AID TO LOCALITIES MISCELLANEOUS EMERGENCY FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO ELIGIBLE MUNICIPALITIES For payment of emergency financial assistance to eligible municipalities in accordance with the following sched ule. The population to be used in determining eligibility for such assistance shall be population determined according to the federal decennial census of nineteen hundred eighty. The moneys hereby made available shall be paid on audit and warrant of the comptroller on vouchers certified by the appropriate officials of each eligible municipality ......36,150,000 For payment of all or part of the costs of annual debt service and rental payments related to the financing of any convention center located therein to be paid on or before October tenth, nineteen hundred eighty-five .3,600,000 To any county, except a county wholly contained within a city, having a population of more than one million but less than one million one hundred thousand ....... .........600,000 To any city having a population of less than seventy-five thousand but more than seventy-one thousand 3,000,000 For payment for general municipal purposes to be paid on or before October tenth, nineteen hundred eighty-five ......22,550,000 For advance payment of state aid to any city having a population of less than two hundred thousand but more than one hundred ninety thousand. Such appropriation shall be available for payment up to and including March thirtyfirst, nineteen hundred eighty-seven and shall be payable in accordance with the provisions of chapter 457 of the laws of 1978 as amended by chapter 284 of the laws of 1979, as amended by chapter 256 of the laws of 1980, as further amended by chapter 851 of the laws of 1981, provided, however, that, notwithstanding the provisions of such chapter, the advance payable pursuant to such chapter for the local fiscal year nineteen hundred eighty-five--eighty-six shall be one hundred percent of the nineteen hundred eighty-one--eighty-two advance ...... ........ ......... FOR DEPOSIT IN THE EMERGENCY HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION The sum of twelve million eight hundred thousand dollars ($12,800,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for payment from the local assistance account of the general fund to the commissioner of taxation and finance for deposit in the emergency highway construction and reconstruction fund for the purpose of meeting the terms of any contractual agreements between the commissioner of transportation and the New York state thruway authority. a On or before the thirtieth day next preceding the date a No portion of this appropriation shall be available for the purpose designated until a certificate of approval of availability shall have been issued by the director of the budget and a copy of such certificate filed with the state comptroller, the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee. Such certificate may be amended 10,000,000 36,150,000 from time to time subject to the approval of the director of the budget and a copy of each such amendment shall be filed with the state comptroller, the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee For services and expenses of Medgar Evers For services and expenses of Kingsboro Com- .....12,800,000 The sum of seven hundred million dollars ($700,000,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for transfer to the state lottery fund as reimbursement for disbursements made from such fund for supplemental aid to education pursuant to section 92-c of the state finance law that are in excessS of the amounts deposited in such fund for such purposes pursuant to section 1612 of the tax law. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, no moneys hereby appropriated shall be apportioned and paid until a certificate of allocation has been approved by the director of the budget and copies thereof filed with the state comptroller, the chairman of the senate finance committee, and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee ..700,000,000 ....... The sum of forty-five million dollars ($45,000,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for transfer to the state lottery fund as reimbursement for disbursements made from such fund for supplemental aid to education pursuant to section 92-c of the state finance law that are in excess of the amounts deposited in such fund for such purposes pursuant to section 1612 of the tax law. a Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, no moneys hereby appropriated shall be apportioned and paid until certificate of allocation has been approved by the director of the budget and copies thereof filed with the state comptroller, the chairman of the senate finance committee, and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee ......45,000,000 Underlined items vetoed by the Governor. (See veto message at end of chapter.) State assistance to local governments affected by exemptions granted to real property in the Love Canal, pursuant to chapter 42 of the laws of 1979 as amended by chapter 878 of the laws of 1983 ..........45,000 MUNICIPAL ASSISTANCE TAX FUND SPECIAL ACCOUNT FOR THE MUNICIPAL ASSISTANCE CORPORATION FOR THE CITY OF NEW YORK Fiduciary Funds Municipal Assistance Tax Fund Maintenance undistributed For payment, pursuant to the provisions of section 92-d of the state finance law, to the municipal assistance corporation for the city of New York, to the extent required to comply with the agreements between such corporation and the holders of its notes and bonds, and for the corporate purposes of such corporation, and, to the extent not required by such corporation for such purposes, for payment to the city of New York for support of local government, provided, however, that the maximum amount to be paid pursuant to this appropriation shall not exceed the total of the revenues derived from municipal assistance sales and compensating use taxes imposed by section 1107 of the tax law, less administrative costs as certified by the commissioner of taxation and finance, and the amount transferred from the stock transfer tax fund established pursuant to section 92-b of the state finance law ....... ............3,650,000,000 MUNICIPAL ASSISTANCE STATE AID FUND Fiduciary Funds Municipal Assistance State Aid Fund Maintenance undistributed For payment pursuant to the provisions of section 92-e of the state finance law, to the municipal assistance corporation for the city of New York, to the extent required to comply with the agreements between such corporation and the holders of its notes and bonds and for the corporate purposes of such corporation, and, to the extent not required by such corporation for such purposes, for payment to the city of New York for the support of local government, provided, however, that the maximum amount to be paid pursuant to this |