For services and expenses, including payments to public and private agencies and individuals for the low income home energy assistance program provided pursuant to the low income energy assistance act of 1981 12,000,000 § 10. Section one of chapter fifty-three of the laws of nineteen hundred eighty-four, as amended by chapter two hundred fifty-seven of the laws of nineteen hundred eighty-four, is amended by repealing the items hereinbelow set forth in brackets and by adding to such section the other items italicized in this section. AID TO LOCALITIES BUDGET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT For payment of financial assistance in accordance with the following schedule. The moneys hereby appropriated shall available for payment of aid heretofore or here be hereafter [4,937,588,200 4,846,801,700 [814,582,400 853,324,100 [520,000,000] 615,000,000 [6,272,170,600] 6,315,125,800 ELEMENTARY, SECONDARY AND CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAM General Fund Local Assistance Account General support for public schools, pursuant to (a) chapter fifty-three of the laws of 1984, including five million dollars ($5,000,000) for remaining nineteen hundred eighty three--eighty-four school year obligations for incentive grants for improving pupil performance pursuant to regulations of the commissioner of education as approved by the director of the budget; including five million dollars ($5,000,000) for support for incentive grants for improving pupil performance for the nineteen a com hundred eighty-four--eighty-five school year on .. [4,475,073,000] 4,380,073,000 [For teacher scholarships and fellowships pursuant to a chapter of the laws of 1984 ... 2,000,000] For allowances to private blind and deaf schools, including state aid for blind and deaf pupils in certain institutions to be paid for the purposes provided by artiEXPLANATION-Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets ( ) is old law to be omitted. cle 85 of the education law including the education of deaf children under three years of age. Notwithstanding any other inconsistent provisions of law, such aid shall be for the New York state pupils approved to attend such schools and whose admissions, attendance and termination therein is in accordance with rules and regulations of the commissioner of education. The commissioner shall determine by rules and regulations, as approved by the director of the budget, the definition of aidable operating expenses and shall further require such information at such times as he deems necessary in order to determine aidable operating expenses. In making such determination for schools under article 85 of the education law, the commissioner shall be guided by expenditures at the state schools for the blind and the deaf [39,805,500] For allowances for direct state contracts for multihandicapped pupils pursuant to section 4407 of the education law. Such aid will be for the New York state pupils approved to attend such schools, and whose admission, attendance and termination therein is in accordance with regulations of the commissioner of education. The commissioner shall determine by regulations, as approved by the director of the budget, the definition of aidable operating expenses and shall further require such information at such times as he deems necessary in order to determine aidable operating expenses. This appropriation shall be for the current school year and the ensuing school year, and each private school shall receive an amount not to exceed the approved tuition rate for each state appointed pupil, to be paid according to a payment schedule determined by the commissioner of education and approved by the director of the budget [12,766,500] 39,950,500 18,835,000 Program account sub-total ........... [4,722,602,200] 4,631,815,700 Special Revenue Funds-Federal Federal Department of Health and Human Services Fund For expenditures related to federal grants beginning [October] July first, nineteen hundred eighty-three, and ending (September] June thirtieth, nineteen hundred eighty-four, in accordance with the following: For grants to schools for specific programs Program fund sub-total Special Revenue Funds-Federal Federal Operating Grants Fund [239,204,400] [239,204,4001 243,121,500 243,121,500 Federal Food and Nutrition Services Account For expenditures related to federal grants beginning October first, nineteen hundred eighty-three and ending September thirtieth nineteen hundred eighty-four, in accordance with the following: For the school lunch and breakfast program Program account sub-total 0001 .::[91,600,000 ................ The comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to loan or money by transfer to this fund from the general fund 126,424,600 126,424,600 each such fund at the end of such month. Within ten days of the receipt of such accounting and reporting, the director of the budget shall provide to the chairmen of the senate finance committee and the assembly ways and means committee an expected schedule of repayment by fund and by sources for each outstanding loan. Repayment shall be made by the comptroller by transfer of the first cash receipts of this fund for education purposes. For general support for public schools ..... ..... [459,977,000] Program fund sub-total DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH For payment of financial assistance in accordance with the following schedule for community health programs and services pursuant to the state public health law, various titles of the federal social security act, the public health service act, the terms of various gifts and bequests, and the terms of various federal grants. The moneys hereby appropriated shall be available to reimburse department of health contractors, including but not limited to local governments, private agencies, and other public agencies, and shall be available for payment of financial assistance heretofore accrued or hereafter to accrue to these contractors. otwithstanding any other provision of law, the general fund--local assistance account moneys hereby appropriated shall be apportioned in accordance with regulations promulgated by the commissioner of health, and approved by the director of the budget. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, payments made from the general fund--local assistance account for general public health services only pursuant to this appropriation shall be in accordance with a plan submitted by the department of health to the director of the budget within sixty days after enactment of this appropriation, such plan to be subject to the approval of the director of the budget within thirty days after receipt thereof, who shall file copies thereof with the chairmen of the senate finance and assembly ways and means committees. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the amounts assistance account in the may be in- appropriated to any item within the general the general fund--local 554,977,000 615,000,000 88,010,700 [288,798,200] 288,768,200 For services and expenses of the [Long Island Jewish Hospital Geriatric Home Care Pilot Program) Jewish Institute for Geriatric Care 50,000 [For services and expenses of a Hemophilia research project operated by the Department of Health in collaboration with the New York State Chapter of the National Hemophilia Foundation .... 30,000] EXPLANATION-Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets ( ) is old law to be omitted. Amount available for maintenance undistributed ........ [1,878,000] HIGHER EDUCATION SERVICES CORPORATION For payment of financial assistance in accordance with the following schedule. The moneys hereby appropriated for the payment of awards, scholarships, and fellowships and loans shall be available for expenses heretofore accrued or hereafter to accrue. 1,848,000 288,768,200 415,569,000 431,425,000 GRANTS For the payment of awards and program grants including reinstitution of thirty new Lehman fellowships annually as formerly provided in section 639 of the education law and including teacher scholarships and fellowships established pursuant to section 605 of the education law [17,600,000] DEPARTMENT OF STATE 19,600,000 For payment of aid in accordance with the following schedule. For expenditures related to federal grant years beginning October first, nineteen hundred eighty-four, and ending September thirtieth, nineteen hundred eighty-five, in accordance with the following: For Appalachian region grants to be apportioned in accordance with rules and regulations issued pursuant to the federal Appalachian regional development act of 1965 ... .... For base aid for each full-time equivalent student enrolled in a contract course providing occupational training or assistance for the creation, improvement and retention of job opportunities provided however, that the amount appropriated shall be spent pursuant to a chapter of the laws of 1984 [720,000] 1,177,000 § 11. Section ten of chapter three hundred forty-eight of the laws of nineteen hundred eighty-four is amended by repealing the items hereinbelow set forth in brackets and by adding to such section the other items italicized in this section. § 10. The sum of [twelve million eight hundred twenty-two thousand sixty dollars ($12,822,060)] thirteen million twelve thousand sixty dollars ($13,012,060), or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the general fund to the credit of the local assistance account, and not otherwise appropriated, of which ten thousand dollars ($10,000) shall be made available to the city university of New York for the purposes of coordinated collection development, and of which three million dollars ($3,000,000) shall be made available for the construction, renovation and/or rehabilitation of acquisition, of to public libraries provided for in section two hundred seventy-three-a the education law, and of which ten million two thousand sixty dollars ($10,002,060) shall be made available to the department of education be used in carrying out the provisions of this act. Such moneys shall be payable on the audit and warrant of the comptroller on vouchers certified or approved in the manner prescribed by law. § 12. The several amounts named in this section, or so much thereof as shall be necessary to accomplish the purpose designated, are appropriated from the capital projects fund in accordance with section ninetythree of the state finance law, and authorized to be paid as hereafter provided to the respective public officers and for the purposes specified, which amounts shall be immediately available for payment when this act becomes a law. CAPITAL PROJECTS BUDGET HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY DEBT SERVICE RESERVE FUND RESTORATION (CCP) Capital Projects Fund .. The sum of twenty-two million three hundred eighty thousand dollars ($22,380,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary, is made available from any moneys in the state treasury in the capital projects fund to the New York state housing finance agency, pursuant to paragraph (c) of subdivision five of section forty-seven of the private housing finance law, for deposit in the nonprofit housing project bonds debt service reserve fund for the purpose of restoring such reserve fund to an amount equal al to the maximum amount of principal and inmaturing and becoming due in any succeeding calendar year on the nonprofit housing project bonds of the agency then outstanding and secured by such reserve fund, said sum having been duly certified by the chairman of the agency to the governor and the director of the budget as the sum required to restore such debt service reserve fund to the amount aforesaid. The director of the budget shall not issue any certificate of approval of availability until the New York state housing finance agency has entered into a written agreement with the director of the budget providing for repayment by such agency to the state of New York of an amount equal to the total amount expended by the state from this appropriation, on terms which may include interest thereon at a rate per annum to be determined by the director of the budget, and a copy of such agreement shall be filed with the state comptroller, the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee. Notwithstanding the provisions of section forty-a of the state finance law and any other general or special law, 22,380,000 EXPLANATION-Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets ( ) is old law to be omitted. |