Sivut kuvina
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For services and expenses for transportation

of convicts, judgments and inmate claims .......342,100

For services and expenses for contract

housing and facilities

......... ....


For services and expenses related to establishment of a secure medical ward at Champlain Valley Physician's Hospital 443,000


For non-personal services to hire a consultant to institute a program of nutritional revision at several medium security facilities, and to prepare a study of the effects thereof on social behavior. The implementation of this appropriation shall not be construed as the conduct of human research, as defined by section two thousand four hundred forty-two of the public health law, and shall not necessitate the prior written consent of any person or their legal representatives. The study herein required shall be forwarded forthwith upon completion to the majority leader of the senate and the speaker of the assembly.

For non-personal services related to a con-
tract with a municipal or private hospital
for the purposes of providing a secure
ward for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syn-
drome (AIDS) afflicted inmates. Prior to
any expenditures from this appropriation,
the departments of correctional services
and health shall submit to the chairman of
the senate finance committee and the
chairman of the assembly ways and means
committee a joint report containing an es-
tablished rate for such services, the
detailed methodology used in determining
such rate, and
detailed expenditure
plan. The health department, in establish-
ing the rate, shall take into considera-
tion the costs of care currently being
provided to persons afflicted with AIDS in
other hospitals of the state




For services and expenses of an intermediate care program at the Sing Sing Correctional Facility. The commissioner may transfer up to $80,000 of this appropriation to office of mental health for clinical staffing for this program





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For services and expenses related to establishment of a Family Service Program ........ For services and expenses related to esta



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