Or this . in the ordinary course of the Psalms , on the nineteenth day of the month . Cantate Domino . Psal . xeviii . SING unto the Lord a new song ; for he hath done marvel- lous things . ALMIGHTY God , our heavenly With his ...
... Amen . Or this . in the ordinary course of the Psalms , on the nineteenth day of the month . Cantate Domino . Psal . xeviii . SING unto the Lord a new song ; for he hath done marvel- lous things . ALMIGHTY God , our heavenly With his ...
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Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
ALMIGHTY Amen angels art thou Baptism behold beseech thee Bishop bless blood children of men Christ our Lord Church cometh death deliver didst doth dwell earth enemies Epistle eternal everlasting evermore evil faith Father fear forgive give thanks glorious glory God the Father God's goeth Gospel grace gracious hath hear heart heaven heavenly Holy Ghost Holy Spirit honour humble HYMN Israel Jerusalem Jesus Christ King kingdom live Lord Jesus mighty Minister MORNING PRAYER ness peace pow'r praise the Lord pray prayer Presiding Bishop Priest Psalm of David rejoice righteous saints saith unto salvation Saviour say unto sing sinners sins Sion song soul strength thanks unto thine things thou art thou hast thou shalt throne thy commandments thy holy thy mercy thy name thy servant thy word tongue trust truth ungodly unto the Lord unto thee voice worship