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The State lost a conscientious and faithful woman probation officer by the death in September of Mrs. Rose D. Fitzgerald of the Police Court. Her successor, who stood first as a result of a civil service examination, in which the Commission assisted, has taken up the work and developed it with much enthusiasm. Probation is largely used in this court. Some of the work, especially in nonsupport cases, is cared for by the court without the assistance of the probation officers.


For four years the Commission has called attention to the great need that exists for a separate building for the detention and trial of children and for the probation offices. The old accommodations were entirely unsuitable and in fact harmful to the children involved. Appropriations made during 1913 and 1914 were never utilized and no steps were taken to meet the need. At the close of the year the matter was again taken up and another appropriation secured. As this report goes to press the home is about to open.

An increased salary for the chief probation officer in the Utica City Court has been provided. The salary had long been inadequate.


This is the largest city in the State without a publicly salaried probation officer. The local agent of the Humane Society has done all the probation work, and has done it effectively in the past, but in the opinion of the Commission he is no longer able to carry on the increasing work in addition to his many other duties. An investigation and hearings before the city board of estimate and apportionment were conducted by the secretary of the Commission to secure an appropriation for the purpose by the city. No action has yet been taken.


During the past year the city provided separate detention. rooms for women and children. The woman probation officer of the city has handled many cases informally in addition to her regular pro ation work. The securing of employment, charitable relief and arious other kinds of social service are carried on extensively.


The need for regular salaried probation officers in this city still exists. The experience of other cities has proven without exception that the work of the probation officer should be carried on independently of the work of the police. In Elmira, as a temporary expedient, the chief of police was made probation officer. Investigation has shown that the results are as might be expected, that very little real probation work has been done. The matter was taken up during the past year with the city authorities and with various citizens and is still pending.


The new city probation officer was appointed and began his work in February, following the civil service examination in which the Commission assisted. Newburgh is a comparatively small city, having a population of 27,800. They have never had a salaried probation officer. Doubt was freely expressed by persons not in sympathy with the movement as to whether the new officer was needed. The records of the officer show that he has received in less than one year 92 probation cases and at the close of the year had under his care 66 cases; 29 juveniles and 37 adults. He las actually collected and paid over $1,306.86 in non-support cases under his charge. In addition he has cared for 19 informal cises. His work has proven of great value to the city, in fact would now be considered a necessity. Newburgh has set an example o the other cities of the State and justified the belief of the Commission that all cities of 20,000 population should have a salaried probation officer giving his whole time to the work.


In this industrial city of 15,737 population, a salaned probation officer gives his entire time to the work and had, at the end of the year, 99 cases under his care. During the past year his salary · was increased. His work has met with the support and confidence of the people generally.


During the year the woman police officer of the city was designated probation officer by the city authorities and has been doing effective probation work in the Ithaca Police Court.


The question of a county probation officer was taken up during the year with county officials, after an investigation. Such officer is greatly needed. The matter is still pending.


The county probation officer has carried on extensive work in the higher courts in the city of Plattsburg and in the towns and villages. Twenty-three cases were received from the justices of the peace in nine towns.


Much rural work has been done by the county probation officer in this county. The number of cases received during the year from justices of the peace was 52 as compared with 18 during the previous year. Cases were received from 9 towns.


Provision for a county probation officer was taken up with the board of supervisors, but no action has yet been taken. The work of the volunteer county probation officer is being continued.


The county pays an adequate salary to its officer and the work has been developed throughout the county. The number of cases received on probation from the higher courts increased from 4 in 1914 to 32 in 1915. The number of cases received from the courts of towns and villages increased from 29 to 84 during last year. The rural work has been developed considerably, cases being received from the justices of the peace in eleven different towns. This officer makes his rounds in an automobile and is in a position

to demonstrate the value and effectiveness of a county probation system, especially as applied to the rural districts. A complete system of financial records and blanks has been installed during the past year.


During the year a new Polish-speaking male probation officer was employed. The staff for the office now consists of the chief probation officer, five male probation officers and one woman officer, the largest staff for any county office. During the past year 42 per cent. of all cases tried in the Supreme and County Courts were placed on probation. Practically every case receives a thorough investigation before probation is used. The case study of 21 men, already referred to, which was conducted last summer, 81 per cent., from one to three years after their discharge from probation, were found to be re-established in society and making good. A complete report of this investigation is given in Appendix F.


An investigation of the work of the County Children's Court was made early in the fall by the secretary, the assistant secretary having previously investigated the needs in certain villages of the county. In the Children's Court Judge Stephens gives all cases brought before him careful attention. The court has an excellent staff of probation officers, a man and two women, who are able to do intensive work. An investigation was begun by the Commission as to the result of the work of the court upon delinquency in the rural districts, but was not continued, as a special investigation under an appropriation from the Federal Children's Bureau was begun late in the fall by an investigator from the New York School of Philanthropy. This investigation is not yet completed. It appears, however, that there is need for greater co-ordination between the work of the Children's Court, the justices of the peace, the police, the school authorities and others in the towns and villages. Only 4.2 per cent. of the cases handled

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