Sivut kuvina
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Amount available for personal service ............8,044,000 Amount available for nonpersonal service

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Total children's facilities personal service




Plus an additional amount for services and
expenses to support 60 additional staff at
various office of mental health children
and youth services programs and children's
psychiatric centers. Of this amount, 25
shall represent additions
to the autho-
rized position level of the Bronx
Children's Psychiatric Center in order
relocate a 16 bed adolescent program cur-
rently at the Bronx Municipal Hospital,
and 35 shall represent additions for out-
patient services in underserved areas of
the state, especially in Brooklyn. The of-
fice of mental health shall maintain an
average filled position level of 2,390
through Octover 1, 1985, and an average
filled position level of 2,450 through
March 31, 1986.

No later than thirty days following the
close of each quarter of fiscal year 1985-
1986, the commissioner of the office of
mental health shall submit a report to the
director of the budget, the chairman of
the senate finance committee and the
chairman of the assembly ways and means
committee, identifying the actual average
filled positions in this program during
the preceding quarter. To the extent that
the average filled position levels for the
previous quarter deviated from the average
filled position levels specified above,
such report shall further identify (i) the
magnitude of such variance, (ii) the reas-
ons for such variance, (iii) the program-
matic impact of such variance, and (iv)
the steps that will be taken to achieve




the staffing levels set forth herein during the ensuing quarter then in progress. The director of the budget shall provide seven days prior notification the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee of any proposed actions which, in his judgment, could prevent the attainment of the average filled positions levels herein specified, and the circumstances and conditions to which these actions relate. Nothing contained in this section is designed to alter the respective constitutional responsibilities and powers of the executive and legislative branches of government

Less personal service savings
Total children's facilities nonpersonal ser-

Less nonpersonal service savings

Total amount available


All Children's Psychiatric Facilities

750,000 146,000

10,383,000 325,000


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No later than thirty days following the close of each quarter of fiscal year 19851986, the commissioner of the office of mental health shall submit a report to the director of the budget, the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee, identifying the actual average filled positions in this program during the preceding quarter. To the extent that the average filled position level for the previous quarter deviated from the average filled position level specified above, such report shall further identify (i) the magnitude of such variance, (ii) the reasons for such variance, (iii) the programmatic impact of such variance, and (iv) the steps that will be taken to achieve the staffing level set forth herein during the ensuing quarter then in progess.

The director of the budget shall provide seven days prior notification to the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee of any proposed actions which, in his judgment, could prevent the attainment of the average filled positions level herein specified, and the circumstances and conditions to which these actions relate. Nothing contained in this section is designed to alter the respective constitutional responsibilities and powers of the executive and legislative branches of government







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