Sivut kuvina

such agreements as the development entity, the corporation and the state, as appropriate, shall determine, provided that such development, operation, repair and continuing use and maintenance shall reflect the following basic terms and conditions:

(a) The development entity shall be responsible for the development of the Buffalo project in accordance with the development and operation plan and any effective amendments thereto and shall be obligated to pay all costs and expenses for the development, operation, repair and continuing use and maintenance of the Buffalo project,

(b) The aggregate amount of moneys disbursed by the corporation to the development ment ent entity in connection with the development of the Buffalo project shall not exceed twenty-two million five hundred thousand dollars ($22,500,000), and

(c) The development entity shall be obligated to pay or assure the payment of all costs related to the development of the Buffalo project in accordance with the development and operation plan and any effective amendments thereto in excess of twenty-two million five hundred thousand dollars ($22,500,000), and shall provide such guarantees, commitments or other forms of security as the corporation and the director of the budget deem appropriate to ensure the completion of the development and equipping of the Buffalo project.

In the development of the Buffalo project, minority and womenowned business enterprises and minority group members and women shall be given the opportunity for meaningful participation. The development entity, in consultation with the corporation, shall establish measures and procedures secure meaningful participation and identify those contracts and items of work for which minority and women-owned business enterprises may best bid to actively and affirmatively promote and assist their participation in the construction and procurement of such project,



SO as to facilitate the award of a fair share of contracts to such en-
terprises; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be con-
strued to limit the ability of the development entity to assure that
qualified minority and women-owned business enterprises may participate
in the Buffalo project by employing minority group members and women
during the construction and for the operation of the Buffalo project.
For the purposes hereof, "minority business enterprise" shall mean any
business enterprise which is at least fifty-one per centum owned by,
in the case of a publicly owned business, at least fifty-one per centum
of the stock of which is owned by citizens or permanent resident aliens
who are Black Hispanic, Asian or American Indian, and such ownership
interest is real, substantial and continuing; and "women-owned business
enterprise" shall mean any business enterprise which is at least fifty-
one per centum owned by, or in the case of a publicly owned business, at
least fifty-one per centum of the stock of which is owned by citizens or
permanent resident aliens who are women, and such ownership interest
real, substantial and continuing. The provisions of this section shall
not be construed to limit the ability of any minority or women-owned
business enterprise to to bid on any contract.


In order to implement the requirements and objectives of this section, the corporation shall be responsible for monitoring of the development entity's and contractors' compliance with provisions hereof, of advising the development entity on the availability of competitive qualified minority and women-owned business enterprises to perform contracts proposed to be awarded, and of making recommendations to the development entity to improve the access of minority and women-owned business enterprises to these contracts.

§ 8. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general, special or local law or charter, no part of the appropriation made in section two of this act shall be made available for use for the purposes designated by this act for such appropriation until a certificate of approval of availability shall have been issued by the director of the budget and a copy of such certificate filed with the state comptroller, the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee. Such certificate may be amended from time to time, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, and a copy of each such amendment shall be filed with the state comptroller, the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee.

§ 9. The director of the budget shall not issue any certificate of approval of availability until: (a) the development entity has entered into written agreement with the director of the budget providing for repayment by such development entity to the state of New York of an



amount equal to the total amount expended by the state from the appropriation made herein, and (b) the director of the budget and the corporation have approved the development and operation plan. The repayment agreement shall provide: (a) that until the total amount expended by the state from the appropriation has been repaid, in any year in which the total income from the Buffalo project exceeds the approved operating costs thereof (including reasonable reserves for repairs and capital replacements), the development entity shall repay such excess to the state; (b) in the event of the sale or other disposition of the Buffalo project, for the payment to the state from the proceeds of such sale disposition of an amount equal to the total amount expended by the state from the appropriation and not theretofore repaid; and (c) such other terms and conditions, including the repayment of interest, sharing of any revenues or profits and securing the obligations contained therein, as the director of the budget may prescribe. A copy of such agreement shall be filed with the state comptroller, the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee.


§ 10. The state comptroller is hereby authorized to receive from the development entity repayment of money disbursed from this appropriation and any income or increment related thereto due to the investment thereof and to deposit the same to the credit of the capital projects fund.



11. The sum of six million five hundred thousand dollars ($6,500,000), or so much thereof as shall be necessary, is hereby appropriated from the capital projects fund to the corporation to be made available by the corporation, as it deems appropriate, to the county of Albany for the purpose of the development of a civic center and ancillary facilities (hereinafter referred to as the "Albany project") at site located in the city of Albany, county of Albany and state of New York, bounded generally by the South Mall Arterial and South Pearl, Howard and Eagle Streets (hereinafter referred to as the "Albany project site") and any parking facilities included in the development and operation plan described in section fourteen of this act and any effective amendments thereto, whether or not located at the present site.

The co corporation shall furnish technical assistance in connection with the development of the project as it deems appropriate and disburse the grant of moneys hereby appropriated.

§ 12. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general, special or local law or charter, the corporation and the county of Albany are hereby authorized and empowered to take any action, including executing any documents and entering into any agreements necessary or appropriate for the development, operation, repair and continuing use and maintenance of the Albany project. Construction shall not commence until the design of the Albany project shall been approved by the corporation.

§ 13. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general, special or local law or charter, the county, in consultation with the corporation, shall prepare or cause to be prepared a development and operation plan for the Albany project which shall include, but not be limited to, the items described in section fourteen of this act. The director of the budget and the corporation shall review and approve such development and operation plan before construction of the Albany project shall commence and the director of the budget shall file a copy of such plan and approval thereof with the chairmen of the senate finance committee and the assembly ways and means committee. No proposed amendment to the plan shall be effective until approved by the corporation and the director of the budget and filed with the chairmen of the senate finance committee and the assembly ways and means committee.

§ 14. Such development and operation plan shall include, but not be limited to, provisions concerning the following:

(a) the plans for the securing by the county of private, federal or local financial support for the construction and equipping of the Albany project,

(b) evidence satisfactory to the corporation of commitments or intentions to commit by tenants of the civic center and related facilities,

* So in original. (Word "have" omitted.)

EXPLANATION-Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets ( ) is old law to be omitted.

(c) evidence satisfactory to the corporation of the provision of adequate parking facilities to accommodate the Albany project at or in the vicinity of the Albany project site,

(d) the estimated total cost and date of completion of the Albany project,

(e) the sources of revenues that are projected to be available to meet all costs of the development, operation, repair and continuing use and maintenance of the Albany project and evidence satisfactory to the corporation that such revenues will be available when needed for the proj


(f) plans for the development, operation, repair and continuing use and maintenance of the Albany project, and

(g) plans satisfactory to the corporation for the implementation of section seventeen of this act during the development, operation, repair and continuing use and maintenance of the Albany project.

§ 15. Notwithstanding any general, special or local law or charter, the development, operation, repair and continuing use and maintenance of the Albany project shall take place on such terms and conditions and under agreements as the county, the corporation and the state, as appropriate, shall determine, provided that such development, operation, repair and continuing use and maintenance shall reflect the following basic terms and conditions:

(a) The county shall be responsible for the development of the project in accordance with the development and operation plan and any effective amendments thereto and shall be obligated to pay all costs and expenses for the development, operation, repair and continuing use and maintenance of the Albany project,

(b) The aggregate amount of moneys disbursed by the corporation to the county in connection with the development of the Albany project shall not exceed six million five hundred thousand dollars ($6,500,000), and (c) The county shall be obligated to pay or assure the payment of all costs related to the development of the project in accordance with the development and operation plan and any effective amendments thereto in excess of six million five hundred thousand dollars ($6,500,000), and shall provide such guarantees, commitments or other forms of security as the corporation and the director of the budget deem appropriate to enthe completion of the development and equipping of the Albany project. § 16. Notwithstanding any general, special or local law or charter, the development, operation, repair and continuing use and maintenance of parking facilities adequate to accommodate the Albany project shall take place on such terms and conditions and under agreements as the county the city of Albany, the corporation and the state, as appropriate, shall



§ 17. In the development of the Albany project, minority and womenowned business enterprises and minority group members and women shall be

givent the opportunity for meaningful participations n. The county, in


corporation, shall establish measures and pr




secure meaningful participation and identify those contracts and items of work for which minority and women-owned business enterprises may best bid to actively and affirmatively promote and assist their participation in the construction and procurement of such project, so as to facilitate the award of a fair share of contracts to such enterprises; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be construed limit the ability of the county to assure that qualified minority and women-owned business enterprises may participate in the Albany project by employing minority group members and women during the construction and for the operation of the Albany project. For the purposes hereof "minority business enterprise" shall mean any business enterprise which is at least fifty-one per centum owned by, or in the case of a publicly owned business, at least fifty-one per centum of the stock of which is owned by citizens or permanent resident aliens who are Black, Hispanic, Asian or American Indian, and such ownership interest is real, substantial and continuing; and "women-owned business enterprise" shall mean any business enterprise which is at least fifty-one per centum owned by, or in the case of a publicly owned business, at least fifty-one per centum of the stock of which is owned by citizens or permanent resident aliens who are women, and such ownership interest is real, substantial and continuing. The provisions of this section shall not be construed to limit the ability of any minority or women-owned business enterprise to bid on any contract.

In order to implement the requirements and objectives of this section, the corporation shall be responsible for monitoring the county's and contractors' compliance with provisions hereof, of advising the county on the availability of competitive qualified minor minority and women-owned business enterprises to perform contracts proposed to be awarded, and of making recommendations to the county to improve the access of minority and women-owned business enterprises to these contracts.


§ 18. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general, special or local law or charter, no part of the appropriation made in section eleven of this act shall be made available for use for the purposes designated by this act for such appropriation until certificate of approval of availability shall have been issued by the director of the budget and a copy of such certificate filed with the state comptroller, the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee. Such certificate may be amended from time to time, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, and a copy of each such amendment shall be filed with the state comptroller, the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee.



§ 19. The director of the budget shall not issue any certificate of approval of availability until: (a) the county of Albany has entered into a written agreement with the director of the budget providing for repayment by such county to the state of New York of an amount equal the total amount expended by the state from the appropriation made herein, and (b) the director of the budget and the corporation have proved the development and operation plan. The repayment agreement shall provide: (a) that until the total amount expended by the state from the appropriation has been repaid, in any year in which the total income from the Albany project exceeds the approved operating costs thereof (including reasonable reserves for repairs and capital replacements), the county shall repay such excess to the state; (b) in the event of the sale or other disposition of the Albany project, for the payment to the state from the proceeds of such sale or disposition of an amount equal to the total amount expended by the state from the appropriation and not theretofore repaid; and (c) such other terms and conditions including the repayment of interest, sharing of any revenues or profits from the Albany project and related parking facilities and securing the obligations contained therein, as the director of the budget may prescribe. A copy of such agreement shall be filed with the state comptroller, the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee.

§ 20. The state comptroller is hereby authorized to receive from the county, repayment of money disbursed from this appropriation and any income or increment related thereto due to the investment thereof, and to deposit the same to the credit of the capital projects fund.


21. The sum of one million four hundred thousand dollars ($1,400,000), or so much thereof as shall be necessary, is hereby appropriated from the capital projects fund to the corporation to be made available by the corporation, as it deems appropriate, to the county of Broome for the purpose of the development of a sports stadium and ancillary facilities (hereinafter referred to as the "Broome project") at site located in the county of Broome, and state of New York (hereinafter referred to as the "Broome project site").


The corporation shall furnish technical assistance in connection with the development of the project as it deems appropriate and disburse the grant of moneys hereby appropriated.


22. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general, special or local law or charter, the corporation and the county of Broome are hereby authorized and empowered to take any action, including executing any documents and entering into any agreements necessary or appropriate for the development, operation, repair and continuing use and maintenance of the Broome project. Construction shall not commence until the design of the Broome project has been approved by the corporation.

§ 23. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general, special or local law or charter, the county, in consultation with the corporation, shall prepare or cause to be prepared a development and operation plan for the Broome project which shall include, but not be limited to, the items described in section twenty-four of this act. The director of the budget and the corporation shall review and approve such development and opera

EXPLANATION-Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets ( ) is old law to be omitted.

tion plan before construction of the Broome project shall commence and the director of the budget shall file a copy of such plan and approval thereof with the chairmen of the senate finance committee and the assembly ways and means committee. No proposed amendment to the plan shall be effective until approved by the corporation and the director of the budget and filed with the chairmen of the senate finance committee and the assembly ways and means committee.

§ 24. Such development and operation plan shall include, but not be limited to, provisions concerning the following:

(a) the plans for the securin

e of

of the Broome

securing by the county of private, federal or local financial support for the construction and equipping project,

(b) evidence satisfactory to the corporation of commitments or intentions to commit by tenants of the sports stadium and any related facilities

(c) the estimated total cost and date of completion of the Broome project,

(d) the sources of revenues that are projected to be available to meet all costs of the development, operation, repair and continuing use and maintenance of the Broome project and evidence satisfactory to the corporation that such revenues will be available when needed for the project,

(e) plans for the development, operation, repair and continuing use and maintenance of the Broome project, and

(f) plans satisfactory to the corporation for the implementation of section twenty-six of this act during the development, operation, repair and continuing use and maintenance of the Broome project.

§ 25. Notwithstanding any general, special or local law or charter, the development, operation, repair and continuing use and maintenance of project shall take place on such terms and conditions and under agreements as the county, the corporation and the state, priate, shall determine, provided that such development, operation, repair and continuing use and maintenance shall reflect the following basic terms and conditions:

as appro

(a) The county shall be responsible for the development of the project in accordance with the development and operation plan and any effective amendments thereto and shall be obligated to pay all costs and expenses for the development, operation, repair and continuing use and maintenance of the Broome project,

(b) The aggregate amount of moneys disbursed by the corporation to the county in connection with the development of the Broome project shall not exceed one million four hundred thousand dollars ($1,400,000), and (c) The county shall be obligated to pay or assure the payment of all costs related to the development of the Broome project in accordance with the development and operation plan and any effective amendments thereto in excess of one million four hundred thousand dollars ($1,400,000), and shall provide such guarantees, commitments or other forms of security as the corporation and the director of the budget deem appropriate the completion completion of the development and equipping of the Broome project.


§ 26. In the development of the Broome project, minority and womenowned business enterprises and minority group members and women shall be given the opportunity for meaningful participation. The county, in consultation with the corporation, shall establish measures and procedures to secure meaningful participation and identify those contracts and items of work for which minority and women-owned business enterprises may best bid to actively and affirmatively promote and assist their participation in the construction and procurement of such project, so as to facilitate the award of a fair share of contracts to such enterprises; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be construed limit the ability of the county to assure that qualified minority and women-owned business enterprises may participate in the Broome project by employing minority group members and women during the construction and for the operation of the Broome project. For the purposes hereof, "minority business enterprise" shall mean any business enterprise which is at least fifty-one per centum owned by, or in the case of a publicly owned business, at least fifty-one per centum of the stock of which is owned by citizens or permanent resident aliens who are Black, Hispanic, Asian or American Indian, and such ownership interest is real, substantial and continuing; and "women-owned business enterprise" shall mean any business enterprise which is at least fifty-one per centum owned by,

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