Sivut kuvina

ness. "Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life."

The son and heir is not to be debased, nor reduced to a level with the bastard and the slave; nor is the servant to be exalted to a footing with the son. The son, who is lord of all, differs much from him: for he is not now under tutors and governors; for the time appointed of the Father is come, and the Spirit of adoption is given, Gal. iv. 2, 6. The son is not to wear the servant's yoke, nor is the easy yoke of the son to be applied to the servant. This is not rightly dividing the word. God hath mercy on whom he will have mercy; and this will of mercy is the good-will of God in Christ concerning his sons and daughters; it is the heavenly Father's will revealed, and is our rule. I will, and you shall, runs through the whole mystery of faith: it is his will of purpose, and his will of promise; and is the saint's perfect, unalterable, and eternal rule of life, walk, and conversation.

And whom God will he hardeneth. This is his will of commandments; by which he will by no means clear the guilty, but will make his power known on the vessels of wrath. This, will, never humbled or softened any sinner, nor does his good will ever harden any. This is the servant's rule of life, and rule of work for life, by which none can ever live: "Wherefore I gave them also statutes that were not good, and judgments whereby they should not live," Ezek. xx. 25,

When my opponents can make God's will of promise and his will of commandments, his good will in Christ and his will of displeasure in the law, his will of mercy and his will of judgment, the Saviour's easy yoke and Moses' unbearable yoke, the covenant of grace and that of works, the killing letter and the quickening Spirit, to be one and the same thing-then the elect and reprobate, the child of God and the child of the devil, are made one also. And, when this is done, all my rank Antinomianism is confuted, and scattered into all winds. Which is just as easy to be done, as to unite the two poles; bring Christ and Belial, the family of heaven and hell, together: God's good-will fixes the one in heaven, and his will of judgment fixes the other in hell.

Reader, fare thee well. Grace, mercy, and peace, be with thee. And, when it is well with thee, remember me in prayer, That I may speak of the glory of Christ's kingdom, and talk of the power; "to make known to the sons of men his mighty acts, and the glorious majesty of his kingdom," Psalm cxlv. 11, 12; and thou wilt greatly oblige thy willing servant, in the kingdom and patience of Christ,

W. H. S.S.

P.S. When the last piece on this subject appeared in the world, two young men, fearing to read it, laid it before God, and entreated him to convince them whether it contained the truth or not, that they

might either embrace or reject it; and, after earnest prayer, they ventured to look into it, but proceeded with caution, as a man would over a bog. As God would have it, neither of them tumbled in; but they plunged, out of their bondage, into that love, peace, and liberty, which they never enjoyed before. I wish every reader of this pamphlet would go and do likewise. There are no better appeals than those which are made to the Searcher of hearts; nor is there any fear of false or evasive answers from a throne of grace: a trial there is sure to discover the rottenness or soundness of the author.


T. Bensley, Printer,

Bolt Court, Fleet Street, London,

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