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Q. Suppose we break the vows and promises made at our baptism?

A. We break our Covenant, and of course forfeit the blessings assured to us therein.

Q. But is there no method of renewing that Covenant we made at our baptism, after we have once broken it ?

A. Yes: Christ has appointed an Ordinance on purpose for us to renew the Covenant with God after we have broken it.

Q. What Ordinance is that?

A. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper.

Q. Of what use and necessity is this Sacrament?

A. As we have many ways grievously broken our baptismal vows, God in his mercy suffers us to renew our Covenant with Him in this Sacrament; and if we be sincere, He gives us the same blessings again as he promised to us in the Sacrament of Baptism.

Q. What assurance have we that by renewing our Covenant at the Lord's Table, we shall obtain mercy and pardon?

A. Christ himself assures us, that this is his "blood in the New Covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins."

Q. What qualifications are necessary on our part, in order to obtain the pardon of our sins in this Holy Sacrament?

A. A hearty faith in the merits of Christ's sufferings, repentance for sins that are past, and sincere resolution of amendment of life in future.


Of the Festivals and Fasts.

Q. WHAT do you mean by Fasts and Festi vals?

A. Days set apart for the remembrance of some special mercies of God, vouchsafed to his church. Q. What do you mean by Fasts ?

A. Days set apart for the afflicting our bodies, and humbling ourselves before God for our sins, in order to repentance, and amendment of life.


Q. WHAT is Advent?

A. That time which immediately goes before Christmas from the nearest Sunday to St. Andrew.

Q. What is the meaning of the word Advent? A. It signifies coming.

Q. Wherefore has the church appointed the holy season of Advent ?

A. To prepare us for the great Festival of Christ's birth, or coming in the flesh.

Q. How ought we to prepare ourselves for this Festival ?

A. By praying for, and endeavouring after such virtues as Christ came into the world to teach us.

Q. What consideration does the church offer, to engage us to such virtues and holiness of life. A. The assurance of Christ's second coming to judge the world, and to call us to an account how we have lived here.



Q. WHAT do you mean by Christmas-day? A. That day on which we remember our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ's being born into the world.

Q. Who was our Saviour Christ?

A. The eternal Son of God.

Q. And was not our Saviour Christ, Man also? A. Yes: As he was born of the Virgin Mary in our nature.

Q. What then had our Saviour Christ two na tures?

A. He had two natures, being both God and man in one and the same person.

Q. What do you mean when you say our Saviour Christ is God?

A. I mean that our Saviour Christ is the Son of God, and was in heaven from all eternity, being of one substance with the Father.

Q. And what do you mean when you say, that the Son of God became man ?

A. I mean that the eternal Son of God was pleased to join himself to that flesh, which was born of the Virgin Mary; namely, to the Man Jesus Christ so as to become one person with him. Q. Why did Christ do all this?

A. For our Salvation.

Q. What do you mean by Salvation?

A. The saving us from the miseries of hell, and making us for ever happy in heaven.




Q. WHAT does the word Epiphany signify? A. It signifies Manifestation, or shewing forth. Q. What is it that we commemorate on this festival?

A. The manifestation or appearance of our blessed Saviour unto the Gentiles.

Q. Who were the Gentiles?

A. All the people in the world that were not Jews.

Q. Who then are the Jews?

A. Those who observed the law of Moses.

Q. How was our blessed Saviour manifested to the Jews?

A. He was made known to the Jewish shepherds on the very day of his birth.

Q. How was he manifested to the Gentiles ?

A. He was made known to the wise men of the east, by the appearance of an extraordinary star in the heavens.

Q. How did the appearance of this star discover our Saviour to the wise men ?

A. It is likely they were admonished from heaven to observe and follow this star, till it came and stood over where the child Jesus was.

Q. What did the wise men do when they found our Saviour Christ?

A. They fell down and worshipped him, and presented to him gifts, gold, frankincence, and myrrh.

Q. What did these gifts signify concerning Christ?


A. The offering of gold, signified Christ to be a king; myrrh, being used for dead persons, signified he was to die; and the incense signified him to be God.

Q. What reason have we to praise God on this festival?

A. Because by this means the knowledge of Christ, and the way of Salvation, was published to us Gentiles as well as the Jews.


Good Friday---A Fast.

Q. WHAT do you mean by Good Friday?

A. That day in which we remember our blessed Saviour Jesus Christ dying and suffering for us.

Q. Why do you call this Good Friday?

A. Because of those good things and great blessing we obtain by Christ dying for us. Q. Under whom did Christ suffer?

A. Under Pontius Pilate,

Q. Who was Pontius Pilate?

A. A Governor of the place where Christ lived.
Q. What death did Christ suffer?

A. He was crucified.

Q. What do you mean by being crucified? A. The nailing him to a cross of wood till he was dead.

Q. Why did Christ die this death?

A. For our redemption.

Q. What do you mean by redemption?

A. The ransoming or delivering us from that punishment which was due to our sins.

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