Sivut kuvina

lessor from coming: 3. By rescous; that is, either by violently retaking a distress taken, or by preventing the lord with force and arms from taking any at all: 4. By replevin; when the tenant replevies the distress at such time when his rent is really due: 5. By denial; which is when the rent being lawfully demanded is not paid. All, or any of these circumstances amount to a disseisin of rent; that is, they wrongfully put the owner out of the only possession, of which the subject-matter is capable, namely, the receipt of it. But all these disseisins, of hereditaments incorporeal, are cnly so at the election and choice of the party injured; if, for the sake of more easily trying the right, he is pleased to suppose himself disseised (g). Otherwise, as there can be no actual dispossession, he cannot be compulsively disseised of any incorporeal hereditament.

And so too, even in corporeal hereditaments, a man may frequently suppose himself to be disseised, when he is not so in fact, for the sake of entitling himself to the more easy and commodious remedy of an assise of novel disseisin (which will be explained in the sequel of this chapter), [*171] instead of being *driven to the more tedious process of a writ of

entry (h). The true injury of compulsive disseisin seems to be that of dispossessing the tenant, and substituting oneself to be the tenant of the lord in his stead; in order to which in the times of pure feodal tenure the consent or connivance of the lord, who upon every descent or alienation personally gave, and who therefore alone could change, the seisin or investiture, seems to have been considered as necessary. But when in process of time the feodal form of alienations wore off, and the lord was no longer the instrument of giving actual seisin, it is probable that the lord's acceptance of rent or service, from him who had dispossessed another, might corstitute a complete disseisin. Afterwards, no regard was had to the lord's concurrence, but the dispossessor himself was considered as the sole disseisor: and this wrong was then allowed to be remedied by entry only, vithout any form of law, as against the disseisor himself; but required a tegal process against his heir or alienee. And when the remedy by assis was introduced under Henry II. to redress such disseisins as had been committed within a few years next preceding, the facility of that remedy induced others, who were wrongfully kept out of the freehold, to feign or allow themselves to be disseised, merely for the sake of the remedy.

These three species of injury, abatement, intrusion, and disseisin, are such wherein the entry of the tenant ab initio, as well as the continuance of his possession afterwards, is unlawful. But the two remaining species are where the entry of the tenant was at first lawful, but the wrong consists in the detaining of possession afterwards.

4. Such is, fourthly, the injury of discontinuance (5); which happens when

(g) Litt. § 588, 589.

(5) See in general, Adams on Ejectment, 35 to 41; Com. Dig. Discontinuance; Bac. Ab. Discontinuance; Vin. Ab. Discontinuance; Cru. Dig. index, Discontinuance; Co. Litt. 325; 2 Saund. index, tit. Discontinuance. The term discontinuance is used to distinguish those cases where the party, whose freehold is ousted, can restore it by action only, from those in which he may restore it by entry. Now things which lie in grant cannot either be devested or restored by entry. The owner therefore of any thing which

(h) Hengh. parv. c. 7. 4 Burr. 110.

lies in grant, has in no stage, and under no circumstances, any other remedy but by action. The books often mention both disseisins and discontinuances of incorporeal hereditaments, but these disseisins and discontinuances are only at the election of the party, for the purpose of availing himself of the remedy by action. Co. Litt. 330. b. n. But a disseisin or discontinuance of corporeal hereditaments necessarily operates as a disseisin or discontinuance of all the incorporeal rights or incidents which the disseisee or discon

he who hath an estate-tail, maketh a larger estate of the land than by law he is entitled to do (i): in which case the estate is good, so far as his power extends who made it, but no farther. As if tenant in tail makes a feoffment in fee-simple, or for the life of the feoffee, or in tail; all *which are beyond his power to make, for that by the common [*172] law extends no farther than to make a lease for his own life; in such case the entry of the feoffee is lawful during the life of the feoffor; but if he retains the possession after the death of the feoffor, it is an injury, which is termed a discontinuance: the ancient legal estate, which ought to have survived to the heir in tail, being gone, or at least suspended, and for a while discontinued. For, in this case, on the death of the alienors, neither the heiy in tail, nor they in remainder or reversion expectant on the determination of the estate-tail, can enter on and possess the lands so alienated. Also, by the common law, the alienation of a husband who was seised in the right of his wife, worked a discontinuance of the wife's estate : till the statute 32 Hen. VIII. c. 28. provided, that no act by the husband alone shall work a discontinuance of, or prejudice, the inheritance or freehold of the wife; but that, after his death, she or her heirs may enter on the lands in question (6). Formerly, also, if an alienation was made by a sole corporation, as a bishop or dean, without consent of the chapter, this was a discontinuance (j). But this is now quite antiquated by the disabling statutes of 1 Eliz.c. 19. and 13 Eliz. c. 10. which declare all such alienations absolutely void ab initio, and therefore at present no discontinuance can be thereby occasioned.

5. The fifth and last species of injuries by ouster or privation of the freehold, where the entry of the present tenant or possessor was originally lawful, but his detainer is now become unlawful, is that by deforcement. This, in its most extensive sense, is nomen generalissimum; a much larger and more comprehensive expression than any of the former: it then signifying the holding of any lands or tenements to which another person hath a right (k). So that this includes as well an abatement, an intrusion, a disseisin, or a discontinuance, as any other species of wrong whatsoever, whereby he that hath right to the freehold is kept out of possession. But, as contradistinguished from the former, it is only such a detainer of the *freehold, from him that hath the right of property, but [*173] never had any possession under that right, as falls within none of the injuries which we have before explained. As in case where a lord has a seignory, and lands escheat to him propter defectum sanguinis, but the seisin of the lands is withheld from him: here the injury is not abatement,

(i) Finch. L. 190. (2) F. N. B. 194.

tinuce has himself in, upon, or out of the land affected by the disseisin or discontinuance. Ib. 332. a. n. 1. Conveyances by feoffment and livery, or by fine or recovery by tenant in tail in possession work a discontinuance; but if by covenants to stand seised to uses, under the statute, lease and release, bargain and sale, they do not, Co. Litt. 330. a. n. 1, unless accompanied with a fine, as one and the same assurance in the two latter instances, 10 Co. 95; but if the fine be a distinct assurance, it is otherwise. 2 Burr. 704. See ante, 2 book, 301. See further, Adams on Ejectment, 35, &c. 2 Saund. index, Discon

(k) Co. Litt. 277.

tinuance. See 2 D. & R. 373; 1 B. & C. 238.

(6) In New-York no future estate can be defeated by any alienation or other act of the owner of the precedent estate, nor by the destruction of such precedent estate by disseisin, forfeiture, surrender, merger, or otherwise. (1 R. S. 725, § 32.) And no greater estate can pass by a conveyance than the grantor had at the delivery of the deed, (id. 739,143:) nor will a conveyance attempting to convey more, cause a forfeiture. (Id. §145.) See also id. 749, § 7.

for the right vests not in the lord as heir or devisee; nor is it intrusion, for it vests not in him who hath the remainder or reversion; nor is it disseisin, for the lord was never seised; nor does it at all bear the nature of any species of discontinuance; but, being neither of these four, it is therefore a deforcement (l). If a man marries a woman, and during the coverture is seised of lands, and alienes, and dies; is disseised, and dies; or dies in possession; and the alienee, disseisor, or heir, enters on the tenements and doth not assign the widow her dower; this is also a deforcement to the widow, by withholding lands to which she hath a right (m). In like manner, if a man lease lands to another for term of years, or for the life of a third person, and the term expires by surrender, efflux of time, or death of the cestuy que vie; and the lessee or any stranger, who was at the expiration of the term in possession, holds over, and refuses to deliver the possession to him in remainder or reversion, this is likewise a deforcement (n). Deforcements may also arise upon the breach of a condition in law: as if a woman gives lands to a man by deed, to the intent that he marry her, and he will not when thereunto required, but continues to hold the lands: this is such a fraud on the man's part, that the law will not allow it to devest the woman's right of possession; though, his entry being lawful, it does devest the actual possession, and thereby becomes a deforcement (o). Deforcements may also be grounded on the disability of the party deforced: as if an infant do make an alienation of his lands, and the alienee enters and keeps possession; now, as the alienation is voidable, this possession as against the infant (or, in case of his decease, as against his heir) is after

avoidance wrongful, and therefore a deforcement (p). The same [*174] happens, *when one of nonsane memory alienes his lands or tene

ments, and the alienee enters and holds possession; this may also be a deforcement (q). Another species of deforcement is, where two persons have the same title to land, and one of them enters and keeps possession against the other: as where the ancestor dies seised of an estate in feesimple, which descends to two sisters as coparceners, and one of them enters before the other, and will not suffer her sister to enter and enjoy her moiety; this is also a deforcement (r). Deforcement may also be grounded on the non-performance of a covenant real: as if a man, seised of lands, covenants to convey them to another, and neglects or refuses so to do, but continues possession against him; this possession, being wrongful, is a deforcement(s): whence, in levying a fine of lands, the persons against whom the fictitious action is brought upon a supposed breach of covenant, is called the deforciant. And, lastly, by way of analogy, keeping a man by any means out of a freehold office is construed to be a deforcement; though, being an incorporeal hereditament, the deforciant has no corporeal possession. So that whatever injury (withholding the possession of a freehold) is not included under one of the four former heads, is comprised under this of deforcement.

The several species and degrees of injury by ouster being thus ascertained and defined, the next consideration is the remedy; which is, universally, the restitution of delivery of possession to the right owner: and, in some cases, damages also for the unjust amotion. The methods, whereby these remedies, or either of them, may be obtained, are various.

(1) F. N. B. 143.

(m) Ibid. 8. 147.

(n) Finch. L. 263. F. N. B. 201. 205, 6, 7. See

book II. ch. 9, p. 151.

(0) F. N. B. 205.

(p) Finch. L. 264. F. N. B. 192.

(q) Finch. Ibid. F. N. B. 202.

(r) Finch. L. 293, 294. F. N. B. 197. (3) F. N. B. 146..

1. The first is that extrajudicial and summary one, which we slightly touched in the first chapter of the present book (t), of entry by the legal owner, when another person, who hath no right, hath previously taken possession of lands or tenements. In this case the party entitled may make a formal, but peaceable, entry thereon, declaring that thereby he takes possession: which notorious act of ownershipis equivalent to a feodal investiture by the lord (v): or he may enter on any *part [*175] of it in the same county, declaring it to be in the name of the whole (u): but if it lies in different counties he must make different entries; for the notoriety of such entry or claim to the pares or freeholders of Westmoreland, is not any notoriety to the pares or freeholders of Sussex. Also if there be two disseisors, the party disseised must make his entry on both; or if one disseisor has conveyed the lands with livery to two distinct feoffees, entry must be made on both (w): for as their seisin is distinct, so also must be the act which devests that seisin. If the claimant be deterred from entering by menaces or bodily fear, he may make claim (7), as near to the estate as he can, with the like forms and solemnities: which claim is in force for only a year and a day (x). And this claim, if it be repeated once in the space of every year and a day (which is called continual claim), has the same effect with, and in all respects amounts to, a legal entry (y). Such an entry gives a man seisin (z), or puts into immediate possession him that hath right of entry on the estate, and thereby makes him complete owner, and capable of conveying it from himself by either descent or purchase.

This remedy by entry takes place in three only of the five species of ouster, viz. abatement, intrusion, and disseisin (a); for, as in these the original entry of the wrongdoer was unlawful, they may therefore be remedied by the mere entry of him who hath right. But, upon a discontinuance or deforcement, the owner of the estate cannot enter, but is driven to his action for herein the original entry being lawful, and thereby an apparent right of possession being gained, the law will not suffer that right to be overthrown by the mere act or entry of the claimant. Yet a man may enter (6) on his tenant by sufferance: for such tenant hath no freehold, but only a bare possession; which may be defeated, like a tenancy at will, by the mere entry of the owner. But if the owner thinks it more expedient to suppose or admit (c) such tenant to have *gained a tortious freehold, he is then remediable by writ of en- [*176] try, ad terminum qui praeteriit.

On the other hand, in case of abatement, intrusion, or disseisin, where entries are generally lawful, this right of entry may be tolled, that is, taken away by descent (8). Descents, which take away entries (d) (9), are

[blocks in formation]

when any one, seised by any means whatsoever of the inheritance of a corporeal hereditament, dies; whereby the same descends to his heir: in this case, however feeble the right of the ancestor might be, the entry of any other person who claims title to the freehold is taken away; and he cannot recover possession against the heir by this summary method, but is driven to his action to gain a legal seisin of the estate. And this, first, because the heir comes to the estate by act of law, and not by his own act; the law therefore protects his title, and will not suffer his possession to be devested, till the claimant hath proved a better right. Secondly, because the heir may not suddenly know the true state of his title; and therefore the law, which is ever indulgent to heirs, takes away the entry of such claimant as neglected to enter on the ancestor, who was well able to defend his title; and leaves the claimant only the remedy of an action against the heir (e). Thirdly, this was admirably adapted to the military spirit of the feodal tenures, and tended to make the feudatory bold in war; since his children could not, by any mere entry of another, be dispossessed of the lands whereof he died seised. And, lastly, it is agreéable to the dictates of reason and the general principles of law.

For, in every complete title (f) to lands, there are two things necessary; the possession or seisin, and the right or property therein (g): or, as it is expressed in Fleta, juris et seisinae conjunctio (h). Now if the possession be severed from the property, if A has the jus proprietatis, and B by some

unlawful means has gained possession of the lands, this is an in[*177] jury to A; for which the law gives a remedy, by putting *him

in possession, but does it by different means according to the circumstances of the case. Thus, as B, who was himself the wrongdoer, and hath obtained the possession by either fraud or force, hath only a bare or naked possession, without any shadow of right; A therefore, who hath both the right of property and the right of possession, may put an end to his title at once, by the summary method of entry. But, if B the wrongdoer dies seised of the lands, then B's heir advances one step farther towards a good title: he hath not only a bare possession, but also an apparent jus possessionis, or right of possession. possession which is transmitted from the possession, until the contrary be shewn: A is not allowed to evict the heir of B; law to remove the possession of the heir, though his entry alone would have dispossessed the ancestor.

For the law presumes, that the ancestor to the heir, is a rightful and therefore the mere entry of

but A is driven to his action at

So that in general it appears, that no man can recover possession by mere entry on lands, which another hath by descent. Yet this rule hath

(e) Co. Litt. 237.

(f) See book II. ch. 13.

ly possible to suggest a case in which the doctrine of descent cast can be now so applied, as to prevent a claimant from maintaining ejectment. Adams, 41. note e. We have before seen, that where the entry of the party or his ancestor was originally lawful, and the continuance in possession only unlawful, the entry is not tolled. See Dowl. & R. 41. "If a disseisor make a lease for term of his own life, and dieth, this descent shall not take away the entry of the disseisee; for though the fee and franktenement descend to the heir of the disseisor, yet the dissei

(g) Mirror, c. 2, § 27.
(h) l. 3, c. 15, § 5.

sor died not seised of the fee and franktenement; and Littleton saith, unless he hath the fee and franktenement at the time of his decease, such descent shall not take away the entire." Co Litt. 239. b. c. It was laid down in Carter v. Tash, by Holt, C. J. that if a feme-covert is disseisee, and after her husband dies she takes a second husband, and then the descent happens, this descent shall take away the entry of the feme, for she might have entered before the second marriage, and prevented the descent. 1 Salk. 241. See also 4 T. R. 300.

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