Somerby, G. A., obit., iv, 696. Somerset, Duchess of, obit., ix, 622; Duke of, obit., x, 669. Somerville, xi, 186. Somnolentia, ix, 554. Sons of the American Revolution, xix, 638.
Sons of the Revolution, xix, 639. Soopayajat, xi, 114.
Sophia, Queen of the Netherlands, obit., ii, 611. Sophocles, E. A., obit., viii, 595. Sopt, the god, x, 36. Sorabjé, experiments, x, 153. Sorby, investigations, vii, 532. Sorby-1
-Brown mirco-spectroscope,
Sorel, Canada, xiv, 723. Sorghum, xix, 715.
ed, vii, 148; Hugh S. Thomp- son made Governor, viii, 739; election cases, 739; Charleston, x, 737; cyclone, x, 738; earth- quake, xi, 807; see also Earth- quake; J. P. Richardson Gov- ernor, 806; forfeited lands, State capitol, State canal, xii, 737; pop- ulation, xv, 776, and xvi, 797; dispensary law of, xix, 718.
South Dakota, xiv, 778; xv, 779; xvi, 799; xvii, 706; xviii, 693; xix, 720; population, XV 780; prohibition in, 781, and xvi, 801; drought, xv, v, 782; 782; lands, lands, xvi, 801. Southgate, Horatio, obit., xix, 600. South Norwalk, Conn., xix, 143. South Omaha, Neb., xvi, 170.
South Orange, N. J., xviii, 169.
Sorghum, experiments, iv, 841; ix, South Pittsburg, xiv, 160.
Sorin, Edward, obit., xviii, 570.
Sosnovski, expedition, i, 329.
Soto, Marco A., sketch, iii, 424. Soudan, the, Col. Gordon appoint- ed, ii, 269; his intentions re- garding slavery, ibid.; slave- trade in, v, 235: exploration of, vi, 326; rebellion in, vii, 255; viii, 298, 507; history and pro- ductions, 290; commerce, 386; British policy, 301; Gordon's mission, 399; operations in, ix, 283, 285, 288, 293-304, 371; map of Eastern, 287; its history, x, 305; English army disasters in, 313; xi, 310; Cossacks in, 811; fighting in, xii, 244; xiii, 293; events in the, xiv, 585; xv, 279. Souillart, Prof., viii, 28; xii, 95. Soule, Gideon L., obit., iv, 696. Soulié, Eudore, obit., i, 643.
Sound, xiv, 692; xvi, 727; xviii, 618; xix, 653; aberration of, viii, 724.
Sound-Signals, viii, 719; maps, 721, 727; illustrations, 721, 722, 728, 729, 780.
Soust de Borckenfeld, obit., ii, 611. South Africa, ix, 109, 112, 115; xix, 100; Germany in, 362-365; trou- bles in, with natives, x, 83-89; xviii, 120. See Cape Colony.
South African Republic, xiv, 108; xv, 94; xvii, 74; xviii, 128; xix, 103.
South American Commission, x, 772; Congress, xiii, 829. Southard, W. F., experiments by, vi, 751.
South Australia, xiv, 55; xv, 48; xvii, 45; xviii, 58; xix, 59. South Bend, Ind., xv, 145.
South Carolina, in each volume; view in, i, 723; Hamburg mas sacre, i, 719, 720; Federal assist- ance, 720; other disturbances, 720; contested election, 723-727; settlement, ii, 694; robe of the speaker of the House, iii, 767; State-debt, 768, 769; jetties in Charleston harbor, 772; constitu- tional amendments, 818; ix, 739; miscegenation prohibited, iv, 818; resignation of Governor Simpson, 667, 670; phosphate mines, v, 669; vi, 814, 815; question of revising the Consti- tution, vi, 812; exodus of ne- groes, 812; election law amend-
South Sea, Germans in, x, 415, 681. Souvenir spoons, xvi, 802. Sovereigns of Industry, xiii, 242. Spafford, M. H. G., vi, 707. Spain, in each volume; views, i, 728, 730, 732; ii, 699, 700, 701; Carlist war, capture of Guetara, i, 728; Estella taken and Tolosa entered, 729; flight of Don Carlos and return of the King to Madrid, 729; new constitution adopted, 730; modification of the special privileges of the Basque prov- inces, 730; return of ex-Queen Is- abella, 731; expedition against the Sooloo pirates, 732; contro- versy relative to the Cuban rebel- lion, 732; war-loan and shipment of troops to Cuba, 733; extradi- tion treaty and surrender of W. M. Tweed, 733; indemnity to the United States, ii, 701; the royal marriage, iii, 773, 774; iv, 822; marriage bill passed, 773; the Cuban loan, 774; attempt to shoot the King, 774; the Cuban insurrection, 774; the Queen's death, 774; proposed abolition of slavery in the Antilles, iv, 822; attempted regicide, 822; new out- break in Cuba, 822; the coolie- trade, 823; events in Cuba, v, 672; Carlist movements, 673; free-trade pians, vi, 816; demand for American products, 817, 818; troubles with England, vii, 751; case of Maceo and Rodrigues, 751, 752; socialism, viii, 740; organization of the Mano negra, 740; military insurrection, 740; insult to the King in Paris, 741; revolutionary movements, ix, 742, 743; death of the King, x, 738,789; the Queen regent, 7383; dynastic rivalries, 740; failure of the Anglo-Spanish conven- tion, 740; claim to the Caro- line Islands, 140, 741; the Soo- loo convention, 742; military revolt in Madrid, xi, 808; ree- ognized as a great power, 740; insurrection in, xvi, 805; anarch- ist disturbances, xvii, 709; xix, 723; possessions in Africa, xvi,
Sparkman, James D., obit., i, 624. Spaulding, Judge A., obit., i, 624. Spaventa, Silvio, obit., xviii, 586. Spear, Samuel T., obit., xvi, 656. Special delivery of letters, xii, 687. Special legislation, xiv, 373 et seq.
Special senses, ix, 656; x, 690; xi,
756; xii, 672; xviii, 638. Specie Resumption, in Italy, viii, 451; in United States, ii, 237, 290, 663; iii, 164, 175, 325, 801; iv, 28, 367. See also Resump- tion, iv, 763.
Spectra, of vapors and gases, v, 95; of the planets, xi, 54. Spectres of Ben Lomond, xi, 569. Spectroscope, new form of, xii, 111. Spectroscopic Observations, i, 49. Spectroscopy, xiii, 56. Spectrum analysis, xii, 412; xvi, 51. Spectrum photography, ix, 127. Spectrum, the solar, evidence from, iv, 130: stellar changes, x, 53. Speed, J., obit. and port., xii, 741. Speer, R. M., obit., xv, 667. Spelling Reform, iv, 637; article on, ix, 743; German, 745. Spelter, market, ix, 481. Spence, J. B., discovery by, v, 98. Spence, Thomas A., obit., ii, 589. Spencer, G. E., obit., xviii, 570. Spezzia, ordnance experiments at,
vii, 578; illustrations, 579, 580. Sphinx, the, xii, 18. Spicer, Elihu, obit., xviii, 570. Spicer, William F., obit., iii, 645. Spinal ganglia, xii, 672. Spinner, F. E., obit., xv, 667. Spinola, Francis B., obit., xvi, 650. Spinoza, statue of, v, 555. Spirilla, ix, 498. Spitaler, Prof., ix, 52. Spleen, the, function of, vi, 751;
viii, 635; extirpation, ix, 748. Splenectomy, viii, 751. Spofford, Henry M., obit., v, 596. Spofford, R. S., sketch, xiii, 653. Spokane Falls, xiv, 160. Spong, Harry, xii, 678. Spontaneous generation, ix, 94. Spooner, Alden J., obit., vi, 688. Spooner, Lysander, obit., xii, 612.
Spoon-holder, xvi, 708.
Herr, xi, W., ., obit., viii, 605. Spotts, James H., obit., vii, 644. Spottsylvania, battle of, xi, 418. Sprague, John J., obit., iii, 646. Sprague, Peleg, sketch, v, 678. Sprague, William B., sketch, i, 733. Sprague, Wash., xvi, 170. Spreckels, Claus, laus, x, 62; xii, 352. Sprigg, Gordon, vi, 8, 88. Spring, Samuel, obit., ii, 589. Spring, W., experiments by, viii, 113; ix, 120; xi, 137. Springer, Anton, obit, xvi, 686. Springfield, III., ii, 883; xvi, 171. Springfield, Mass., xv, 146. Springfield, Mo., xv, 146. Springfield, O., xv, 146. Springs, mineral, x, 593 et seq. Sproat, Morgan L., obit., i, 624. Sproull, T., obit., xvii, 575. Spurgeon, Charles H., xii, 60; sketch and port., xvii, 711. Squier, E. G., sketch, xiii, 663. Squirrels, in United States, x, 390. Stabrovski, Dr., xii, 678. Stackhouse, E. T., obit., xvii, 575. Stafford, broken dam in, ii, 227. Stahl, on lichens, iii, 476. Stahr, A. W. T., sketch, i, 733. Stained glass, ix, 242. Stambuloff, retirement of, xix, 87. Stamford, Conn., xvi, 171. Stämpfli, J., obit., iv, 701.
Spottiswoode, Wo
Standeford, E. D., obit., xii, 613. Standing Bear, iv, 653. Stanford, L., obit., xviii, 571. Stanford University, xviii, 697. Stang, Fredrik, obit., ix, 622. Stanhope, Edward, x, 450.
Stanley, Arthur P., sketch, vi, 822. Stanley, Frederick Arthur, x, 449. Stanley, H. M., sketch, ii, 701; ex- plorations of, i, 333; ii, 323, 329; iii, 363; vii, 336; viii, 385; ix, 166, 167; x, 192, 193; xii, 250, 302; in Atrica, xiv, 347 et seq.; sketch and port., 777.
Stanley of Preston, sketch, xiii, 275. Stannard, George J., obit., xi, 701. Stanton, F. P., obit., xix, 600.
Stanton, Henry B., obit., xii, 613. Staples, H. B., obit., xvi, 656.
Stedman, C., obit., xv, 667. Steel. See articles on Metallurgy. Steel and Iron Industry, xi, 449. Steel, Sir John, obit., xvi, 686. Steele, Maj., x, 129.
Steele, J. Dorman, obit., xi, 702. Steeple-chasing, xii, 771. Steere, Bishop, journey, i, 332. Steers, George, x, 788. Stefan, Prof., obit., xviii, 586. Steifensand, Xavier, obit., i, 643. Stein, Dr., experiments, ix, 515. Steinberger, A. B., obit., xix, 600. Steineger, L., xi, 375. Steinen, Dr. von den, xii, 314. Steiner, C. von, ix, 350.
Stockbridge, Francis B., obit., six, 601.
Stock Exchange, the London, re- port on, iv, 176. Stockhardt, J. A., obit., xi, 726. Stockley, C. C., sketch, vii, 189. Stock Market. See Financial Re- view.
Stockton, Cal., growth of, xii, 130. Stockton, John D., obit., ii, 589. Stockton, Richard, obit., i, 624. Stockton, T. H., obit., xvii, 575. Stokes, J. II., obit. obit., xv, 668. Stolbrand, C'. J. M., obit., xix, 601. Stoletoff, Gen., x, 2.
Stone, Charles P., obit., xii, 614.
Steiner, D. W., experiments, x, Stone, Delia C. H, obit., xii, 615.
Stone, G. W., obit,, xix, 601. Stone, J. A. B., sketch, xiii, 654.
Steiner, L. H., obit., xvii, 575.
Steinmetz, K. F. von, obit., ii, 611. Stone, Lucy, iv, 598; obit., xvii, Steinway, Albert, obit., ii, 589.
Starcy, Alfred B., obit., xviii, 571. Steinway, T., sketch, xiv, 648.
Starch, in leaves, ix, 129.
Starchevich, Dr., ix, 70, 72.
Stark, George, obit., xvii, 575.
Stark, John, statue of, xv, 599.
Starkweather, J. C., obit., xv, 667.
Steinwehr, Baron, obit., ii, 589. Stela of Fassiler, xiii, 33. Stellaland, ix, 112; x, 85, 87. Stellar parallax, ix, 53.
Starr, Chandler, obit., i, 624.
Starr, Samuel H., obit., xvi, 656.
Stellmacher, Madame, ix, 754. Stenhouse, C. F., observations by,
Starkweather, H. H., obit., i, 624.
Star-Routes, vii, 753; viii, 163, 777. Stars. See Astronomical Progress. Star-shower, the Biela, xi, 52. State banks in III., xviii, 398. State flowers, xix, 497, 724. Statehouse at Albany, xvii, 507. State judges, indictment of, v, 703. State Rights, Congress on, i, 166: as to suits against municipalities, iii, 10; conflict between United States and Arkansas courts, 25; alleged Federal interference with, v, 203; decisions on, vi, 477.
States, claims against, v, 479; New York law on, vi, 516; proposed amendment, vii, 462; obligation of contracts, vii, 648; viii, 493; Board of Claims, 570; new, xiv, 193; xv, 235; xix, 224. Statistical Congress, i, 734.
Statues at Athens, xi, 701; of Lib- erty, 323, 649; illustration, 650. Sce Archæology.
Stauber, Anton, xii, 316. Stauffenberg, Dr. von, xii, 333. Staunton, E. I., obit., xiv, 648.
Stead, Mr., x, 452-453.
Stenograph, the, xv, 816. Stephan, Mr., x, 58; xi, 56. Stephen, Condie, x, 4. Stephen, J. K., obit., xvii, 603. Stephen, Sir Alfred, fred, obit., obit., xix, 622. Stephen, Sir J. F., obit., xix, 622. Stephens, A. H., sketch, ii, 702; viii, 741; address, vii, 346; statue, xviii, 340.
Stephens, Ann S., obit., xi, 702. Stephens, Gecrge, ix, 23. Stephenson, John, obit., xviii, 571. Stephenson, J. W., ix, 507 et seq. Stern, Daniel. See Agoult. Sternberg, Count, ix, 636. Stevens, Aaron F., obit., xii, 613. Stevens, Alfred, medal, x, 366. Stevens, Ambrose, obit., v, 596. Stevens, E. L., obit., xv, 667. Stevens, Henry, obit., xi, 702. Stevens, J., obit., xvii, 603. Stevens, L. I., experiments by, viii, 632.
Stevens, William B., sketch and portrait, vii, 767; ix, 304.
Stevenson, Adlai E., sketch and port., xvii, 712.
Steam, exhaust, utilization of, iii, Stevenson, James, sketch, xiii, 653. 723; pressure, vi, 546.
Steam-Engine, Balance, iii, 774. Steamer lines, new, xiii, 35, 105, 176, 255, 415, 549, 832. Steamers, whaleback, xviii, 282. Steamships, ironclad, first built, xii, 229; new, xiii, 307; dimension, 307; speed, xv. 787.
Steamships, line from Rio Janeiro to New York, iii, 63; to Halifax, v, 16; from Hudson Bay, 218; subsidized, in Germany, ix, 361; in Mexico, 492; privileges of, in Guatemala, xii, 347; mail, to Australia, x, 61; lack of Ameri- can, x, 40.
Steam-tugs for canals, vi, 250. Stearns, Charles W., obit., xii, 618. Stearns, J. F., sketch, xiv, 648. Stearns, Marcellus L., i, 295. Stearns, O. S., obit., xviii, 571. Stearns, Onslow, obit., iii, 646. Stearns, Silas, sketch, xiii, 653. Stearns, William A., obit., i, 624.
Stevenson, Jonathan D., obit., xix,
Stevenson, Robert Louis, sketch and port., xix, 724.
Stever, Gustav, obit., ii, 611. Stewart, Alexander, obit., i, 643. Stewart, A. T., sketch, i, 735. Stewart, Balfour, obit., xii, 637. Stewart, Sir Donald, v, 5; x, 13. Stewart, George W., obit., xvi, 656. Stewart, H., in the Soudan, x, 313;
obit. and port., ix, 745. Stewart, Isaac D., obit., xii, 614. Stewart, Julius L., x, 362. Stewart, Col. Patrick, x, 4. Stewart, W. A., obit., xvii, 575. Stigmata, case of, viii, 694. Stigmata maidis, ix, 272. Stiletto, the yacht, x, 193. Stille, R. B., obit., iv, 696. Stillwater, Minn., xix, 143. Stillwell, Silas M., obit., vi, 689. Stirling-Maxwell, W., obit., iii, 661. Stisted, Sir Henry W., obit., i, 643.
Stone. Ormond, xi, 56. Store, Prof., observations, vi, 39, Stoneman, George, vii, 81; obit. and port., xix, 601. Stones, Precious, xviii, 638, Stoney, G. M., explorations by. viii, 383; xi, 880. Storage batteries, ix, 307.
Storer, David H., obit., xvi, 656. Storey, Wilbur F., obit., ix. 612. Storm and fire in Iowa, xix, 311. Storm apron, xvi, 709.
Storms, frequency of, x, 582; xi,
543, 562; xii, 491, 492; move- ments of, 493; xiii, 533; xiv, 546; xv, 505; xvii, 451; in Georgia, xviii, 340; xix, 311; in Louisiana, 464; in Missouri, 499; in Ore- ron, 598; in South Carolina, 691. Storm-signals, cautionary, iv, 806, Storm, Theodor, sketch, xiii, 669. Storthing House, i, 738. Story, Julian, xii, 276. Stoughton, E. W., sketch, ii, 703. Stoughton, W. L., sketch, xiii, 654. Stout, F. A., obit., xvii, 576. Stowe, Calvin E., obit., xi, 708, Stoyanoff, Z., sketeh, xiv, 670, Strachan, Capt. J., xi, 881. Stradbroke, John E. C. R., ohit.,
Strahan, Sir G., ix, 60. Strain, Patrick, obit., xviii, 572. Straits Settlements, xiv, 899; xv,
404; xvi, 343; xvii, 325. Strakosch, Maurice, obit., xii, 638. Strakosch, Max, obit., xvii, 576, Strandberg, C. W. A., ii, 612. Strange, Gen., x, 128, 129. Strangford, Emily A., obit., xii, 638. Stransky, M., x, 108. Strasburg, university at, ix. 859;
view of the cathedral of, ii, 351. Stratford de Redcliffe, obit., v. 503. Strathnairn, Lord, obit,, x. 670. Stratton, Charles H., viii, 596. Stratton, J. L. N., obit., xiv, 648. Stratton, J. Willis, obit., i, 624. Strauch, Col., x, 191. Strawbridge, J. D., obit., xv, 66x. Street, Alfred B., sketch, vi, 825. Street, George E., obit., vi, 696. Street-cars, law regarding, iii, 523; modes of traction, ii, 495; iv, 346. Streight, A. D., obit., xvii, 576. Strelok, the Russian ship, x, 13. Stremayr, Dr., sketch, iv, 60, Strikes, ix, 344; xi, 277, 358, 453; xii, 742 et seq.; xiv, 377, 8901 xix, 495; xix, 728; in France,
xiii, 349; at Carmaux, xvii, 288; granite workers, xvii, 430; coal, xviii, 328; xix, 372; the Pull- man, in Illinois, xix, 363; rail- road, xix, 91, 372; miners', in Illinois, xix, 862. See also Labor Strikes.
Stringham, Silas H., sketch, i, 736. Strohecker, Dr., xi, 538.
Stromeyer, August, obit., xii, 638. Strong, James, obit., xix, 601. Strong, water-gas process, viii, 375. Strong, W. E., obít., xvi, 656. Strong, W. L., mayor, port., xix,
Strong's islard, x, 138, 141, 143. Stronhal, V., experiments, xii, 749. Strontium, ix, 477. Strophanthin, x, 300.
Strother, D. H., sketch, xiii, 654. Strousberg, B. H., obit., ix, 622. Structure of organisms, xii, 668. Struve, Otto, experiments, ix, 47, 53; x, 594; xi, 51. Stry, burning of, x1, 78. Strychnine, identification, xii, 109. Strype, W. G., experiments by, viii, 113.
Stuart, A. H. H., obit., xvi, 656. Stuart, G. H., obit., xv, 668. Stuart, Sir John, obit., i, 643. Stuart, Mary M., obit., xvi, 657. Stuart, Villiers, ix, 279. Stubbs, experiments, vi, 280. Sturgeon, Daniel, obit., iii, 646. Sturgis, S. D., sketch, xiv, 648. Sturtevant, B. F., obit., xv, 668. Styrone, x, 300.
Suakin, expedition in, viii, 300; railroad in, ix, 316. Submarine borings, xvii, 255. Submarine foundations, xviii, 280. Submarine gun, xvi, 558. Subsidies, Congress on, i, 166. Substances, New. See Chemistry. Subways for wires, xiii, 311.
Successions, intervention, vii, 627. Succoth, ix, 19; x, 36.
Sudeikin, Col., murder of, xii, 724. Suez Canal, the, effect of, ii, 263; profits of, 270; affected by the War, 271; cost to Egypt,
271; value to Egypt, vii, 236; enlargement of, viii, 307; prog- ress, ix, 311; x, 308; xi, 311; construction, xii, 240; neutral- ization, 242; xiii, 289; xiv, 285; xv, 277; xvii, 247; xviii, 277; xix, 254.
Suffrage, resolutions on interfer- ence with the right of, i, 180, 181; Garibaldi on universal, iv, 526; property qualification for, 771; agitation in Belgium for universal, vi, 59; xviii, 76; re- strictions upon, xii, 245.
Sugar, xiii, 500; culture in Minne- sota, iii, 568; commerce in, iv, 169; test for, v, 94; culture in Queensland, vii, 44; in Cuba, viii, 264; xii, 216; duty on, viii, 219; tests, etc., viii, 745; law in Belgium, ix, 80; tax in France, 343; crisis in trade, 379; new kind, x, 154; xi, 139; refining of, in Chili, xii, 115; bounties, 345; xiii, 398; convention, xiv, 396; xvii, 124; general article on, xvii, 714; beets, xviii, 597; manufacture, centenary of, xix,
![[blocks in formation]](,164,302,54)
Suleiman l'asha, sketch, ii, 703;
obit., viii, 605. Sul Hippi, x, 752. Sullivan, Alexander M., obit., ix, 622; x, 713.
Sullivan, A. S., obit., xii, 615. Sullivan, Barry, obit, xvi, 686. Sullivan, John, monument, xix, 519.
Sullivan, Sir Edward, obit., x, 670. Sulphur, new oxide of, i, 98; as a mordant, 99; new process, vii, 90; test for, viii, 112; from al- kali waste, 115; discovery of, xi, 556; xii, 307; process for ex- tracting, ix, 122. Sulphur-Alcohol, xii, 678. Sulphurets, reducing action, ii, 93. Sulphur Springs, x, 598. Sultan, plot to dethrone, xii, 773. Sulu, cession of, to North Borneo Company, vi, 329; Archipelago, the, xiii, 748.
Sumatra, revolt in, iii, 597, 598; vii, 590; viii, 557; Govern- ment railways in, xvii, 255. See Acheen.
Summerside, xiv, 161.
Sun, the. See Astronomical Prog-
Sunapee Lake, xiv, 590. Sunday Laws, iv, 667; Maryland, 591; Texas, 830; Ohio, vi, 699; California, viii, 78.
Sunday Legislation, xiii, 748. Sunday rest, international con- gress, xviii, 699. Sunday-schools, in India, i, 405; Raikes anniversary, v, 674; xviii, 700.
Sunderland, Thomas, obit., xi, 703. Sungari, sources of, xii, 311. Sungarians, revolt of, ii, 101. Sunn hemp, xiii, 248.
Sunsets, red, x, 48; xi, 54, 546.
Sunshine, recording of, x, 583. Superior, Wis., xv, 147. Surand, Gustave, x, 358. Surgery, process in, vi, 555; viii, 747; ix, 746; x, 742; xiii, 752; advances in, xviii, 701.
Surinam, xvi, 564. Surveys of public lands, xiii, 467. Susiana, excavations in, xi, 26. Suspension bridge, Brooklyn, illus- tration, i, 257. Suspensions from office, xi, 238. Sutherland, G. G. L. G., obit., xvii, 603.
Sutherland, John, obit., xvi, 686. Sutherland, Josiah, obit., xii, 615. Sutro Tunnel, the, iii, 288. Sutter, John A., sketch, v, 674. Sutton, G. L., invention, xi, 743. Sutton, Henry, invention, vii, 266. Sutton's battery, vii, 266. Sverdrup, Johan, x, 745; xiii, 757. Swaim, Gen. D. G., trial, ix, 776. Swamp-Lands, reclamation of, iv, 625; vi, 251; decision, xiii, 499. Swan, electric lamp of, vii, 275; ix, 305; illustration, 308. Swann, Thomas, obit., viii, 595. Swat, the Akhund of, authority of, see Afghanistan, ii, 4, 6; hatred for British influence, 7; iii, 582; obit., 648.
Swayne, Noah H., obit., ix, 612.
Swaziland, xii, 93; xiv, 107; xviii, 126; xix, 104. Sweat-ducts, closing, v, 356. Sweating-sickness, xiii, 313. Sweating system, the, xiii, 391. Sweden and Norway, in each vol- ume; Sweden: views in, i, 737, 738; ii, 705; the Council of State made a ministry, 7383 metric system, 738; emigration, vii, 769; the constitution of Sweden, viii, 754; liquor laws, xix, 734; Nor- way: admitted to the monetary union, i, 738; railroad loans, iii, 777; royal vetoes and dead-lock, v, 676; radical party, vi, 827; Re- pablican movement, vii, 771; con- Stitutional monarchies under one king, vii, 767; Norway a repub- lic of peasants, 771; conflicts be- tween the King and Storthing, 771; Björnsterne Björnsen leader of the peasant party, 772; politi- cal crisis, viii, 755; ministers im- peached, new ministry, ix, 751, 752; conflict with Sweden, x, 745; xviii, 706; separation, 745; ministerial crisis, xii, 754.
Swedenborgians. See New Church. Swedes' Church, old, xviii, 257. Swedish quarto-millennial, xiii,
Sweeny, T. W., obit., xvii, 576. Swects, disease from, viii, 289. Swectser, Seth, obit., iii, 646. Sweitzer, J. B., obit., xiii, 654. Swett, Leonard, obit., xiv, 648. Swift, E. D. T., xi, 57; x, 53. Swift, John F., obit., xvi, 657. Swift, Lewis, discoveries by, ii, 46; iii, 33, 36; iv, 51; v, 35; vi, 38, 39; prizes to, iii, 39; vii, 41; observatory for, v, 36; discov-
eries, x, 51, 53, 56; xii, 45. Swinburne, John, obit., xiv, 649. Swing, David, obit., xix, 601. Swinging-ship's berths, xvi, 709. Swinhoe, R., obit., ii, 612. Swinton, W., obit., xvii, 576. Swisshelm, Jane G., obit., ix 612. Swiss lakes, soundings, xii, 313. Switzeriand, in every volume; views in, i, 789; ii, 705,706; cantonal constitutions adopted, i, 739; difficulty in Ticino, 739; international postal congress, 740; uniform citizenship law, 740; capital punishment restored, iv, $25; school act, 825; military defenses, v, 676; vii, 775; bill for separation of church and state rejected, v, 676, 677; rectifica- tion of Baden boundary, 677; rights of asylum, vi, 829; 80- cialist congress forbidden, 829; the Savoy question, 829; land- slips, 830; Col. Frei, vii, 775; ix, 754; x, 746; religious con- flict, viii, 756; Mormon agents, 754; conflict with Ticino, 754; expulsion of Anarchists, 754; x, 746; withdrawal from the Latin Union, ix, 754; international con- ference, 755; the temperance ques- tion, x, 746; the church question in Ticino, 746; copyright confer- ence, x, 746; xi, 810; xii, 755. Switzerland settlement, the, xv, 94. Swords, Thomas, obit., xi, 703. Sydney, Australia, exhibition at, ii, 52; iii, 55; v, 40.
Symonds, J. A., obit., xviii, 587. Symonds, Sir T., obit., xix, 622. Synge, Col., captivity of, v, 690. Syntheses, new, v, 96. Syracuse, N. Y., xi, 186; water, xix, 779. Syr Darya, diversion, viii, 309. Syrian inscriptions, xiv, 23. Syzygium jambolanum, x, 300. Szechenyi, Count Stephen, explora-
tions by, v, 289; sketch, 371.
Taafe, Eduard, sketch, iv, 60; x, 71. Tabriz, city gate of, ii, 637. Taché, Alexandre A., obit., xix, 622. Taché, Archbishop, x, 711.
Tacitus, quoted, ix, 600.
Tariff Revision, vii, 777; viii, 193; text of act, 194; xi, 252; in Ger- many, x, 416.
Tarim River, explored, xii, 810. Tarnoczy, Archbishop, obit., i, 643. Tarpon, the, illustration, xii, 756. Taschereau, Cardinal, xii, 716, 717. Tasmania, viii, 36; ix, 60; qucen and last native of, i, 53; tin. mines in, vi, 44; gold, 47; x, 66; xi, 64; xii, 48; xiii, 67; xiv, 57; xvi, 64; xvii, 45; xviii, 59; xiii, 60.
Tate, Ralph, port., xviii, 39. Tate, R., defalcation, xiii, 462. Tattegrain, Francis, xii, 275. Taunton, recent growth of, xi, 187.
Tacoma, Mount, exploration of, xix, Taubert, Wilhelm, obit., xvi, 686.
Tacoma, Wash., xiv, 161.
Tadjiks, the, x, 3, 8.
Taulbee, W. P., obit., xv, 668. Taunt, Emory H., obit., xvi, 657. Tavernier, Jules, sketch, xiv, 649.
Taft, A., sketch, i, 740; obit., xvi, Tawhiao, obit., xix, 622.
Tag-envelopes, xii, 688.
Taglioni, ix, 310; obit., ix, 623.
panhes, ills., xi, 28, 29. Tahiti, annexed to France, v, 40. Taimyr-Land, iii, 356, 357. Taine, H. A., obit., xviii, 587. Tainter, experiments, vi, 257, 787. Tait, A. C., sketch, vii, 775. Tait, L., investigations by, x, 742. Takale, ix, 301.
Talbot, Sir Charles, obit., i, 643. Talbot, Joseph, obit., viii, 595. Talbot, Thomas, iii, 535.
Talbot, W. H. F., obit., ii, 612. Talcott, Alvan, obit., xvi, 657. Talcott, John L., obit., xii, 615. Tallahassee, university at, ix, 331. Talinage, Goyn, obit., xvi, 657. Talmage, J. V. N., obit., xvii, 577. Tamanief, battle of, ix, 295. Tamasese, King, obit., xvi, 686. Tamasese, rebellion of, xix, 710. Tamberlik, E., sketch, xiv, 670. Tamerese, xii, 730. Tampa, Fla., xix, 143. Tamsui, siege of, ix, 143. Tanagra, discoveries at, xiii, 27. Tanis, relics at, ix, 20. Tanganyika, Lake, outlet of, v, 297; antislavery posts at, xviii, 188. Tangyet Woon, xi, 115. Tannate of punicine, x, 300. Tanner, E. A., obit., xvii, 577. Tanno cannabine, ix, 272. Tapestries, ix, 787. Tappan, H. P., obit., vi, 689. Tappan, M. W., obit., xi, 703. Tappeiner, experiments by, x, 694. Tarafat, fight at, x, 565. Tarawera, Mt., eruption of, xi, 66. Tarbox, 1. N., sketch, xiii, 654. Tarbox, John K., obit., xii, 615. Target, deflecting, xiv, 812.
Tariff, in Argentine Republic, ii, 32; Austria, 56, 58; iii, 42; x, 70; France and Germany, ii, 114; iv, 435; Mexico, iii, 553; Brazil, v, 63; Chili, 97; xiv, 79, 136; Canada, v, 218, 219; iv, 317; Peru, vi, 785; Spain, vii, 752; effect of high, in Germany, viii, 894; Russian, x, 716; extra, in Brazil, xiv, 82; United States, Presidents on, ii, 667; viii, 160; xiii, 190; bill for commission, v, 172; vii, 189; Morrison's bill, ix, 203; law of 1890, xv, 205; of 1894, xix, 170.
Tax, direct, refunding of, xiv, 203. Taxes, Muhlenberg, xviii, 425. Tay Bridge, the, x, 328.
Tayler, Robert Taylor, Alfred, obit., xvi, 658. Taylor, Alva E B., sketch, xiv, 649. Taylor, Arthur F., obit., viii, 595. 'Taylor, Bayard, sketch d, sketch, iii, 778. Taylor, B. F., obit., xii, 755. Taylor, David, obit., xvi, 658. Taylor, Frederick, sketch, xiv, 670. Taylor, Gen. Sir Henry, i, 643. Taylor, Sir Henry, author, xi, 727. Taylor, Isaac, ix, 23.
W., obit., iii, 646.
Taylor, Isaac E., sketch, xiv, 649. Taylor, James W., obit., xviii, 572. Taylor, John O., obit., xv, 668. Taylor, Julius S., obit., xvi, 658. Taylor, L. M., obit., xvii, 577. Taylor, Nelson, obit., xix, 602. Taylor, Richard, sketch, iv, 825. Taylor, S., experiments by, iii, 727. Taylor, Tom, obit., v, 603. Taylor, W. B., theory of, heory of, viii, 24. Taylor, William, obit., xi, 704. Taylor, W. R., sketch, xiv, 649. Tcherkaskij, Prince, obit., iii, 662. Tchernajeff, Gen., x, 6. Tchernicheffski, N. G., xiv, 670. Teachers' Association, xiii, 760. Teall, F. A., obit., xix, 602. Tebbutt, J., discovery by, vi, 38. Teccnini, F., observations by, xi, 49, 546.
Tecchio, Sebastiano, obit., xi, 727. Tees River, break water on, iii, 287. Teheran, gate of, ii, 638. Tehuantepee ship railroad, ix, 812; x, 591; xii, 230, 502; xiii, 579. Tennene tribe, the, x, 8. Teisserene de Bort, ii, 320. Tekke Turkomans, the, x, 7. Te Kooti, obit.. xviii, 587. Telegraph companies, xi, 636; con- test between, v, 417; suits against, viii, 576; confidential nature of messages, iv, 533; tar- iff adopted, x, 420.
Telegraphs, subterranean, ii, 278; iv, 347; v, 252; ocean, iv, 346; v, 242, 251, 252; signal-service, iv, 816.
Telegraphs and Telephones, statis- ties of, i, 240; vii, 119, 785.
Telegraphy, improvements in, i, 515, 520; vi, 255, 256; synchro- nous, ix, 309.
Teleki, Count, obit., i, 643, Tel-el-Mashkutah, x, 35.
Tel-el-Ychoodieh, xii, 18. Telepathy, xviii, 708. Telephone, the, i, 740; ii, 706; statistics, vii, 785; ix, 207; xi, $11; mechanical, xi, 811; litiga- tion, xii, 649.
Telescopes, xii, 137; xvi, 55; Lick, x, 54; Yerkes, xviii, 47.
Tell Defenneli, xi, 28. Teller, Henry M., portrait, vii, 811. Tellkampf, J. L., sketch, i, 741. Teilurium, new oxide of, viii, 111; in copper, ix, 477. Telpherage, viii, 679. Téméraire, illustration, vii, 569. Tempel, discoveries, ii, 46; iv. 51: comet, x, 50; obit., xiv, 671. Temperance. See Prohibition, viii, 661, and for conventions and State acts, see articles on the States.
Temperance map, xvi, 815. Temperance Society, Church of England, xiii, 14. Temperature, sense of, x, 689; de termination of rate, xi, 540; con- ditions that affect, xii, 488; ob- servations, in Russia, 488; of the ocean, 489; at Boston, Eng- land, and Mount Washington, 489; effect of, on the blood, 673; xiii, 531; xiv, 546. Temple, Sir Richard, ix. 46. Temple, W. G., obit. and port.. xix, 602.
Temporal Power, the, Spanish Cortes on, ii, 699. See Papacy. Tenants, compensation for im- provements by, viii, 410. Ten Broeck, R., obit., xvii, 577. Tenduf, vi, 327. Tengkoe Arab, v, 555. Tennessee, in each volume; views,
i, 744; ii, 711; commission of agriculture, statistics, and mines. i, 741; State debt, i, 742; i. 708, 710; iii, 780; iv, 827; vi. 830, 831; viii, 757; bill to abel- ish fees, iv, 826; repudiation of railroad bonds, 827; repeal of the Memphis charter and others, 829; yellow fever, 829; education, pe nal institutions, 681, 682; in- crease of representatives, vi, 831; mineral wealth, vii, 789: manufactures, 790; ochre de- posits discovered, ix, 757; tim ber, 757; peanuts, x, 745; xii, 758; population, XV, 795, and xvi, 818; convict mining troubles in, xvi, 821, and xvii, 725.
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, sketch
and port., xvii, 727. Tenney, Sanborn, obit., ii, 589, Tenney, S. M. B., obit., i, 624. Tenney, W. J., sketch, viii. 755. Tenno (Mikado), the, íx, 416. Tenom, rajah of, ix, 558. Tenure-of-Office Act, x, 482. Te Rama Rao, volcano, ix, 275, 276. Tergukassoff, sketch, ii, 712. Terhune, John, obit., xi, 704. Terra-cotta, ix, 246. Terra del Fuego, x, 41; xii, 315;
the people, x, 41, 42. Terrapin-Culture, x, 748.
Terreros, Gen., x, 142. Terriers, ix, 260, 261. Territories, United States, survey of, i, 333; iii, 336; admission of. ix, 213.
Terry, A. H., i, 43; x, 429; obit., xv, 796.
Terry, David S., obit., xiv, 649. Terry, William, obit., xiii, 655. Terziani, Eugenio, obit., xiv, 671. Teschenberg, E., obit., xi, 727. Test-oath, repeal, ix, 208. Tetnuld, Mt., xii, 813.
Teuffel, W. G., obit., iii, 662. Teusch, Dr., xi, 382.
Tewfik Bey, death of, viii, 302. Tewfik I, x, 305, 307. See Mo- hammed Tewfik.
Tewtik, Pasha, port., xvii, 246. Tewtik, Pasha, obit., xvii, 604. Tewksbury almshouse, viii, 517. Te Whiti, vii, 45. Texarkana, xvi, 172.
Texas, in every volume; view in, xi, 814; new constitution, i, 745, 747; land-office, 747; natural advantages of the State, 714; cotton-crop, cattle-trade, 786; constitutional amendments, iv, 829; vi, 836; xii, 760; land- frauds, iv, 831; fugitive crimi- nals, 831, 832; school-lands, v, 685; cost of frontier battalion, vi, 834; State capitol burned, 837; new capitol, vii, 794; xi, 815; the governor's course as to convicts, etc., vii, 795; resources, soil, and climate, 795; drought, xi, 815; Greer county, xii, 760; population, xv, 798; public lands, xv, 800; drouth in, xvii, 739; irrigation, xix, 741.
Texas Inden nity stock, vii, 399. Textile, a new, xii, 140; xiii, 258. Textile manufactures, vi, 543.
Thacher, George H., obit., xii, 616. Thackray, G. E., experiments, xi,
Thalberg, xi, 48.
Thalline, x, 300. Thallophytes, ix, 93. Thamnoi, battle at, x, 31.
Thanksgiving, Japanese, xi, 459. Thasos, ruins at, xii, 22.
Thatcher, J. K., obit., xvi, 658. Thatcher, T. A., obit., xi, 704. Thaumegas, ruins of, xiv, 28. Thaxter, Benjamin, obit., xi, 704. Thaxter, Celia, sketch and port., xix, 743.
Thaxter, Edward R., obit., vi, 689. Thayer, Nathaniel, obit., viii, 595. Thayer, Thomas B., obit., xi, 704. Thebuud, Dr. J. S., obit., i, 625.
Thebaw, King, iv, 100; attempt to assassinate, v, 69; position of, vii, 416; x, 118, 114, 115; xii, 81. Thebes, royal mummies at, vii,
Thein, detection of, ii, 95. Theistic Church, ix, 759. Thekut, x, 36.
Themistocles, wall of, x, 86. Theological Schools, viii, 760. Theosophy, xviii, 716.
Theresa, Enipress, obit., xiv, 671. Thérèse, Sister, obit., xvi, 687. Thermo-Chemistry, iii, 90. Thessaly, brigandage in, v, 690. Thetis, the, ix, 29 et seq. Thibaudin, M., viii, 357, 366, 367. Thibaut, M., x, 155.
Thibet, explorations in, i, 329; iii, 359; iv, 899; v, 289; ix, 348; x, 395, 396, 897; xi, 877; cause of difficult access, iv, 400; pro-
ductions, 400, 401; proposed mission to, xi, 439.
Thieblin, N. L., sketch, xiii, 655. Thierry, Edouard, obit., xix, 623. Thiers, L. A., sketch, ii, 715; ad-
dress of, to electors, 315. Thionville, defense of, x, 480. Thiophen, ix, 122.
Thistle, Russian, xix, 555. Thollon, observations, viii, 20, 25. Tholuck, F. A. G., obit., ii, 612. Thomas, A. G., obit., xvii, 604. Thomas, B. F., obit., iii, 646. Thomas, Edward, obit., xi, 727. Thomas, Gen. George H., x, 428. Thomas, Francis, obit., i, 625. Thomas, P. F., obit., xv, 668. Thomas, Sidney G., invention by, v, 208; obit., x, 670. Thompson, C. G., sketch, xiii, 655. Thompson, Charles P., obit., xix,
Thompson and Houston, invention by, iii, 279; vii, 266. Thompson, Elizabeth, ix, 44. Thompson, George, obit., iii, 662.
Thompson, J., obit., xv, 668. Thompson, Jacob B., x, 159. Thompson, John, obit., xvi, 658. Thompson, J. P., obit., iv, 696. Thompson, Joseph Peter, obit., xix, 602.
Thompson, L., discovery, iii, 84. Thompson, Launt, x, 362; xii, 280; obit., xix, 603. Thompson, Robert L., observations by, xi, 536.
Thompson, R. W., sketch, ii, 716. Thompson, S. P., theory of elec- tricity, vi, 240.
Thompson, Sir J. S. D., obit., xix,
Thompson, W. M., obit., xix, 603. Thompson, W. T., obit., vii, 348. Thoms, William J., obit., ., x, 670. Thomsen, J., experiments, ii, 499. Thomson, Sir C. Wyville, expedi- tion of, vii, 331; obit., 647.
Thomson, Elihu, xii, 486. Thomson, Joseph, explorations by, iv, 402; v, 296; viii, 385; iz,
347, 545; x, 393, 395. Thomson, J. J., xii, 100. Thomson, R. T., xii, 108. Thomson, W., ., obit., xv, 690. Thomson, W., inventions, ii, 498; iii, 351; iv, 419; vi, 239, 253, 255; vii, 223, 269; viii, 116; ix, 46. Thorington, James, obit., xii, 616. Thorium, x, 153. Thornburgh, J. M., obit., xv, 668. Thorne, Charles R., obit., viii, 596. Thorne, C. Robert, obit., xviii,
Thorne, John S., obit., v, 596. Thornton, Sir Edward, x, 4, 11. Thornton, H. R., obit., xviii, 573. Thornton, John W., obit., iii, 646. Thorpe, Prof., xii, 110, 111. Thorpe, T. B., sketch, iii, 788. Thorvaldsen museum, i, 228. Thoulet, M. J., xii, 816. Thousand Islands, the, vi, 838. Thrasher, John S., obit., iv, 696. Thrift Congress, iii, 314. Throckmorton, J. W., obit., xix,
Throop, M. H., obit., xvii, 577. Thuku-t (Pithom), x, 36. Thuong, obit., xi, 728.
Thursday Island, fortified, x, 61.
Thurston, F. T., discoveries, vi, 542; ix, 46, 477, 478, 787. Thurston, J. В., x, 420. Thuen-Quan Fort, besieged, x, 26. Thunder-storms, xiii, 534. Thuyet, x, 30, 31. Thury, M., ix, 519. Thwing, E. P., obit., xviii. 573. Thymol as an anti-ferment, i, 95. Thyroidectomy, ix, 748. Thyroid gland, the, x, 695. Tiberias, city of, xii, 25. Ticino, revolution in, xv, 798; re- volt in, xvi, 813. Tide-indicator, xviii, 285. Tidemand, Adolf, sketch, i, 747. Tidy, M., on water analysis, iii, 91. Tientsin, treaties of, x, 28, 29. Tierra de la Guerra, v, 298. Tiff, iv, 639, 640.
Tiffin, Ohio, xvi, 172. Tigre, war in, xviii, 1. Tilbury docks, x, 333. Tilden, Moses Y., obit., i, 625. Tilden, Prof., his address, xiii, 45. Tilden, Samuel J., sketch and por- trait, i, 748; his nomination, 785; letters from, iii, 717; v, 697; obit. and portrait, xi, 815.
Tilden, W. A., xi, 187; xii, 102. Tiles, ix, 248.
Tileston, William M., obit., v, 596. Tilghman, R. C., obit., iv, 697. Tillamook Light-house, vii, 283;
illustration, xix, 635. Tilton, John R., sketch, xiii, 655. Tilton, John Rollin, xi, 347. Timbuctoo, vi, 328. Time, standard, colored map, viii, 761; signals, ix, 48; universal, 54; reckoning, xi, 59.
Timlow, G. W., sketch, xiv, 650. Timoffski, i, 323. Timor Island, revolt in, xii, 684. Tin, alloys of, iv, 4; deterioration of, vii, 533; viii, 116; in Dakota, 523; market, ix, 480; xiii, 526; xvi, 510; xviii, 483; discoveries of, xv, 801. See Metallurgy. Tindall, Admiral, obit., i, 643. Tinedek, xi, 115.
Tin-plate Industry, xviii, 717. Tintinnabulum, xiii, 24. Tintometer, xvi, 710. Tippoo Tip, x, 795; xii, 251. Tirard cabinet, the, xii, 297. Tirard ministry, fall of, xiii, 345 ; xiv, 334.
Tirard, Pierre E., sketch, iv, 386; viii, 357, 367; obit., xviii, 587. Tirhakah, King, ix, 20. Tiryns, ix, 23; x, 37; xi, 33. Tisdell, N. P., report, x, 192, 193. Tisserand, observations, iii, 36. Tissot, Charles J., obit., ix, 623, Tissues, examining, ix, 124. Tisza, Koloman, ix, 70; xii. 51. Tithe agitation, xiii, 392; xiv, 391. Tithes, in in Quebec, viii, 674. Titian, sale of a picture by, x, 36. Titiens, Theresa, obit., ii, 612. Toadstools and Mushrooms, xi, 590. Tobacco, commerce in, iv, 170; cul- tivation of seed, v, 197; inspec- tion, vii, 463; monopoly in Ger- many, 356; injured by manures, x, 274; statistics, xvii, 764.
Tobias, Laging, x, 625. Tobler, Titus, , obit., ii, 612. Tobogganing, ix, 759. Tocqueville, Count de, obit., i, 644.
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