Sivut kuvina

the afternoons and evenings, however fine the weather, without proper attendants; for there a hoary fiend has often ftole, like the Devil to Paradife, to practise his machinations vile upon the playful innocents. But now that the severity of winter advances, he will, no doubt, prowl nearer our doors than in the mild evenings of fummer.

Yɛ Parents, teach your lifping offspring terror at the name! that your fond and anxious hearts may preferve the profpect of comfort in virtuous children, and that they may not

fall like a full ear of corn,

Whofe bloffom 'fcap'd, yet's blafted in the ripening.

Teach your daughters that virtue alone conftitutes happiness; that modefty, reserve, and delicacy are effential to the female character; and that the fmalleft levity that leads even to a fufpicion of impurity of mind is fatal to every profpect of comfort in a matrimonial state.

BE not surprised at the progrefs of licentioufnefs and vice in the rifing generation. Know that there are wretches, whofe fole employment it is to corrupt the young, and to spread vice like contagion. Watch over your yet uncorrupted offspring. Know what company they keep, what books they read, and be affured, that IGNORANCE OF VICE is one of the fureft GUARDIANS OF VIRTUE!


WHAT punishment can be adequate to the barbarity of corrupting innocence ?--of facrificing the young and the lovely, whofe artless fmiles claim protection, but who, by the first step to vice, are irretrievably drawn into the most deplorable abyss of mifery, from which death alone can relieve them? -deluded too by thofe, whofe age, experience, and duties of station ought to make them friends and protectors! But,

Like damag'd clocks, whofe hands and bells diffent,
Folly fings six, while Nature points at TWELVE.

MONSTER OF NATURE! is it that thou art unworthy of the love of riper years, that thou art thus led to anticipate the experience of children? Are there not a fufficient number of poor unfortunates, that thou must hunt to add to the catalogue of the miferable, and that infant memories must date their wretchednefs from thee? Muft the hours of fond parental folicitude be repaid by disappointment, and years of unwearied attention and inftruction rendered useless by thy contaminating deeds? Muft the opening bloffoms of hope be blafted, and the profpects of joy and comfort to age be clouded with darkness and defpair by thy guilty Leans? Shall the tender affections and bleffings of the parent be turned to agony and curfes againft his child, for thy brutal baseness? Daftardly reptile! if thou haft no morals, or if thou haft no delicacy, fhow fome fense by taking advice.


PRUDENTLY confine thyfelf to the pleasures which belong to thy period of life, or hide thy head in folitude, and become a harmless favage. Expofe not thy hoary locks to the contempt of the world, and stain not the young, who may rife to honour, to dignity, and virtue, with the filthy practices of an odious beaft.

RETIRE, and amend thy manners, or expect foon to hear with redoubled freedom from

E. C.


[IN confequence of the above, a note was inferted. in the newspaper, that "if CATO CENSOR Would « inform the Publisher how a letter could be con

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veyed to him, he would have an opportunity of << judging of the vindication of a character thought "to be pointed at;" and the following anfwer was fent to the Printer.]


THE communication (I cannot call it vindication) you promifed is received. The fignature, A Friend and Wellwisher to CATO CENSOR, bespeaks a de

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gree of mean flattery, which was neither wifhed for nor expected.

Such praise defames; as if a fool fhould mean,
By fpitting on your face, to make it clean.

Nor will his compliment, as the fucceffor of JuNIUS, be received.-The applause of fuch men is difhonour their approbation fatire. If the letter communicated is written in the perfon's own proper hand, why is the fignature not in his own proper name, confidering the requeft that is made of an interview? If he feels the stroke,

Let the tricken deer go weep!

INFORM your correfpondent, Sir, that if CATO CENSOR is not vindictive, neither is he, like Cer berus, to be lulled with a fop. He measures the integrity of men by their conduct, not by their profeffions. He knows neither malice nor refentment to any individual; but he feels the force of that first law of nature and fociety, Thou shalt do no injury.

TELL your correfpondent, that the most favour-able interpretation is allowed, without the reference he makes to you for an explanation. The ftory of a recent unfortunate outcaft may perhaps be true, though differently related: But let him not reft his defence on a cafe fo vaguely fupported. The being the original feducer of the unhappy girl he mentions

is not laid to his charge. The example is only given as an instance of the fatal confequences of feduction. He would wifh to evade or leffen the cenfure by vindication where he is not accused. Out of compaffion and delicacy, particulars are avoided. Tell him, that CATO CENSOR efpoufed the cause of innocence, humanity, and decorum; and, if the purposes he aimed at fhall be ferved by his endeavours, he will be fatisfied with having done his duty, and will rejoice over the repenting finner, though he muft lament that the fatal effects of the iniquity will appear many days hence.

TELL your correfpondent, that it is not the import of his idea of the word daftard that can intimidate. The word, as ufed by CATO CENSOR, Was applied to a perfon given to mean vice, and the MAN who is fo is incapable of heroic actions.

IT is the confeffion he makes of forrow and regret that at prefent fweetens the ink of this pen, and prevents it from turning into gall; and it is well that fuch kindly meaning could be gathered from your correfpondent's epiftle, elfe

I fhould a tale unfold, whofe lightest word
Would harrow up his foul, and wring his heart,

If it be made of penetrable stuff.

THE loofe morals and manners that prevail in many families in this city and fuburbs at prefent

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