Date. APPENDIX III. LIST of PLANS of ABANDONED MINES deposited during the year. Plans of Hutton, Harvey. Top Busty, Bottom Busty, and Brockwell Seams, in the Parish of Ferryhill, in the County of Durham, the property of the Carlton Iron Co., Ltd. The minerals being exhausted or unprofitable to work. Plan of Ballarat Seam, in the Parish of Wolsingham, in the County of Durham, the property of J. Wild and W. H. Telford. Not profitable to work. Plan of the Main Seam (ironstone), in the Parish of Brotton, in the North Riding of Yorkshire, belonging to Bell Brothers, Ltd. The mineral being exhausted. REPORTS OF ASSISTANT INSPECTORS. 9, Victoria Terrace, March 15th, 1907. SIR, In pursuance of section 20 of the Metalliferous Mines Regulation Act, 1872, I have the honour to report to you that during the past year I have exercised the duties of an Inspector of Mines and Quarries. For the first month of the year I acted under the direction of Mr. J. S. Martin, the Inspector in charge of the Southern District, and for the remainder of the year under the direction of Mr. R. D. Bain, the Inspector in charge of the Durham district. I have the honour to be, SIR, I also acted in the same district, and under the same directions, under the Coal Mines Regulation Acts, the Quarries Act, and the Factory and Workshops Act. During the previous 11 months of 1906 I acted as assistant to Mr. McLaren in the East Scotland (No. 1) district. I have the honour to be, The Right Hon. Herbert J. Gladstone, M.P. Sir, Your obedient Servant, J. MACLEOD CAREY. 74 MINES AND QUARRIES. REPORTS OF W. WALKER, H.M. INSPECTOR OF MINES FOR THE YORKSHIRE AND LINCOLNSHIRE DISTRICT (No. 5), TO HIS MAJESTY'S SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE HOME DEPARTMENT, UNDER The Coal Mines Regulation Acts, 1887 to 1896, the Metalliferous Mines Regulation Acts, 1872 and 1875, and the Quarries Act, 1894. For the Year 1906. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty. DROIT LONDON: PRINTED FOR HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, And to be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from and 32, ABINGDON STREET, WESTMINSTER, S.W.; or E. PONSONBY, 116, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN. 1907. |