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Tischendorf's New Test.- Chinese Repository.


Cardinal Mai gave him by letter information in regard to others. Tischendorf's second Leipsic edition was printed in 1849, in 12mo. pp. 768. The Prolegomena and Preface, occupying 104 pages, describe the editor's labors in the collation, the critical principles on which he proceeds, the New Testament dialect, recensions of the Greek text, order of the books, forms of proper names, editions of the sacred text, list of MSS., versions, etc. An able review of this work by Mr. S. P. Tregelles is found in Dr. Kitto's Journal of Sacred Literature, Oct. 1849. Mr. T. has been engaged in the same pursuit, see B. S. VI. 404, more than eleven years, and has personally collated most of the MSS. While he accords high commendation to Tischendorf's labors, he finds occasion to dissent from some of his rules for weighing evidence, and from some of his conclusions in regard to important texts. His observations seem to us to be characterized by candor and sound judgment, and to display a thorough knowledge of the subject.


Eighteen volumes of this work are now completed. It is published monthly in Canton, China, by Mr. S. W. Williams, himself an able Chinese scholar, and edited by Rev. E. C. Bridgman, D. D. Each volume contains about 700 pages. To those acquainted with the work it is a matter of supererogation to commend it. It will be an enduring monument of the diligence and ability of its editor and of his learned contributors, an indispensable work for all who would attain accurate information in regard, not only to China, but Japan, Corea, Tartary, Siam, Cochin China, and the whole of the eastern part of Asia with its islands. More copious and interesting information may be found in it in regard to Japan than in any other work accessible to the English reader. Each number contains a journal of events and occurrences invaluable to the future historian of eastern Asia. We earnestly recommend to all our public libraries and institutions to purchase a sett of this periodical. It can be procured of Mr. Williams of Canton at a considerable deduction from the current price. Any patronage extended to the Chinese Repository will help to sustain a most important literary enterprise, and the higher interests of religion and missions.


Professor Felton of Cambridge has given us an edition of this celebrated drama in a most beautiful form. The paper, the Greek type, the English of the notes, are, we had almost said, perfect. One can hardly

fail of falling in love with the witty dramatist from the beauty and splendor of the plumage in which the Birds appear. The notes bear full testimony to the skill and taste of the accomplished editor. A peculiar value is given to this edition from the pains which the editor has taken, with the aid of Professor Agassiz, to determine the species and describe the habits of the birds introduced into the play. The results show that Aristophanes was a most careful observer, as well as a consummate poet." We may add, though it is hardly necessary, that the book is published by Mr. Bartlett, the university bookseller.

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In our last No., p. 178, seq., we furnished some account of the Libraries in Boston, Cambridge, Andover, Newton and Worcester, Ms. and in Providence, R. I. We now subjoin some facts in regard to the remaining Public Libraries in New England.


The number of Vols. in the general Library of Yale College, Jan. 1, 1850, was 21,000, not including a few hundred duplicates. The number of pamphlets is estimated at 3500 or 4000. The library has two MSS. probably of the 14th century, a few modern MSS. and a collection of about 40 vols. of MSS., left by the late Pres. Stiles. No catalogue has been published since 1823, which contains the titles of somewhat less than half of the present number of books. The annual increase for ten years past has been between 900 and 1000 vols. The funds devoted to the increase of the library amount to $28,437. Among the more important books in the library are the following. A collection of American newspapers of 1765-6, gathered by Dr. Stiles with reference to the Stamp Act. 4 vols. folio. [This is a unique collection, of great historical value, and not to be replaced.] Silvestre's Palaeographie Universelle, 4 vols. fol.; Description de l'Egypte. (an early copy) Paris 1809, etc. 22 vols. fol.; Piranesi: Collection of Roman Antiquities, 27 vols. fol.; Graevius, Gronovius, etc.: Thesaurus Antiquitatum, etc. 87 vols. fol.; Muratori Scriptores Italici, 24 vols. fol.; Annali dell. Instituto di Corrispondenza


Public Libraries in New England.


Archaeologica, 1829-45. 16 vols. 8vo; Bullettino dell. Instituto di Corrispondenza Archaeologica, 1829-44. 8vo; Maii Scriptorum Veterum Vaticana Collectio, 10 vols. fol; Maii Spicilegium Romanum, Collectio, 10 vols. 8vo; The Milan edition of the Italian Classics, uniform. 400 vols. 8vo; Documents Inédits sur l'Histoire de France, 65 vols. 4to; (in progress) Ersch and Grüber: Encyclopedia, 4to, in prog. 100 vols. Halle Literatur-zeitung, complete, 1785-1849, 141 vols. 4to; Berliner Jahrbücher, complete 1827-1845, 33 vols. 4to; Fundgruben des Orients, 6 vols. fol.; Zahn: Antiqs. of Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabia. Berlin folio. Pertz: Monumenta Germaniæ Historica, fol. 8 vols. received (in progress); Calvini Opera Omnia. Amstel. 9 vols. folio. Taylor's Engl. Transl. of Plato and Aristotle, 19 vols. 4to. Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, complete to 1844. 137 vols. 8vo; Kingsborough's Mexican Antiquities 9 vols. fol.; Purchas his Pilgrimes. 5 vols. fol.; (a fine copy) Catesby's Natural History of Carolina. fol.; Lond. 1731. Ternaux-Compans: Collection of Voyages, etc. relative to discovery of America, 20 vols. 8vo. Paris. Byzantine Historians, Venice ed. 23 vols. fol.; Collection of Original Pamphlets concerning English affairs from Charles I. to Jas. II. The Documents given by the British Government, (Statutes, Rolls, etc.) fol. and less. 74 vols. E. L. Herrick, Librarian.

A handsome and commodious library building of stone has been recently erected. In the wings of this edifice are three libraries belonging to societies of students, as follows:

Aver. add. of vols.


No. of Vols. Jan. 1, 1849. pr. yr. for last 10 yrs.
Linonian Society 10646
Brothers in Unity 10500
Calliopean Society 6020


date of last Catl.

Nov. 1846, pp. 274 (of 10103 vols.) Apr. 1846, pp. 224 (of 9140 vols.) Feb. 1846, pp. 94 (of 6000 vols.) The Library of the Young Men's Institute, New Haven, contains 3800 volumes; open to its members. There is a Library belonging to the Medical Department of Yale College, and kept in the Med. Coll. Building; No. of vols. 900. There is also in the Law Building a Library of Law books belonging to the College, and containing 1900 volumes.

The Trumbull Gallery consists of two rooms, each 30 ft. square, 24 ft. high. The North room, or Trumbull Gallery proper, contains 50 paintings by Col. Trumbull. The South room contains a collection of portraits of the past and present officers and benefactors of the College, etc. (45 in number) also seven pieces of sculpture, many ancient coins, medals and other memorials of antiquity.


The library of the Wesleyan university has more than 6000 vols. Two Society libraries of the students (3000 each), 6000. The Missionary Ly.

ceum has a library of several hundred vols. The university has no library fund. An annual appropriation is made for this object of $200 to $250. No catalogue has been recently published. Prof. J. W. Lindsay, librarian. Rev. Samuel F. Jarvis, D. D. LL. D. of Middletown, has one of the most valuable private libraries in the United States, amounting to about 10,000 vols. It is particularly rich in editions of the Fathers of the Greek and Latin church, in the Byzantine historians, and in works on modern church history.


Library of Trinity College, together with lib. of Students, 11,000 vols. Connecticut Historical Society, 7,000

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Y. Men's Institute (in the Wadsworth Atheneum), 9,400 Of the library belonging to the Historical Society, about 5000 vols. belong to the venerable librarian, Rev. Thomas Robbins, D. D. This includes the most valuable part, comprehending many folios. It has a considerable number of works, printed in the fifteenth century, some of special value. It has the first journal which, it is thought, was published in the French language, in 380 vols. There are 430 vols. of bound pamphlets, containing from twelve to fourteen in each volume, with copious indexes. There is also a large number of unbound pamphlets and newspapers, including a complete set of the Connecticut Courant, a weekly newspaper published in Hartford from 1764, still in progress, and which is said to be the oldest in the United States, except the Newport (R. I.) Mercury.

In the Wadsworth Athenaeum is a collection of 150 paintings, some of them of special value.


College Library, .

6,343 vols.

Societies of Students (Philologian 2416, Philotechnian 2150) 4,566
Mills Theol. Society 400, Nat. Hist. Soc. 125



The college possesses no fund for its increase, except what is charged for the use of it.

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The college library possesses the series of vols. (charters, rolls, etc.) given a few years since by the British government. It has also some


Libraries of Dart. and Middlebury Colleges.


valuable books purchased in Europe by the late Professor Hovey. An effort is now making, which we trust will be fully successful, greatly to enlarge this library. Prof. E. S. Snell, librarian,

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Library of North. Academy of Arts and Sciences, about

6,400 vols.






The college library has two copies of Eliot's Indian Bible. One is perfect except the title-page of the Old Testament. At the end is a versification of the Psalms, as far as to the 4th verse of the 137th. The library has also some fine folio editions of the Fathers, Athanasius, Eusebius, etc.; Kircher's Oedipus Aegyptiacus, Montfaucon's Antiquities, and Palæographie, Vossius, Hippocrates, Cerda's Virgil, etc. The library possesses 17 portraits. Of these there are, a full-length portrait of the Earl of Dartmouth, (a copy of the original by Sir Joshua Reynolds, and a donation of the present earl); of Daniel Webster; Jeremiah Smith; Jeremiah Mason; Francis Hopkinson; a full-length portrait of Eleazar Wheelock, the first president of the college; of John Phillips (of Exeter, also full-length); of Samuel Appleton; Charles Marsh, etc. Prof. Charles B.Hadduck, librarian. The libraries of the two College Societies are well selected, and contain very valuable works both for reference and miscellaneous reading. Both possess some costly illustrated works. Among the portraits are one of Prof. Chamberlain, Pres. Brown, Prof. Adams, etc. The Northern Academy has 800 unbound vols., of pamphlets, etc., partially arranged; also 700 unbound vols. of newspapers. This collection also contains some valuable private papers, among which are a meteorological journal kept by Mr. John Farmer, of Concord, N. H., from 1813 to 1830, Gov. Bartlet's Correspondence from 1774 to 1794, etc.

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It is expected that valuable additions will soon be made to the college li


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