Sivut kuvina


letter to Lord John on his rumoured
marriage, 150; on the Durham Letter,
ii. 122

Durham Letter, the, ii. 119-122, 172
Durham, Lord (Privy Seal), proposal
for extension of suffrage, disfran-
chisement of rotten boroughs, and
triennial parliaments, i. 125; forms
a committee for Parliamentary Re-
form, 165; engaged on Irish Church
Reform, 188; objected to by Lord
Melbourne as a Cabinet minister,
285; mission to Canada, 295; 306,
307; returns home, 308; death of,

EAST INDIA COMPANY, its monopoly
terminated, i. 193

Ebrington, Lord (afterwards Lord For-
tescue), elected for Devonshire, i.
158; 169; motion on the rejection
of the Reform Bill, 174; address to
William IV., 177; in Ireland with
Lord John, 195, 196; assures Lord
John of the 'golden opinions' he has
won, 247; petitions for the commu-
tation of tithes, 257; is for a change
in the personnel of the Melbourne
Cabinet, 308; made Viceroy of Ire-
land, 314; a warm and consistent
Liberal, 321; on the treatment of
the education question by the House,
330n; action in the Chartist riots,
332n; on the corn duties, 367; ii.


Ecclestiastical Titles Bill, ii. 124-128,

Eden, Dr. (afterwards Lord Auckland),
i. 475; ii. 116

Edinburgh, i. 33; intellectual society
of, in 1809, 44-46

Edinburgh Letter, the, i. 403, 406
Education, condition of, at the Queen's
accession, i. 328; State, 455
Educational endowments, commission
of inquiry into, i. 252

Egerton, Sir Philip, his account of
Grillion's Club, i. 73 n, 305 n
Egmont, Lord, i. 136 n
Elba, Napoleon at, i. 74
Eldon, Lord, is of opinion that it is
impossible to muzzle a fool,' i. 34;
action on the Bribery Bill, 119; as
an equity judge, 253 n
Election petitions, i. 292

Eliot, Lord (Secretary for Ireland), i.

Ellenborough, Lord, i. 34; diary quoted,
155; boast regarding the Corporation


Bill, 244; a very able speaker,' 427;
his scheme for the better government
of India, ii. 297

Ellice, Mr., i. 308; quoted, 320 n; on
colonial administration, 338; on war
with France, 347
Elliot, Admiral, i. 364

Elliot, George (brother-in-law of Lord
John), 353 n

Elliot, Gilbert (Dean of Bristol), ii. 226
Elliot, Lady Fanny (daughter of Lord
Minto), i. 345; marriage to Lord
John, 378; see Russell, Lady John
Elliot, Lady Harriet (sister-in-law of
Lord John), illness of, ii. 236; death
of, 244

Elliot, Mr. (afterwards Sir H.; British

minister at Naples, and brother-in-
law of Lord John), is advised by
Lord John as to his action with the
Neapolitan Government, ii. 322; on
the effect in Italy of Lord John's
Italian sympathies, 328; his diplo
matic career in Italy, 423 n; his
relationship with Lord John gives
rise to a charge of jobbery on the
part of the latter, 423 n; correspon-
dence on the same, 424-428
Elwin, Mr., ii. 466 n
Emmet, Mr., i. 249
Encumbered Estates Act, i. 473
Enfield, Lord, testifies to the devotion
of Lord John's supporters, ii. 268; 297
Episcopate, proposal to increase, in
1846, i. 474, 475
Erroll, Lord, i. 449
Erskine, Lord, i. 35

Essex, Lord, i. 111n, 312
Euston, Lord, i. 29

Everett, Mr. (American minister in
London), i. 421

Evictions in Ireland for religious belief,
i. 263

Evora, convention of, ii. 10

Exeter, Bishop of, i. 479; declines to
institute Mr. Gorham, ii. 117, 118

FACTORY ACT, the, i. 193
Fagging at Westminster School, i. 9
Famine, potato, in Ireland, i. 406, 431,
435, 437; ii. 76
Farini, Signor, ii. 277
Fellowes, Mr., i. 129
Fergusson, Cutlar, i. 236 n
Fergusson, Dr., ii. 26

Ferretti, Cardinal, elected to the pon-
tifical chair, ii. 38; liberal opinions
of, 38; hesitation between progress
and reaction, 39


Fielding, quoted, i. 12

Finlay, Mr. (historian), his complaint
against the Greek Government, ii. 56
Fish, Mr. (American Secretary of State),
ii. 361

Fitzgerald, Lord Edward, i. 249
Fitzgerald, Lord William, i. 13
Fitzgerald, Mr., condemns Lord John's
speech on the Irish Church, ii. 173
Fitzgerald, Vesey (President of the
Board of Trade), i. 145
Fitzgibbon, Richard, i. 13

Fitzpatrick, General, i. 26, 29, 69
Fitzroy (at Dr. Moore's school), i. 4
Fitzwilliam, Charles, ii. 453
Fitzwilliam, Lord, i. 399
Flahault, Count, ii. 321

Fleetwood, Sir H., his motion for
reducing the county franchise, i.

Fletcher, Mrs., ii. 226

Follett, Sir W., i. 309
Fordwich, Lord, i. 164 n
Foreign Enlistment Bill, i. IIIN
Forster, John (editor of the 'Examiner'),
ii. 147; on the 'Alabama' claims,
36c, 365

Forster, Mr., Lord John introduces

him to a subordinate government
office, ii. 409; his conduct in the Edu-
cation Act of 1870, 440; letter to
Lord John on the Act, 441 n
Fortescue, Lord, i. 195, 196, 404;
his letter to Lord John on Indian
administration, ii. 293
Fortescue, Rt. Hon. Chichester, obtains
the Irish Secretaryship, ii. 409
Foscolo, Ugo, i. 109 n

Fox, Colonel, retires from Stroud in
favour of Lord John, i. 235
Fox, Miss (Lord Holland's sister),
letter of, i. 277

Fox, Mrs., 22

Fox, Rt. Hon. C. J., i. 17, 22, 24,
26, 70, 405; letter on Horace's
Odes, ii. 108
Fox Maule, Mr. (afterwards Lord
Panmure; Secretary-at-War), would
postpone the organisation of the
Militia till the outbreak of war, ii.
17; 112, 150, 196; letter to Lord
John on the differences regarding the
Vienna Conference, 255
France, position of, after the peace of
Tilsit, i. 36; Russia's ally, 36;
treaty with Spain for the partition of
Portugal, 37; revolution of 1830,
155; warlike attitude towards Eng-
land in 1840, 346; feeling towards
England in 1846, ii. 13; flight of


Louis Philippe from, 25; 31; for-
mally occupies Roman territory, 53;
action in the Greek dispute, 59; the
coup d'état, 138; in the Crimean war,
177 et seq.

Francis, Don, ii. I

Fraser, Professor, i. 45 n

Frederick VI. of Denmark and the
Schleswig-Holstein question, ii. 373
Frederick VII. of Denmark, his rules
for the better government of Schles-
wig and Holstein, ii. 375
Free Trade, i. 408, 420
French, Fitzstephen, i. 440

Frost, Mr. (magistrate at Monmouth),
i. 341

Fuad Pasha, Turkish Foreign Minister,
ii. 179

Fuller, Major, i. 19
Fuller, Mr., i. 30

GALLOIS, M., i. 122

Garbarino, Marchese, his admiration
for Lord John, ii. 438

Garibaldi, General, sails for Sicily, ii.
322; effects expulsion of Bourbon
dynasty, 323, 324; lands in Cala-
bria, enters Naples, and announces
his intention of marching on Rome,
325; salutes Victor Emanuel as
King of Italy, 325; visits Lord John
Russell, 329; letter on the death of
Lord John, 453

Garrard, Mr., A. R.A., his picture of
sheep-shearing at Woburn, i. 22 n
Garvey, Mr., i. 468

Gas-lighting of London, i. 35 n
Gascoign, General, i. 168
Gasparin, M., quoted, ii. 339
General Association of Ireland, i. 272,
274, 275

George III., insanity of, i. 49
George IV., institutes proceedings
against Queen Caroline, i. 121; an
Anti-Catholic, 136; death of, 154
Gerard, Count, of Holstein, ii. 372
Germany, revolution in, ii. 40; and
the Schleswig-Holstein question, 41,
132; war with France, 441
Germany, Crown Prince of, visits Lord
John, ii. 439

Germany, Emperor of, his letter to
Lord John on the struggle for re-
ligious liberty, ii. 448

Gibbs, Sir Vicary, i. 29

Gibson, Rt. Hon. G. Milner, attacks
Lord John for his conduct at Vienna,
ii. 266

Gilbert, Davies, i. 120


Gilpin, Mr., i. 5
Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E., ii. 155; for
free trade, 157; wrecks Mr. Disraeli's
Budget, 160; his first and greatest
Budget, 170; 201; resigns office in
Palmerston's Cabinet, 245; tho-
roughly approves of Lord John's
Italian policy, 333; loyally supported
by Lord John in his financial mea-
sures, 333, and #; his Budget, 333;
334; letter to Lord John on the
latter going to the House of Lords,
337; splendid results of his fiscal
reforms, 404; defeated at Oxford,
406; his letter to Lord John on the
successorship to Lord Palmerston,
407; does not think a new govern-
ment could be a continuation of Lord
Palmerston's administration, 408;
meets Lord John at the Duke of
Buccleuch's, 408 n; introduces the
Keform Bill of 1866, 410; his ad-
ditional measures to complete the
scheme, 411; his letter to Lord John
on the latter's decision not to take
office, 431; his motion regarding the
Established Church in Ireland, 433;
sent for by the Queen to form an ad-
ministration, 434; invites Lord John
to a seat in the Cabinet without other
responsibility, 434; passes the Irish
Land Bill, 437; his letter to Lord
John on the same, 440
Glenelg, Lord (Colonial Secretary),
abused by William IV., i. 240 n;
the King's antipa hy to him, 268;
at Bowood, 287; motion of want of
confidence in him as Colonial Minis-
ter, 296; Sydney Smith's satirical
allusion to him, 303; Lord John's
proposals with regard to his retire-
ment, 308, 312; action in the West
Indian crisis, 313; his colonial policy.

Gloucester, Duchess of, i. 275 n
Gloucester, Duke of, i. 34
Goderich, Lord, formation of his minis-
try, i. 134-136; resignation of, 137;
see Ripon, Lord

Goito, Piedmontese victory at, ii. 45
Gordon, Lord Alexander (son of fourth
Duke of Gordon), i. 22
Gordon, Lord William, i. 31
Gordon, Sir A., his correspondence
with Lord John, ii. 186 n
Gordon, Sir Robert, i. 152
Gore, Charles, i. 323
Gorham case, the, ii. 117-119
Gortchakoff, Prince (Russian Plenipo-


tentiary at Vienna Conference), re-
fuses to consent to limitation of
Russian force in the Black Sea, ii.


Goschen, Rt. Hon. G., appointed to
the Cabinet by Lord John, ii. 409
Gosford, Lord (Governor of Canada),
i. 294, 457

Gosset, Sir W. (Serjeant-at-Arms), i.

Goujon, M., i. 36 n

Goulburn, Rt. Hon. W., i. 176
Graham, Dr., made bishop of Chester,
i. 480

Graham, Sir James, engaged in Parlia-
mentary Reform, i. 165; retires
from office, 200, 204; on the Con-
servative benches, 243 n; impresses
on Sir Robert Peel the necessity for
moderation, 315; charges Lord John
with encouraging Chartism, 341;
motion on Chinese policy, 342;
introduces Factory Bill, 388; on the
Arms Act, 389; reintroduces the
Factory Bill, omitting education
clauses, 399; a bitter opponent,
excellent tactician,' 427; on the Irish
poor-law, 447; offered the Gover-
nor-Generalship of India, ii. 98;
declines the Admiralty, 98; on Lord
John going to the Lords, 100;
favours Lord John's Reform pro-
posals, 102; arranges with Lord
John a ministry of Whigs and Peel-
ites, 124; reply to Lord John's me-
morandum, 124; the latter's answer,
126; declines further negotiations,
127; endeavour of Lord John to in-
duce him to enter the Cabinet, 129,
130; 143, 152; bears testimony to
Lord John's endeavour to check cor-
rupt election practices, 153; inde-
cision in the Russo-Turkish question,
182; advises Lord John to concert
with Lord Aberdeen on Reform, and
the Eastern question, 198; against
the postponement of the Reform Bill,
204; resignation of office in the
Palmerston ministry, 245

Graham, Sir Thomas (afterwards Lord
Lynedoch), i. 51; 58 n

Grammont, Duc de (French ambassa-
dor at Rome), ii. 318 n
Grampound, bribery at, i. 117, 118;

writ suspended, 119; 124, 125
Grant, Mr., i. 145; see Glenelg, Lord
Granville, Lord, enters the Cabinet, ii.

134; President of the Council,
220, 221; thanks Lord John for



his conduct at the Vienna Conference,
269; letters from Palmerston and
Lord John regarding dissensions in
the Liberal camp, 205, 306; letter
to Lord John on the question of
leadership, 307; Lord John's reply,
308; resigns the commission which
the Queen had entrusted to him,
308; his reply to Lord John's ad-
dress relative to the Alabama
awards, 363; on putting the fleet in
motion, 392; on Lord John's de-
cision not to take office, 432; quoted,
440n; appointed successor to Lord
Clarendon, 441 n

Grattan, James, returned for Dublin, i.
30; 220 n

Greece, her struggle with Turkey, i.

151; English interference in behalf
of Mr. Finlay's and Don Pacifico's
claims, ii. 56; yields to the English
demands, 59

Greek Church, the, in Turkey, ii. 177-
180, 187, 191, 192
Gregory XVI., death of, ii. 38
Grenville Committees, the, i. 292
Grenville, Lord, i. 88, 147

Greville, Charles, quoted and in-
stanced, i. 47 n, 213, 218, 224, 239,
241, 265, 268, 276, 289, 294, 316,
319, 320, 348, 357, 362, 370, 374,
377, 387, 397, 400, 429, 432, 444,
447, 455, 470, 471, 472; ii. 2 n,
5n, 7n, 8n, 14, 27, 43 n, 72,
74 n, 100, 102, 107, 122, 130,
143, 203, 282 n, 287, 290, 297 n,
299 n, 304

Grey, Lady, her report of an Irish
rising, ii. 73

Grey, Lord (2nd Earl), policy towards
Spain, i. 42; his proposed mission
to Mr. Adair, 50; at Holland House,
53; declines to act with Lord Lans-
downe, 134; opposes the formation
of a Central Association, 147; offers
Lord John the Paymaster-General-
ship, 158; troubles in the formation
of a ministry, 160; plan of Parlia-
mentary Reform, 165; advises the
King to dissolve Parliament, 168;
admits Lord John to the Cabinet,
169; resignation of, 177; returns to
office with power to create peers,
178; conduct of Irish affairs, 183;
accepts coercive legislation for Ire-
land, 186; schemes of Irish Church
Reform, 187; dealings with the tithe
question, 197; resignation of, 204;
letter to Lord John, 209; 'horror
of the Radicals,' 219 n; declines


concert with the Radicals and Irish
party, 224, 225; declines to reform
the administration, 231; Lord Mel-
bourne's memorandum to him offer-
ing the Foreign Secretaryship, 232;
on O'Connell, 234; death of, 403
Grey, Lord (3rd Earl); see under
Howick, Lord

Grey, Sir Charles, William IV.'s violent
language to him at a council, i. 240 #;
observation on members of the Grey
ministry, 304

Grey, Sir George, made Judge-Advo-
cate, i. 314; on the Arms Act, 465,
467; ii. 16; his Crown and Govern-
ment Security Bill, 67, 70; on the
Chartist processions, 69; sponsor to
Lord John's second son, 73; opposed
to spending more money on Ireland,
78; account of the Queen's visit to
Ireland, 85; weak health of, 88;
small influence in debate, 90; action
on the Pope's Bull concerning Eng-
lish sees, 119; 150#, 151; exclu-
sion from the Cabinet, 166; sent
to the Home Office, 199; 201; sug-
gests to Lord John the Presidency
of the Council, 220; offered the
Colonial Office, 219, 220; becomes
Secretary for the Colonies, 222; 295,

352, 408

Grillion's Club, i. 73; Lord John at,

Gros, Baron, mediates between Eng-
land and Greece, ii. 57
Grosvenor, Lord, ii. 410
Grosvenor, Sir Richard, i. 458
Grote, Mr., motions on the ballot, i.
295, 324; ii. 367

Guizot, M., i. 348, 349, 356, 357,
358; his policy in the Spanish mar-
riages, ii. 5-7; quarrels with Lord
Normanby, 8; on the violation of
the Treaty of Vienna, 37, 466 #
Gunning, Mr., i. 5

Gurney, Mr., on the Chartist proces-
sions, ii. 69

HABEAS CORPUS ACT, suspension of,
in Ireland, ii. 64-66, 72, 81
Hailes, Solomon, his tribute to Lord
John's character, ii. 269
Hallam, Mr., resigns the pension which
he no longer needs, ii. 146 #
Hallowell, Admiral, i. 71
Hamilton, Duke of, i. 31
Hampden, Dr., appointed Dean of
Hereford, i. 475; action, of the
bishops on his appointment, 478;
consecration of, 480; ii. 116


Hardinge, Sir Henry, accuses Lord
John of supporting the Birmingham
Political Union, i. 173; Chief Secre-

tary for Ireland, 227
Hardwick, Mr. (police magistrate), ii.

Hardy, Lady, i. 164 n, 176 n
Harewood, Lord, i. 338

Harrington, Lord, commander of the
forces in Ireland, i. 26
Hartington, Lord (afterwards Duke of
Devonshire), at school at Woodnes-
boro', i. 13; his dog Chance,' 19,

[ocr errors]

Hartington, Lord, appointed by Lord

John to first place in the War De-
partment, ii. 409
Harvey, Whittle (member for Colches-
ter), i. 140

Hatherton, Lord, ii. 109

Hawes, Sir B., i. 382 n, 395
Hawkesbury, Lord (afterwards Lord
Liverpool), proposed as Pitt's suc-
cessor, i. 17

Hawtrey, Dr. (Provost of Eton), ii.

Herbert (confidential servant), i. 6, 7
Herbert, Rt. Hon. Sidney, i. 424; ii.
155; urges Lord John not to resign,
209; would subsidise Sweden, 218;
229, 230, 236; resignation of office
in Palmerston Cabinet, 245, 287,
407, 408

Herschel, Sir John, made Master of the
Mint, ii. 145

Heywood, Lady, ii. III

Heywood, Sir Benjamin, ii. III
Higgins, Mr., i. I

Hill, General, i. 53

Hind, Mr., grant to, ii. 146
Hinds, Professor, ii. 26 n, 116
Hoare, Mr., i. 23

Hobhouse, Sir J., on Abercromby as
Speaker, i. 215; letter to Lord John,
220; ii. 90, 196
Holland, Lady, at Woburn, i. 35, 36;
delicate state of her health, 40;
letters to Lord John, 135, 338; on the
Catholic question, 136; death of,
404; legacy to Lord John, 404
Holland, Lord (the first), i. 160
Holland, Lord, author of 'Lope de

Vega,' i. 25; at Woburn, 35, 36;
tour in Spain, 38, 39; advises
Lord John to study at Edinburgh,
43; the only remaining Whig in
England,' 49, 50n; opinion of Lord
John's translation of the Odyssey,
98; made of sterner stuff' than


Lord Lansdowne, 137; in Opposition
in the Wellington administration,
139; in favour of a Central Asso-
ciation, 147; letter on England's
Russian policy, 152; letter on the
Prince de Polignac, 156; urges Lord
John to attack the strongest of the
Tory strongholds in the election of
1831, 169; comment on Lord John's
speech at Totness, 213; letter on the
death of the Duke of Bedford, 340;
opposes the treaty of European
Powers in 1840, 346; death of, 358;
inscription composed by Lord John
for his monument, 359 n

Holy Places, struggle for the possession
of, by the Greek and Latin Churches,
ii. 177; settlement of the dispute,
179, 192

Hood, Tom, pension to his children, ii.

Hope, Professor, i. 45
Horner, Mr., i. 108

Horsman, Mr., i. 425; proposal to
exempt professional and precarious
incomes from the full weight of the
income-tax, ii. 26

Houghton, Lord, his estimate of Lord
John, ii. 454

Howick, Lord (3rd Earl Grey), at the
meeting on the question of the
Speakership, i. 224, 244; opposes the
suspension of the Canadian consti-
tution, 294; calibre as a Minister, 303;
dissatisfied with the conduct of Colo-
nial affairs, 312, 313; attitude to-
wards the franchise, 324, 325; pro-
position to promote him to the Post
Office, and call him to the House
of Lords, 336; resigns office, 336;
refuses to take office if Lord Palmers-
ton becomes Foreign Secretary, 411,
415, 416; letter to Lord John on
the latter's formation of a Ministry,
412; reasons for including him in the
Ministry, 427; his remonstrance at
Lord Palmerston's conduct of foreign
affairs, ii. 44; reduces the colonial
garrisons, 50; dissatisfaction with
Palmerston, 52; letter to Lord John
on the Hungarian refugees, 54;
views on Irish legislation, 65, 69;
proposes a loan to Canada, 78;
against further expenditure on Ire-
land, 78; his Canadian proposal
before the Cabinet, 80; accused of
suppressing an important despatch,
94; one of the best Colonial Secre-
taries, and the most unpopular of

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