the For reimbursement of local expenditures for foster care pursuant to article 6 of social services law and for local expenditures for maintenance of handicapped children placed by school districts pursuant to article 89 of the education law. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, of the amount appropriated no more than three million one hundred thousand dollars ($3,100,000) shall be available for reimbursement of local social services district expenditures, pursuant to paragraph (d) of subdivision 1 of section 153 of the social services law, for transitional care and maintenance of persons who are age twenty-one or over at the time that such transitional care and maintenance is provided, and who were placed in an approved residential child care program or school within or outside of New York state prior to the age of twenty-one, who were placed in such approved residential child care program or school pursuant to article 6 of the social services law or article 89 of the education law, and who are disabled, have a plan for continued out-of-home residential care approved by the office of mental retardation and developmental disabilities or the office of mental health, as appropriate, and for whom no appropriate placement is currently available in these care systems. As a condition for the expenditure of funds from this appropriation for transitional care and maintenance provided to each individual, the local social services official must obtain the approval of the department of social services to contract for such care and maintenance and to the extent funds are available for children not receiving day services. Such expenditures paid by the state to authorized child caring agencies and approved schools shall be the same as those rates which would otherwise be payable if such person were under the age of twenty-one. For each person who is approved for care pursuant to this appropriation, an application for supple 338,277,000 to All federal funds allocated to the state ...... Program account sub-total .......139,000,000 .... ............. For eighty-seven and one-half percent reim- a a tion through nineteen hundred eighty-five. The allocation plan developed by the commissioner shall be based on formula which shall consider, but not be limited to, such factors as the availability of existing subsidized day care services in the local district, long-term unemployment, districts' history and performance in supporting subsidized day care and disposable family income. Where appropriate, the department's plan shall require local district linkages with child care resource and referral centers for the development of expanded day care services to eligible families as defined herein. All funds shall be available upon approval of the director of the budget. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the amount appropriated herein may not be interchanged with any other item within this schedule .........5,250,000 For additional eighty-seven and one-half percent reimbursement of approved local district expenditures for the expansion of day care services to encourage and promote economic improvement for low income families For services and expenses related to the implementation of after-school day care services to be established by school systems or private providers pursuant to chapter four hundred sixty of the laws of nineteen hundred eighty-four to .875,000 ..........300,000 The commissioner shall apply to the federal to |