Sivut kuvina


ADDISON, JOSEPH, his interview with Gay, i. 188.

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Specimen of his Criticism, ii. 239.
when at College, ii. 243.

his opinion of Blank Verse, iii. 19.
description of "the Iliad" and the" Eneid,"

and the famous Duke of Wharton, iii, 238.
his destination for the Church, iii. 289.
Akenside, Mark, sketch of, iii, 247.
Alfieri, death of, iii. 87.

Ambree, Mary, curious ballad concerning, ii. 39.
Anagrams and Acrostics, several carious, ii. 59.
Andreini, Isabella, poetess and actress, i. 167.
Ariosto, and the Duke of Ferrara, i. 170.
Potter, i. 172.

Atkinson, Joseph, his biography, iii. 135.
Poetry by, iii. 136.

Avery, alias Bridgman, the pirate, his adventures, ii. 67.

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his poetry, ii. 70,

Ballad singers, English, some account of, ii. 89.

Ballads, German, account of, ii. 119.

of the Spaniards and Moors, iii. 26.

, sung in Spain on "The Day of John the Baptist,"
iii. 61.

Baraballo, Abate di Gaeta, his mock coronation, i. 69.
Bards, ancient Irish, some account of, ii. 92.

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in the time of Queen Elizabeth, i. 4.
self-devotion of, i. 176.

Barton, Bernard, his autograph, as sent by himself, ii. 5.



Baxter, Richard, his judgment of his poetical contempo-
raries, i. 233.

--, poetry by, i. 236.

Benlowes, Edward, account of, i. 225.
Benserade, the French Satirist, i. 119.

Berners, Lady Juliana, her biography, i. 199.
--, poetry by, i. 202.

Bilderdyck, his anonymous verses, i. 224.

Blackstone, Sir Wm., poetry by, ii. 45.
Bloomfield, Robert, biography of, i. 173.
Boccacio's heroic poem, "La Teseide," i. 112.
Bogdanovich, Hippolitas, the Russian Anacreon, i. 60.
-, specimen of his poetry, i. 61.

Boileau, his judicious revision, ii. 190.

villa at Auteuil, description of, iii. 70.
Boleyn, George, Viscount Rochford, slight account of, iii.


Brandt, Gerard, remarkable resemblance of some of his pas-
sages to Shakspeare, iii. 148.

Brathwayte's description of the poverty of poets, ii. 230.
Brederode, Gerbrand, slight account of, ii. 263.
-, poetry by, ii. 265.

Buckhurst, Lord, his tragedy of "Gondibert,"ii. 10.
Burns, Robert, bis "Lines on a bank note," i. 116.

"Tam O'Shanter," the original of, i. 159.
Epitaph on Barton," ii. 7.

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Butler, Samuel, his "Character of an Epigrammatist," i. 21.
and the Earl of Dorset, ii. 219.

his "Character of a play writer," iii. 222.
Byron, Lord, his "Manfred," Goethe's opinion of, i. 88.
Dog, i. 153.

swimming across the Hellespont, i. 154.

sums received by, for his poems, ii. 6.

his generosity, ii. 170.

death, as related by Captain Trelawny, in a

letter to the Hon. Col. Stanhope, iii. 39.

"Mazeppa," similar story to, iii. 243.

Cabestan, William De, a Troubadour, singular adventure of,

i. 147.

Callanan, J. J. slight account of, ii. 136.

poetry by, ii. 137.

Camoëns, his biography, ii, 186.

Campbell, Kenneth, slight account of, ii. 169.
Campion, his "Memorable Mask," i. 218.
Carolan, the Irish Bard, his biography, ii. 190.
Cats, Jacob, some account of, iii. 102.
-, poetry by, iii. 104.

Chaucer, Geoffrey, brief history of, i. 156.

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his poetry, i. 158.

his Inn, "the Tabard," i. 166.

Christmas Carols, accounts of several, iii. 191.
by Richard Ryan, iii. 193.

Chadleigh, Lady, slight account of, i. 170.
Churchill, the satirist, tributes to, ii. 66.

Clare, Robert, "the Northamptonshire Bard," his biography,
ii. 273.

poetry by, ii. 275.

Cleland, William, account of, i. 248.

-, poetry by, i. 252.

Cleveland, John, his petition to Oliver Cromwell, ii. 54.
Collins, anecdotes of, ii. 249.

Congreve, opinions on, by Voltaire and Dennis, ii. 97-98.
Coombe, Mr. George, his poetical reply, ii. 153.

Coornbert, Dirk, specimens of his poetry, iii. 283.

Coryate, Thomas, his poetry, iii. 209.

"Courts of Love," at the time of the Troubadours, account
of, ii. 20.

Cowper, William, his account of his own physiognomy,
i. 178.

Crabbe, Rev. George, patronage of, by Edmund Burke,
iii. 56.

Crebillon, and the Rat, i. 19,

Croker, Thomas Crofton, his account of the political poetry
of the Irish, ii. 2.

Croly, Rev. George, his "Catiline," a tragedy, ii. 282.

Carran, J. P., his poetry, ii. 50.

Daniel Arnaud, a Troubadour, account of, i. 11.

Dante's "Divina Comedia," i. 211.

- and the Prince of Verona, ii. 218.

Davies, Sir John and his Wife, their writings, ii. 14.

De Beranger, his biography, ii. 277.

Dennis, John, the critic and poet, anecdote of, related by
Cibber, i. 210.

Derzhavin, the Russian poet, account of, ii. 131.

Derzhavin, the Russian poet, poetry by, ii. 133.
Desmarets, his poem of "Clovis," ii. 190.

Dionysius, King of Sicily, his contention for the poetical prize
at Athens, iii. 125.

Drummond, his retirement at Hawthornden, iii. 164.
sonnet by, iii. 165.

Dryden, John, sums received by, i. 33.

ii. 94.

his fondness for judicial astrology, i. 99.
character of Elkanah Settle, i. 206.

opinion of the Duke of Dorset's poetry,

and Tonson, the bookseller, ii. 159.
Charles II,, ii. 171.

his funeral, ii. 172.

and Dr. Lockier, iii. 20.

his poem of "The Medal," iii. 244.

Dumas, a highwayman, singular verses addressed to, iii. 144.
Edwards, Richard, slight account of, iii. 172.

poetry by, iii. 173, 175, 176, 177.

"Edwin and Emma," the originals of, i. 17.

́Effendi, Nabi, a Turkish poet, his rules for becoming a

poet, ii. 52.

Elizabeth, Queen, Pattenham's poetical portrait of, i. 18.

-, poetical tributes to her memory, ii, 51.

iii. 197.

complimento, ii. 163.

character of, by Joseph Ritson,

Epigram Club, the account of, ii. 109.
Ercilla, Alonzo D', his "Auracauna."
Erskine, Lord, his poetry, ii. 48.

Essex, Earl of, sonnet by, addressed to Queen Elizabeth, iii.


his poetry, and patronage of poets, iii. 218.
Euripides, veneration of the Sicilians for the verses of, ii.


Fabyan, Robert, his poetry, &c. account of, by Warton,
i. 15.

Fage, Mary, her book of anagrams and acrostics, account
of, ii. 59.

Fleck noe, Richard, Southey's account of, i, 120.
Fontaine, La, anecdotes of, iii. 1.

Garcilaso de la Vega, slight sketch of, i. 180.

Garcilaso de la Vega, poetry by, i. 181.
Garth, Dr. his last illness, i. 76.

benevolence of, ii. 232.

Gascoigne, George, his biography, iii. 127.

"Steele Glas," extract from, iii, 131

Gay, John, and the South Sea Babble, i. 39.
Gay's "Beggar's Opera, anecdotes of, iii. 142.
Goethe, his opinion of Lord Byron's "Manfred," i. 88.
"Fisher," a ballad, ii. 120.

Goldsmith, Dr. his account of "the Author's Club," i. 90.
lodging in Green Arbour Court described,

i. 198.

and Mr. Banbury, ii. 11.

the amanuensis, ii. 154.
Fiddler, ii. 162.

Jack Pilkington, ii. 222.

his partiality for Islington, iii. 54.

Gower, his anachronisms in his "Confessio Amantis," iii. 157.
Gray, Thomas, his Satire on a new made Clergyman, ii. 228.
quarrels of his parents, iii. 224.

Greene, Robert, his "Orpharion," extract from, ii. 225.
Grotius, Hugo, account of, iii. 9.

-, poetry by, iii. 11.

Guillet, Pernette, Dr. slight account of, ii. 40.
Haller, Baron, his poetic compositions, iii. 114.
Harrington, Dr. his lines to Dr. Wolcot, ii. 202.
Sir John, his pleasantry, ii. 234.

Hayley, his interview with Garrick regarding his tragedy,
ii. 210.

Henault, the French Poet, his atheism, i. 270.
Herrick, Robert, some account of, ii. 148.

" poetry by, ii. 151.

his "Fairy sounding names," ii. 153.
Heywood, Thomas, his description of the poverty of poets,
ii. 231.

→→→, John, anecdotes of, iii. 120.

- poetry by, iii. 124.

Headly, Bishop, his prologue, ii. 183.

Hogg, James, his poetry, slight account of, and specimen,
i. 240.

Home, John, tributes paid to, on the appearance of
"ii. 164.

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