Deceased appeared to have been on the moving waggons, and in jumping down to regulate the speed by the brakes he stumbled and fell and waggon crushed him. In stocking coal on the "bing" an incline plane was in use, the loaded tub in descending pulling up the empty; a loaded tub Deceased left his work and crossed some lines of rails for some purpose, and while passing under the waggons on the through Deceased was on the colliery engine moving a train of loaded waggons across the weighbridge, when an engine and van A boiler was being raised into position by screw jacks placed under the boiler and inside the seat, and while doing so it tilted slightly; deceased, who was working one of the jacks, made a rush at an opening to get outside, and was fatally crushed between the boiler and side of brick wall of seat. Had he remained where he was he was perfectly safe. * All mines are coal mines, unless otherwise specified. LIST of FATAL ACCIDENTS in MINES under the METALLIFEROUS MINES REGULATION ACTS in the EAST SCOTLAND DISTRICT, during the year 1906. of Accident. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. The seam is 12 feet thick, and at the place of accident the bottom 4 ft. had been taken out right across the opening, which was 19 feet wide. The remaining 8 feet in two beds was cut out on one side, and a shot was fired on the other side to relieve it, but the rock failed to come down. Deceased and his neighbour went under it with bars to lever it down, when the whole mass fell pinning him to the ground causing injuries to which he succumbed. Registered No. of Accident. LIST of FATAL ACCIDENTS in QUARRIES under the QUARRIES ACTS in the EAST SCOTLAND DISTRICT during the Cause of Accident, and Remarks. year 1906. A shot had been fired some distance up the quarry face, and deceased and the foreman were engaged taking off the loose stones, when a mass of rock came away above him and he was precipitated with the stones to the quarry bottom and killed; he had a rope but he failed to keep his hold of it. The tirring, composed of yellow boulder clay, was being removed off the top of the limestone, and while deceased and others were engaged filling it into a bogie a mass fell away off the face and fatally crushed him. The fall came away from a "sand crack" behind, which was unseen. While a box of stones was being raised from the quarry bottom by means of a steam crane, a stone weighing about 30 lbs. fell off, and deceased was right in its way and it struck him on the head and killed him instantaneously. Deceased was clearing away some loose material at the top of the quarry, when the ground slipped away from under him and he fell with it to the quarry bottom and was killed. Deceased with others were loading flags into a boat at the wharf when the crane rope broke, and the stones, which were being swung into position, fell on him and he was fatally crushed. The rope was defective, and was tied at places where it had broken prior to the accident. LIST OF DEATHS REPORTED, but which were FOUND on INVESTIGATION not to be COMPRISED UNDER the MINES or QUARRIES ACTS, in the 1 Jan. 15 Hillhouserigg United Collieries, Colliery, Ltd. Matthew Brown, This man had been in failing health and suddenly expired at his work. 34, Screenman. Paul & Sons, Ltd., Margt. Dunnigan, On February 5th, 1904, she met an injury by a hoist cage crushing her. Gavin. Tawse, Peter 30, Coal Cleaner. ... Jonathan Davis, While descending a shaft by means of a ladder he fell a distance of 36 feet and died from his injuries. 1906. John Cochrane, 13, Repairer. A fail of coal took place and injured this man's spine, in October, 1902, from which injury he subsequently died. While filling coal into tubs at the bing he dropped down dead. While suffering from despondency he jumped into the colliery pond and committed suicide. Quigley complained to his neighbour on starting work that he felt ill, and latterly left the face and went to the roadhead, and in a short time expired. The boy was amusing himself on the haulage way, which runs between the mine and the oil works, when he was run over by a loaded tub. While proceeding from the shaft to his work he complained of feeling unwell and shortly afterwards expired. Christopher Shad, The child had wandered to the colliery sidings where shunting was going on, and was run over by the waggons. Wemyss Coal Co., While waiting on the pithead to descend the shaft he suddenly expired; he had been ailing for some time and was under medical treatment. Deceased, who was an engineman prior to taking up duties as a pithead man, worked an extra shift on the engine in place of the Deceased was leaving the horse lye with an empty tub when he was seized with a fit of coughing and fell forward on his knees, While proceeding along the railway to his home in a state of intoxication he was run over by a train of waggons. Deceased got the forefinger of his right hand scratched in some way and blood-poisoning set in, from which he died. It was This boy and some companions were amusing themselves on a Sunday by running tubs on the haulageway between the mine The child crawled through the fence surrounding an old disused shaft and fell into it and was drowned in 11 fathoms of water. Deceased was subject to epileptic fits and took one at his work and died. While the colliery locomotive was approaching the weighbridge with a train of loaded waggons the boy attempted to jump on a Owing to repairs in the shaft deceased was unable to descend and went to go to work a pump, of which he had charge, by an Deceased began his work as usual at 6 a.m. and marshalled several tubs of debris for the pony to haul to the redd bing; shortly Labourer. APPENDIX II. LIST of PROSECUTIONS under the COAL MINES REGULATION ACT. (a) PROSECUTIONS by INSPECTOR of OWNERS and MANAGERS and by Procurator FISCAL of UNDER OFFICIALS. Arthur ... Belhaven Dalbeath ... : ... Fireman Manager Do. Overman Fireman Contravention of General Rules 21, Contravention of General Rules 31, 14. Failure to securely fence a Do. Do. Do. Do. 1 0 0 |