Francis Bacon, Scepticism, and the Early Royal SocietyUniversity of Wisconsin--Madison, 1970 - 220 sivua |
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Sivu 20
... truth , though he remained dubious of the worth of much of this " truth " , but rather , as Willey expresses it , " to prescribe for his age a massive 47 dose of truth of another order . He would show how science could advance , but he ...
... truth , though he remained dubious of the worth of much of this " truth " , but rather , as Willey expresses it , " to prescribe for his age a massive 47 dose of truth of another order . He would show how science could advance , but he ...
Sivu 45
... truth is manifest . " Truth may perhaps be hidden --obscure and subtle Bacon described it-- and difficult to uncover ; such is certainly the case with scientific truth . Yet Bacon leaves us with no doubt but that truth can and will be ...
... truth is manifest . " Truth may perhaps be hidden --obscure and subtle Bacon described it-- and difficult to uncover ; such is certainly the case with scientific truth . Yet Bacon leaves us with no doubt but that truth can and will be ...
Sivu 57
... truth . Things are very hardly received which are altogether strange to our thoughts and our senses . The soule may with lesse difficulty be brought to believe any absurdity , when as it has formerly been acquainted with some colours ...
... truth . Things are very hardly received which are altogether strange to our thoughts and our senses . The soule may with lesse difficulty be brought to believe any absurdity , when as it has formerly been acquainted with some colours ...
Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet
Acatalepsia arguments Aristotelian Aristotle attitudes authority axioms Baconian Baconian method believe Boyle's Bredvold British Science building of Salomon's Carneades conclusions Crowther Descartes discoveries doctrine doubt Dryden early Edited ence England error experiment experimental method Experimental Philosophy Francis Bacon future Galileo Gresham College Henry Power History of Ideas human hypotheses Ibid important induction influence intellectual John Dryden John Wilkins Joseph Glanvill known Leeuwen Lord man's microscope mind modern science natural philosophy Notes and Records Novum Organum osophy Oxford Experimental Club Paracelsan philosophical scepticism Popkin possible principles Problem of Certainty progress Pyrrhic scepticism Pyrrho Pyrrhonist R. F. Jones reason Renaissance Reprinted New York Robert Boyle Royal Society Salomon's House scep Scepsis Scientifica sceptical tradition scientific advance scientific knowledge scientist senses seventeenth century Society of London theories things Thomas Sprat thought tion truth understanding universe Unpublished Boyle Papers Vanity of Dogmatizing VIII virtuoso Wadham College Westfall