Sivut kuvina
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General Fund Local Assistance Account


For services and expenses related to imple-
menting the provisions of chapter sixty-
one of the laws of nineteen hundred
eighty-three which established the home-
less housing and assistance program as
added by article 2-A of the social ser-
vices law. The commissioner of social
services shall submit quarterly reports
within thirty days of the close of the
quarter. Such reports, for each grant
award, shall include but not be limited to
a description of the population served;
identification of housing developed in-
cluding the type and number of units; num-
ber of individuals to be housed; a
description of the supportive social
vices provided; and the role and financial
commitment of other public and voluntary
services. The report shall also provide,
on summary basis, information on the
statewide and geographic distribution of
the populations served, the categories of
housing and the type and numbers of units
developed. The report shall also include
the extent to which the program meets the
current and projected needs of the home-
less population. No part of this appropri-
ation shall be available until a certifi-
cate of approval of
of availability shall
have been issued by the director of the
budget and a copy of such certificate
filed with the state comptroller and the
chairmen of the senate finance committee
and assembly ways and means committee.
Such certificate may be amended, subject
to the approval of the director of the
budget, and a copy of each amendment shall
be filed with the state comptroller and
the chairmen of the senate finance commit-
tee and the assembly ways and means
committee. Notwithstanding any other
provision of law, the amount made availa-
ble shall not be required to be paid into
the homeless housing and assistance fund
and may not be interchanged with any other
item within this schedule

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For state reimbursement of local administra-
tive expenses for income maintenance pro-
grams, pursuant to section 153 of the
social services law ..
For services and expenses for the legal ser-
vices for the disabled program pursuant to
chapter six hundred twenty-seven of the
laws of nineteen hundred eighty-three
For increased reimbursement of local admin-
istrative expenditures under the compre-
hensive employment program act as enacted
by chapter 321 of the laws of 1984
For additional increased reimbursement of
local administrative expenditures under
the comprehensive employment program act
as enacted by chapter 321 of the laws of

Program account sub-total

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