Sivut kuvina


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An exchange of prisoners proposed by Washington, 45- Agreed to by
Howe, 46 Confederation, 46 Draught of Dickinson, 46- Dickinson's
despondency, 47- Confederation opposed by separatism, 47- The sev-




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a preference of peace, 68 Effect of this advice on Louis the Sixteenth,

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30, 1776.

Condition of the American army, 97 - Its confidence in Washington,

98 His steady attention, 98-Number of his troops, 98 Their suf-

ferings, 98 Character of General Howe, 99 Delancey and Woodhull,
Approaches of the British army, 101-Necessity of a retreat,

101 - Measures for a retreat, 101- A council of war, 102 - Skilful

measures, 103

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Sullivan Lord Howe's volunteer go-between, 108 Conduct of General
Howe, 109 - Washington represents to congress the condition of his army,

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The declaration of independence unites England, 141 Speech of Cav-

endish, 142 - Of Johnstone, 142 Of Wilkes, 142 - Of Lord North,

142 · Of Barre, 142 — Of Germain, 143 · Of Fox, 143 - Fox for in-

dependence, 144 Fox applauded by Gibbon and Burke, 144 Unsat-
isfactory letters from Howe, 144 - His exorbitant demands, 145 - Ger-
main shirks blame, 145 Proposal of Cavendish, 145 — Perplexity of
Lord North, 145 — Speech of Fox, 146 — Of Wedderburn, 146 - Se-
cession of Burke, 146 - Fox disapproves secession, 146 - Character of
Fox, 146 His licentiousness, 147 His love of poetry, 147 - His dis-
His manner, 148- Character of his speeches, 148







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Washington on the heights of Harlem, 165 — His lines of defence, 16!
Mount Washington, 166 Country beyond Mount Washington, 166
Greene at Fort Lee, 167 Washington safe on this side of New York
island, 167 Establishment of new governments, 167 Lee expected,

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