Sivut kuvina

results in the shape of a number of short stories and sketches of life in that district, and the scenes of all her novels except "Anne" are chiefly laid in the same region. A collection of stories entitled "Rodman the Keeper: Southern Sketches" appeared in 1880.

The death of Miss Woolson's mother, in February, 1879, caused a complete change in her plans, and the same year she sailed for England. The serial publication of her first novel, "Anne," began in "Harper's" this year also. She devoted the greater part of three years to its writing, from 1875 to 1878, and it remains her masterpiece. It was brought out in book form in 1882, and placed her at once in the front rank of American writers. Miss Woolson considered the works of Charlotte Brontë, George Eliot, George Sand, Charles Dickens, and after them these of Bret Harte, to have had the most influence in shaping her literary style. She also read Daudet, and as many more of the modern French novelists as she could obtain. At the same time she remained intensely American. All her novels deal with the life and adventures of Americans in their own country, though of widely differing types and in widely separated districts. They were all written in Europe, with one exception, as Miss Woolson did not return to the United States, save for a single short visit, after 1879. Her winters were passed chiefly at Florence, Rome, Sorrento, and Venice, at which places she established successive homes. At Rome, in 1881 and afterward, she occupied a sort of "Hilda's Tower," with a vine-covered roof loggia looking out over the Campagna and to Soracte. Her next home, at Venice, was on the third floor of an old Italian palace. In 1887 she rented the Villa Brichieri, just outside the Roman gate of Florence, the same locality that is mentioned in Mrs. Browning's "Aurora Leigh "

I found a house at Florence on the hill
Of Bellosguardo-

and where Hawthorne wrote "The Marble Faun." At Florence she became acquainted with Miss Violet Paget (Vernon Lee), Miss A. Mary F. Robinson, and many other literary residents and visitors. She remained there until the autumn of 1891, when, after a winter in Oxford, England, she again removed to the apartments in Venice, where she died. Her summers during this period were chiefly passed at resorts in Switzerland and Germany, with an occasional

trip to England. It was her declared intention to return to the United States permanently, establishing a winter home in Florida and a summer home at Cooperstown, but this intention was never carried out, nor does it seem likely that it would have been if she had lived longer. Miss Woolson was accustomed to say that she had lived her life before going abroad, and she appeared contented to pass her time quietly in foreign cities, closely occupied with her literary work, on which she was largely dependent for her income.

"Anne" was followed by "For the Major" (1883); "East Angels" (1886); "Jupiter Lights" (1890); and "Horace Chase" (1894). The qualities of self-reliance and independence were especially prominent in Miss Woolson's character, although hidden beneath a charming personality.

She was conservative as to woman's position in the world, believing that she should have perfect liberty in her" allotted space."

Miss Woolson's position in literature is among the realists, with a strong reservation as to the present interpretation of the word. She thought Turgenieff the greatest novelist of the period, but she found the field of fiction too wide, with the enormous production of French, Russian, Spanish, Italian, and even Norwegian writers, to be much of a partisan about anything, and believed there was something good in all. In regard to latter-day "realism," she expressed herself very plainly in a letter to the writer: "As to being a 'realist (I mean my being one), I meant that all I write is founded, and intended to be founded, upon actual realities: I have no interest in anything else. But I contend that real every-day life shows us not infrequently very noble characters-the noblest. I myself have known such, and if any one else has not, I can only say that I am sorry for him (or her); it does not do away with my better fortune. Nine men out of ten whom we meet are commonplace. Very likely. But if ten in a hundred are not, a description of one of these ten is as 'real' a thing as a description of the nine who are commonplace. I can not admit that a 'realistic' story should mean one that is limited to commonplace people, or to the brutal, or the vile." Miss Woolson's literary effort was chiefly exerted while abroad upon her novels. The short stories printed during that time, mostly recounting the experiences of Americans in Europe, while carefully written, do not show the freshness and literary skill that characterized her tales of the lake region and the South. These later stories have not yet been published in book form. So many reports have been circulated concerning the manner in which Miss Woolson met her death, that an authoritative account by her niece, who was at Venice at the time, may be inserted: "Aunt Constance had severe influenza (grip), which resulted, as it often does, in high fever. The night nurse left her for a moment for something which was needed. During her short absence, in a sudden access of delirium, she arose from her bed, and, while apparently wandering about the room, feil through the open window to the street below. She was picked up immediately, and lived a short time, but never regained consciousness."

WYOMING, a Northwestern State, admitted to the Union July 10, 1890; area, 97,890 square miles. Population in 1890, 60,705. Capital, Cheyenne.

Government.-The following were the State officers during the year: Governor, J. E. Osborne, Populist; Secretary of State, Amos W. Barber: Auditor and Insurance Commissioner, Charles W. Burdick; Treasurer, Otto Grumm; Attorney-General, Charles N. Potter; Adjutant General, F. A. Stitzer; Chief Justice, H. V. S. Groes beck; Clerk of the Supreme Court, R. H. Repath; Superintendent of Public Instruction, S. T. Farwell: State Engineer, Elwood Mead.

Finances. The Auditor's report gives the following information as to the financial condition of the State: Balance in the treasury, Sept. 30, 1893, $107,090.82: money from all sources received during the year ending Sept. 30, 1894,

$237,626.10; total disbursements during same period, $196,381.76; balance in treasury, Sept. 30, 1894, $148,335.16. The balances in all appropriations, Sept. 30, 1893, amounted to $174,178.87; there was expended during the year $102,097.91; and there remained a balance, Sept. 30, 1894, of $72,080.96.

The following memorandum is made of the receipts and expenditures on account of the Capitol building at Cheyenne for the two years ending Sept. 30, 1894. The total receipts were $15,901.93; total expenditures, $12,655.35, being an annual expenditure of $6,332.67.

The expense of the construction of public building for the past ten years was $546,567; of this amount $50,724.31 was expended in 1894, and $3,987.39 in 1893.

The report of the certificates of indebtedness outstanding shows: Certificates outstandin Sept. 30, 1893, $8,555.68; issued during the fiscal year, $10,085.57; paid and canceled during the fiscal year. $12,514.42; outstanding Sept. 30, 1894, $6,126.43.

Valuation. In 1893 the total assessed valuation of taxable property was $32,356,801, and in 1894 it was $29,198,041.20.

It is estimated that the actual value of property will approximate $100,000,000.

The Constitution provides that the tax levy for State purposes shall not exceed 4 mills on the dollar, except for the support of State institutions, the payment of the State debt and interest thereon. For county revenue the tax is limited to 12 mills for all purposes, including payment of public debt. An additional tax of $2 is levied for schools on all persons between twenty-one and fifty years of age. All incorporated cities or towns are limited to 8 mills on the dollar. Several counties have made their tax rate greater than is allowed. The State tax for 1894 was levied at the rate of 5.85 mills, or 584 cents on $100. It amounted to $170,808.54. In 1893 the State tax levy was at the rate of 6.6 mills. The total average levy of 26 mills in 1893 produced a revenue of $851,276.82. Nine counties are in arrears for taxes to the total amount of $13,826.26.

Banks. An abstract of the statement of the condition of the 3 State and 4 private banks, Sept. 29, 1894, shows their resources as $764,597.40. The individual deposits were $237,658.53; loans and discounts, $536,199.08.

Live Stock. The number of horses is estimated, for 1894, at 71,283; mules and asses, 1,532; sheep and goats, 881,695; cattle, 334,724, at an average value of $10.33 per head. It is probable that the number of cattle assessed does not represent, by a large fraction, the actual number in Wyoming. The live-stock industry represents more than one quarter of the entire wealth of the State.

State Lands. The biennial report of the Board of Land Commissioners states that grants of the land given to Wyoming by the General Government aggregating 4,042,011-34 acres have been made to the various State institutions. Of this amount, 3,657,630-01 acres have been selected, and 241,638.73 acres have been certified by the General Land Office. The number of acres leased is 303,946-62, 770 acres have been sold, and 2,478 acres have been deeded for right of

way. The State does not permit the selling of any State land at less than $10 an acre. The cash statement as to the land income of the various funds gives the following totals: Balances, Sept. 30, 1892, $21,868.69; received to Sept. 30, 1894, $35,344.21; balances, Sept. 30, 1894, $57,212.30.

Education.- The Superintendent of Public Instruction, in his report for the two years ending Sept. 30, 1894, gives the total number of enrolled pupils during the past year as 10,310, and the amount expended as $215,479.61. In 1893 there were enrolled 9,933 pupils and 424 teachThere was expended for buildings at the close of 1893 a total of $380,073.86, on which there is a bonded indebtedness of $192,707.58. In the Common-school-land Income fund there is now $24,702.63.


The balance to the credit of the agricultural department of the State University, Nov. 1, 1894, was $18,213.84. The amount expended during four years on the experimental farms of the State has been $38,932.22, divided as follows: Laramie, $6,782.22; Lander, $7,050; Saratoga, $4,600; Sheridan, $7,000; Sundance, $6,650; and Wheatland, $6,850. In addition to this, there was spent $25,561.45 for salaries of scientific workers, apparatus, printing materials, and incidentals, making the total expenditures for four years $64,493.

The report of the treasurer of the university as to the amount received under act of Congress gives the following figures: Available for year ending June 30, 1894, $22.253.62; disbursements for instruction in agriculture, mechanic arts, English language, mathematical science, physical science, and economic science, $20,478.89; balance, July 1, 1894, $1,774.73. The State gave to the university during the year $3,797.08. The statement of the Agriculturalexperiment fund for the year ending June 30, 1894, gives as the amount of cash expended $15,263.27; of which $15,000 was received from the United States, and $263.27 from the sale of crops from farms.

Charities. For the State Hospital for the Insane, at Evanston, an expenditure of $10,812.06 was made during the year. The daily per capita cost of maintaining the patients was 66-28 cents, 20 per cent. less than in 1892. There was an average attendance of 45 patients, the whole number under treatment being 61. The hospital has accommodations for 100.

The Legislature of 1891 passed an act providing for the establishment of a hospital for miners. By popular vote this hospital was located at Rock Springs, a Springs, and in 1893 the Legislature appropriated $25,000 for its construction. It was opened Oct. 1, 1894. The building is of stone, 35 by 78 feet; the two wings, 45 by 54, are not completed. The total amount expended is $24.267.58, and it is estimated that $10,900 will be needed to complete the building, and $15,900 to maintain it for two years. The hospital is partly self-sustaining, as all miners who can afford to do so pay $6 a week, and other persons who are able $10 a week. A levy of one quarter of a mill, equivalent to $7,000, was made for the maintenance of the hospital for 1894. A donation of 30,000 acres of land has also been made to this institution.

The census of 1890 reports the number of deaf and dumb in Wyoming as 16, and the number of blind as 7. The State Asylum at Cheyenne for the care of these unfortunates is not in operation, and only 2 of them take advantage of the statutory provision for their maintenance and education. These are maintained at the Colorado School for the Deaf and Dumb and Blind, at an annual expense of $250 per capita.

The juvenile delinquents of the State are sent to industrial schools in Colorado, where, during 1894, 5 boys were maintained at a cost of $3.60 each a week, and 2 girls at a cost of $3.50.

The State poor farm, in Frémont County, has been abandoned, there being no permanent class of paupers in Wyoming. The county hospital at Cheyenne and several private hospitals are the only places where the poor are cared for at the expense of the counties.

Laramie Penitentiary. This prison was given by the General Government to Wyoming on its admission as a State. It has a capacity for 150 convicts, and over $100,000 has been expended on its construction and repair. During 1894 106 prisoners were confined at Laramie, and 7 at the Illinois State Penitentiary, under a contract made before Wyoming owned a prison. The State Board of Charities entered into a contract in 1891, for fifteen years, that all prisoners of the State should be kept in Wyoming penitentiaries at 45 cents a day, or 50 cents when the number is less than 100. Under this arrangement all convicts are now sent to Laramie. The total amount expended on the Rawlins penitentiary has been $56,875.35, but the prison is far from complete.

Corporations. -The Secretary of State reports that the number of instruments relating to corporations filed since the admission of Wyoming as a State has been 744. The number of corporations created under State laws during the same period was 347, of which 304 are for business and profit, and 43 are religious, fraternal, or educational.

Insurance. The report of the Auditor as ex-officio Insurance Commissioner shows that $6,000,000 of life insurance is carried by citizens of the State, on which an annual premium of $133,000 is paid, while $3,000,000 is carried in the assessment companies. The 47 fire insurance

companies represented in Wyoming wrote insurance in 1893 to the amount of $6,500,000, in which $128,000 were paid as premiums. Losses amounting to $72,632 were incurred, and losses to the amount of $59,000 were paid.

Fish Hatchery. The appropriation of $7.400 made by the last Legislative Assembly has enabled the Fish Commissioner during the past two years to conduct the operations of the hatchery and enlarge the buildings. Over 1,000,000 fish have been distributed during this period throughout the streams and lakes.

Mining. The mineral resources, with the exception of coal, can hardly be said to have been developed. The total production of coal in short tons during the year was 2,202,000 tons, having a market value of over $3,060,978, and the number of miners employed was 3,458.

Census Statistics. - The statistics of manufactures in Wyoming, as given in the Census Bureau reports dated Feb. 20, 1894, give the number of establishments as 190; value of land, $146,369; buildings, $209,721; machinery, etc.. $455,748; live assets, $599,346; average number of employees, $1,144; total wages, $878,646; cost of materials used, $1,084,432; value of products, including receipts from custom work and repairing, $2,367,601.

Political.- At the November election the entire Republican ticket was successful. The Republican candidate for Governor, W. A. Richards, received a majority of 1,008 votes over the combined votes for his two competitors-Holliday. Democrat, and Tidball, Populist. The new Legislature stands: Senate-Republi Senate-Republicans 14. Democrats 4; House-Republicans 34. Democrats 2. Populists 1. Miss Estelle Reel was elected to the office of State Superintendent of Public Instruction, which makes her, ex-officio, a member of the State Board of Charities and Reform. and of the State Board of Land Commissioners. For the past four years Miss Reel has been Superintendent of Schools in Laramie County. In Wyoming there are 367 teachers, 300 of whom are women, and 12 county superintendents, 11 of whom are women.

Owing to the failure of the second State Legislature to elect a successor to Senator Francis E. Warren, Wyoming has been represented by but one Senator since March 4, 1893.



1876 to 1894.

[blocks in formation]

iii, v-x; war with Egypt, i, 8;
ii, 2; iv, 2, 333; v, 236; views
in, illustrations, i, 4, 5; ii, 2;
provinces of, ii, 2; cession of
Massowah, viii, 302; treaty, ix,
296; the Italians in, xi, 1; xii, 1;
attack on them, xii, 2; conquest
of Harrar, xii, 2; treaty with
England, xii, 1; intercourse with
Russia, xi, 1; xiii, 2; xiv, 1; xv,
1; xvi, 1; xvii, 1; xviii, 1.

Abbott, Helen C. D., x, 45; xi, Academy of Sciences, National, xv,


Abbott, J. C., obit., vi, 678.

Abbott, Josiah G., obit., xvi, 603.

Abbott, J. S. C., sketch, ii, 1.

Abbott, W. P., obit., iii, 681.

Abdallah, Tashi, xii, 244.

Abdallah, the Sheik, v, 623.

572; xvi, 543; xvii, 480; xviii,
502; xix, 502.

Acadia, ix, 265.

Acadia College, i, 67.

Accident-insurance law, ix, 357.
Accident to workmen, Congress on,
xiv, 813.

Abd-el-Kader, sketch, iv, 1; x, Acclimatization, xii, 669; capa-

317, 318.

Abd-el-Samet, ix, 301.

Abdomen, the, xiii, 752.

Abdominal section, x, 742.

Abdul-Aziz, i, 1, 760.

Abdul-Hamid II, i, 2; vi, 841.

bility of races for, 669.

Acetanilide, xi, 289.
Acetophenone, xi, 289.
Acetoxims, viii, 111.
Achard, invention by, vi, 255.

Acharenza, Duchess of, obit., i, 627.

Abdul Kerim, sketch, ii, 1; x, 317. Acheen, war in, i, 584; ii, 541; iii,

Abdul Melik, xi, 6.

Abdul Munin Khan, xi, 6.

Abdurrahman Khan, v, 1; struggle
with Ayoob, vi, 8; viii, 1, 4; ix,
3, 5; x, 2, 4, 7, 12; xi, 4, 5; xii,


Abdy, Sir T. N., obit., ii, 591.
A'Beckett, G. A., obit., xiv, 663.
Abeel, Gustavus, obit., xii, 567.
Abel, Frederick A., experiments
by, iv, 181; theories, x, 160, 343,
574; port., xv, 31.
Abell, Arunah S., sketch, xiii, 621.
Abercorn, Duke of, obit., x, x, 655.
Abercrombie, J. J.. obit., ii, 574.
Abercrombie, Ralph, xii, 491.
Aberdare Mountains, ix, 347.
Aberdeen, Earl of, port., xviii, 263.
Aberdeen, S. Dak., xv, 118.
Aberdeen, Wash., xvi, 145.
Aberration, constant of, xiii, 56.
Aboo Roash, pyramid of, ix, 21.
About, E., obit., x, 655.
Absentee, xiii, 1.
Absorption of liquids, xii, 676.
Abt, Franz, obit., x, 656.
Abu Hubba, inscriptions, xii, 17.
Abu Klea Wells, engagement at,
ix, 304; x, 116, 314, 319.
Abydos, Tablet of, vii, 257.
Abyssinia, xix, 1.

Abyssinia, in every volume except


597; iv, 657; v. 555; vi, 625;
vii, 590; viii, 557; ix, 557; x,
625; xi, 608, 609; pirates in,
609; new disease in, 608.
Acheson, A. W., obit., xv, 681.
Achterfeldt, J. H., obit., ii, 591.
Acids, new, ii, 91; viii, 111; xii,

Acollas, Émile, obit., xvi, 663.
Aconcagua Mountains, ix, 542, 543.
Acropolis at Athens, xiii, 26.
Adair, W. P., obit., v, 587.
Ada Kaleh, fortress of, iii, 45.
Adam, Edmond, obit., ii, 551.
Adain, John J., sketch, xiii, 621.
Adam, W. P., obit., vi, 690.
Adami, J. G., experiments by, x,


Adams, Alvin, obit., ii, 574.
Adams, Charles Francis, obit. and
portrait, xi, 1.
Adams, Edwin, sketch, ii, 8.
Adams, Henry, xii, 479.
Adams, J. C., obit., xvii, 583.
Adams, J. F., obit., vi, 678.
Adams, James O., obit., xii, 567.
Adams, John Q., obit., xix, 560.
Adams, William, obit., v, 587.
Addington, Lord, sketch, xiv, 654.
Adee, Daniel, obit., xvii, 531.
Aden, xiv, 398; xv, 404; xvi, 342;
xvii, 325.

[blocks in formation]

Advent Christian Church, v, 2. See

Adventists, i, 5; ii, 8; iii, 1; iv,
5; vi, 1; a prophetess, ii, 4; iv,
5; differences between Seventh-
Day, and Seventh-Day Baptists,
iii, 49; faith, vi, 1; xi, 2; xii, 8;
history, xi, 2; Sabbath question,

See Tel-

iii, 4; xiii, 5; xiv, 8; xviii, 4.
Æolian Harp, the, x, 607.
Eolian Organ, the, x, 618.
Aerial Navigation, vi, 548; ix, 72.
Aerial Transportation.
pherage, vii, 679.
Affirmation. See Oaths.
Afghanistan, in every volume ex-
cept vii and viii; xii, 4; maps, i,
7; iii, 8; iv, 8, 18; v, 5; viii, 1;
x, 3; map of Cabul, iv, 18; map
of Candahar, v. 7; frontier ques-
tion, ix, 6, 406, 713; x, 1, 2, 16;
xi, 4; Russian and British em-
bassies to, i, 6; views of Cabul
and Herat, ii, 5, 6; x, 1; nego-
tiations with Russia, ii, 5, 6;
with the Indian Government,
iii, 4; view of Candahar, iii, 5;
of Lasgird, ix, 5; towers of ref-
uge in, ix, 7; Zhob valley expe-
dition, ix, 7; strategic railroad
in, ix, 6; x, 12, 13; xii, 6; map of
neutral territory, x, 3; Russian
advance, x, 5; xi, 5; the disputed
district, x, 6; Herat, Herat, x, 7; Penj-
deh affair, x, 8; battle, x, 9; the
Durbar at Rawal Pindi, x, 12;
the Hindus, x, 14; the great
powers, x, 15; illustration, june-
tion of the Murghab and Kushk,
x, 17; submission of Vakhan to
Russia, xi, 5; revolt, xi, 5; trans-
Caspian railway, xi, 6; xii, 6

Ghilzal revolt, xii, 5; Russian
occupation of Kerki, xii, 7, 7,308;
new ally for Russia, xii, 7; re-
bellion in, xvii, 2.

Afghans, descent claimed by, ii, 4;
tribes of, v, 3.

Afghan War, the, see Afghanistan
in vols. iii to x; effect in India,
iii, 437; iv, 491; meeting in Lon-
don, iv, 494; discussed in Par-
liament, v, 330, 337, 343; vi,
362; Russian correspondence, vi,
800; cost of, v, 386; effect in
Persia, v, 622; change in Brit-
ish policy, vi,
2; withdrawal of
British troops, vi, 359; neutral
territory, x, 3; Afghan boundary,
x, 2, 4; xii, 8, 303; map, x, 3,
497; history of the question, ix,
4; x, 1; negotation, xii, 8.

Africa, i, 8; ii, 7; iii, 7; iv, 14; v,
9; vi, 4; dispute of England and
Germany in, ix, 362-365; x, 113,
395, 415, 459; French annexa-
tion in eastern, ix, 339; Italian,
x, 504: xii, 3043 Portuguese
claims in, xi, 371; French, xi,
374; religious institutions in, x,
316. And see articles Cape Col-
ony, Congo Free State, and East

Africa, Central, exploration of, see
Geographical, etc., in every vol-
ume, and ix, 165, 171; treatment
of travelers in, iv, 401, 402, 406,
407: customs, iv, 403, 404; ex-
termination of a tribe, iv, 407;
interior sea, ix, 315; map of, xiv,
349; southern, map of, xiii, 123;
exploration, with map, xviii,


African migration, xix, 4.
Afridis, hostilities by, ii, 394.
Afrikander Bond, the, x, 135.
Agar, F. L. C., obit., xvi, 663.
Agaricine, vit, 88.

Agassiz glacier, ix, 35.

Agassiz, L., glacier theory, x, 407.
Agates, ix, 790; Brazilian, ix, 790.
Agiar, Antonio Augusto, obit.,
xii, 567.

Agnew, C. R.. sketch, xiii, 621.
Agnew, D. H., obit., xvii, 581.
Agnostic, xiii, 7.


Agop, P. K., obit., xvi, 663.
Agoult, Countess d', sketch, i,
Agrarian agitations in Wales,
404; in Russia, 791; in Ger-
many, xviii, 348.


Agricultural distinctions, xiv, 723.
Agricultural wheel, xi, 42.

facilities in

Agriculture, i, 10; ii, 8; iii, 7; v,
10; percentage of cultivated
lands in various countries, ii, 8;
department of, in N. C., ii, 578;
sugar in Minn., ii, 523; in Miss.,
iii, 574; wheat weighing and in-
spection, spection iv, 623;
N. C., iv, 690; decline of, in
England, vii, 1; experiment
station. vii, 511; U. S. Depart-
ment of, established, xiii, 234:
xiv, 217; statistics, xvi, 845. And
see the articles on the States.

Ahmed el Hedday, ix, 299.
Ahmed el Hoda, ix, 299.

Ahmed Mukhtar Pasha, xii, 242.
Ahmed Vefyk Pasha, sketch, ii, 11.
Ahn, Prof., x, 191.
Ahrens, C. D., ix, 517
Aigan, J., obit., iii, 631.

Alcott, L. M., obit. and port., xiii,


Aigner, Joseph, obit., xi, 708.
Aiken, Charles Augustus, xvii, 531.
Aiken, David W.. obit., xii, 567.
Aiken, F., obit., iii, 631.
Aiken, William, obit., xii, 567.
Ain Quadis, Kadesh-Barnea, ix, 27.
Ainsworth, W. H., obit., vii, 644.
Aird, Thomas, sketch, i, 14.
Air-thermometer, vii, 92.
Airy, G. B., observations, vi, 39; Alexander I, of Bulgaria, sketch,

obit., xvii, 583.
Aizpuruz, Gen., x, 179.
Akerman, A. T., obit., v, 587.
Akerson, Garret, Jr., obit., xi, 708.
Akhoond of Swat, obit., iii, 648.
Akkas, the, vi, 4.
Akmin, inscribed tablet at, xi, 29.
Akron, Ohio, xvi, 146.
Aksakoff, Ivan S., obit., xi, 708.
Aktapa, x, 8, 10; view of, 17.
Aktcha, district of, x, 4, 8.
Alabama, government, statistics,
etc., in every volume; Depart-
ment of Agriculture, viii, 23 tax
law, viii, 2; Treasurer absconded,
viii, 3; lumber industry, ix, 7;
coal in, ix, 7; Confederate monu-
ment in Montgomery, xi, 8; view
of Capitol, ii, 12; pensions, xix, 4.
Alabama claims, the, x, 436.
Alameda, Cal., xviii, 151.
Alarcon, P. A., obit., xvi, 663.
Alarms, electric, ix, 209.
Alaska, iv, 24; map, iv, 25; peo-
ple, v, 301; need of government.
v, 648; statistics, vi, 9; fur-seal
industry, vii, 6; volcanoes, viii,
287; Territorial government, ix,
10; x, 399, 765; xi, 380, 826; ex-
pedition to, xii, 314; gold in, xii,
779; xvii, 298; boundary of, xiv,
362; xv, 355, 831.
Alatorre, Gen., x, 466.
Albanian League, the, against sur-
render of territory, v, 687, 688;
vi, 842; opposition to Montene-
gro, v, 542; viii, 549; map of
Albania, i, 751; disturbances in,
ix, 764; x, 752.

Albany, Capitol at, iv, 671; vi,
658; vii, 614; viii, 570, 575; xi,
159; bi-centennial of, xí, 8; stadt
huis, illustration, xi, 8; old Dutch
church, illustration, xi, 11; flag,
illustration, xi, 11; water, xix,


Alberger, F. A., obit., ii, 574.
Alberi, E., obit., iii, 649.
Albert, J. S., obit., v, 588.
Albert, Prince of Prussia, made
Regent of Brunswick, x, 418.
Albert, Prince, obit., xvii, 583.
Albert, W. J., obit., iv, 692.
Albert Lake circumnavigated, i,
331; Stanley's journey, i, 323.
Alb Alberta, viii, 81; ix, 270.
Alberti, C., obit., xv, 672.
Albertis, explorations by, i, y, i, 329.
Albery, James, sketch, xiv, 654.
Alboni, Marietta, obit., xix, 608.
Albrecht, W. E., sketch, i, 18.
Albuféra, Duc de, obit., ii, 591.
Albuminoids, in grain, v. 92.
Albumose, new forms of, ix, 121.
Alcohol, test for, i, 97; estimation
of, in a mixture, ii, 92; freezing-
point of mixtures, vi, 100; sta-
tistics, iv, 24; effect of, xii, 672.

Alcorn, J. L., obit., xix, 560.
Alcott, A. B., sketch and port., xiii,

Alden, Admiral J., sketch, ii, 18.
Alden, Joseph, obit., x, 645.
Aldrich, Anne R., obit., xvii, 581.
Aleko Pasha, sketch, iv. 26; x, 107.
Alencar, J. M. de, obit.. ii. 591.
Alert, the, ix, 29; x, 138, 399.
Alessandria, illustration, i, 418.

iv, 26; viii, 74; x, 105 et seq..
719, 727 et seq., 752, 754; de-
throuement and abdication of, xi,

Alexander II, of Russia, sketches,
ii, 13; vi, 10; assassination, vi,
795; trial of assassins, vi, 796.
Alexander III, of Russia, accession,
vi, 798: port., v, 661; corona-
tion, viii, 704, 706; sketch and
port., xix, 6.

Alexander VI, Pope, x, 140.
Alexander, A. J., obit., xii, 568.
Alexander, B. S., obit., iii, 631.
Alexander, E. B., sketch, vi, 9;
xiii, 621.

Alexander, Grand Duke of Russia,
obit., ii, 591.

Alexander, H., Jr., obit., iii, 631.
Alexander Karageorgevitch, obit..
x, 656.

Alexander of Battenberg, obit.,
xviii, 576.

Alexander of Orange, obit., ix, 614.
Alexander, Samuel D., obit., xix,


Alexander, W. L., obit., ix, 614.
Alexandre, F., sketch, xίν, 616.
Alexandria, Anglo-French squad-
ron at, vii, 242; riots in, 244;
bombardiment of, 244; x, 310;
British fleet at, vii, 568; indem-
nity commission, viii, 297; trials
on charge of burning, 298.
Alexandria, Va., xviii, 151.
Alexandrine, Grand Duchess, obit,
xvii, 584.

Alexeyeff, M., ix, 121.
Alfalfa, cultivation of, xi, 681.
Alfaro, Gen. Eloy, ix, 281.
Alfonso XII, attempt to assassi-
nate, v, 673; insult to, in France,
viii, 397; x, 141; portrait, viii,
735; obit., x, 656.
Algae, ix, 94.

ria, i, 9, 19; map, i, 19; view
Algiers 20; French Govern-
ment in, ii, 14; shotts of, iii,
725; revolt, iv, 27: government.
v, 285; incursions from Tunts,
ví, 311; expropriation of lands,
viii, 358; ix, 386; x, 381; xii,
298: xiii, 353; xiv, 343; xv, 333,
xvi, 318; xvii, 289; xviii, 328.

Algol system, xviii, 44.
Algoma, ix, 266.
Ali bin Said, obit., xviii, 576.
Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse-
Darmstadt, sketch, iii, 11.
Ali-el-Din Pasha, x, 318.
Alikhanoff, Lieut.-Col., x, 5, 7, 8,

9; sketch, 19.
Alima River, discovery of, iv, 401.
Alimentary canal, viii, 750.
Alimonda, G., obit., xvi, 663,
Alison, Sir A., in Egypt, and por-
trait, vii, 251.
Alkali Desert, the, iv, 340.
Alkali metals, processes for redue-
tion of, xi, 536.
Alkalimetry, indicators for, x, 154.

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