Sivut kuvina

women and girls saying, "You sleep along coconut place, no come back." The newcomers shot some birds, and some of the Mawáta women were so frightened that they moved further still into the bush. Then when some more boats arrived, the Mawáta men too hid in the bush. After a time they were reassured by the Yam islanders who came across one Mawáta man and said to him, „You no run away; he come for kaikai, come fill up water, take firewood. Next time you no run away." The visitors plundered all the Mawáta gardens.

One of the huts in which the Mawáta women and children were encamped in the bush was right under a coconut tree, and the people did not see that a cockatoo had pecked a hole in one of the nuts overhead. One night a little boy named Gámi was sleeping with his head on his sister Síku's arm, when the coconut fell through the roof of the hut, brushed against the boy's cheek and struck the girl on her arm. „Herié!" the two children shrieked out in terror, waking up the whole camp, and everybody thought that the enemy were upon them and ran away in a panic. It took a long time before they ventured to come back. The boy and girl who had been struck by the coconut had fainted but were restored to consciousness by being bathed and bled. Káusi, their father, was told of the accident and ran to them, furious with anger. The children all fled before him, and seizing an axe he broke down the huts throwing them all over. „Nobody heave him that coconut," the people explained, „he fall down self, pigeon (bird) he kaikai. No good you wild along me fellow." Kausi took his two children and went far away into the bush with them, and there he made a hut for them to stay in till the boats had left.

Kausi said to the people, „Head he along boat (the origin of the trouble is with the boats), bad thing he come from that way. More better I go shoot one man belong them fellow." But another man named Dimía stopped him saying, „No good you kill him them fellow." Dimía knew better, for he had once been warned by a Sáibai man, „Any boat he come there you no shoot; by-and-by plenty boat he come, kill you fellow. Them fellow got another kind bow-arrow." Some men caught hold of Káusi's bow and said, „No good you go fight. Suppose you shoot him, everybody me he dead."

The Mawáta people had been advised by the Sáibai and Yam islanders to let the crews of visiting boats have whatever food they asked for in exchange for tobacco, and a very small price was given at that time for such provisions. At the present time, said the narrator, if only a small piece of tobacco is offered in payment for some food, the people will say, „Can't give him," and if one of the crew wants a woman Can't give him." (Saibu, Mawáta).


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Certain of the places mentioned in the tales are of a more or less mythical character. Considerable changes of habitation have taken place among the natives since the time to which some of the tales refer. The names are quoted according to the native pronunciation, and also the information regarding the situation of the different localities partly depend upon statements made by the natives.

Abaúra, island E. of Kíwai in the delta of the Fly river.
Áberemúba, point W. of the Oriómu river.

Ábere-óromo, creek leading across Kíwai island.

Ábo, island in the Fly.

Áderapúpu, village in the bush W. of the Binatúri river.

Adíri, the land of the dead situated at the extreme W. boarder of the world.

Ágidai, village situated either in Sépe, N. W. end of Kíwai island, or in Wápi, W. point

of Purútu island.

Aíbinío, island in the delta of the Fly river.

Áipúpu, place in the bush W. of the Bínatúri river.

Áita, place in Sáibai.

Árakára, village in Dáudai.

Áriki, village in Dáudai.

Áripára (Áliple), village in Dáudai.

Aúgaromúba, point E. of the Páhotúri river.

Áúmamóko, island in the Fly.

Aúo Mádja, reef in the Torres straits.

Áuo Móuro, place on Páráma island.

Auti, village at the N. W. end of Kíwai island.

Dádu, village in Dáudai.

-, island in the Torres straits.

Bámu river, E. of the Fly river.

Bárasáro, place in the bush inland from Iása on Kíwai island.

Bárasási (Long island), in the Torres straits.

Báru, place in Díbiri.

Báuda, place on the way to Adíri, the land of the dead.

Béro, village in Dáudai.

Bíge, place on the coast in Dáudai.

Bínamenéa, place near the Bínatúri river.

Bínatúri, river W. of the Fly.

Bóbo (Bristow island), W. of the Fly.
Bódemúpa, swamp near Másingára village.
Bódugo (Bódigo), place near the Bínatúri river.
Bóigu, island some distance W. of the Fly.
Bóromomúba, island in the delta of the Fly.
Bóromonánadji, place in the bush W. of the Bínatúri river.

Búdabe, place on the Bínatúri river.

Búdji, village near the mouth of the Mái-kása river.

Búgamo, place near the Bínatúri river.

Búgia, place in the bush W. of the Bínatúri river.

Búgido, place on Páráma island.

Búramu, place in Dúdi.

Búrau (Búravo), part of Másingára village W. of the Bínatúri river.

Búru (Mangrove island) in the Torres straits.

Bútu, point on Saibai island.

Dábangáni (Dábangái), place in Mábuiag.

Dábo (Dábu), village in Dáudai.

Dáburo, village in Dáudai.

Dámera (Dámeramúba), place in Díbiri.

Dámera-kóromo, place E. of the Fly.

Dániníkava (Dánikáva; Embren), island in the Torres straits.

Dáragóri, village on the Óriómu river.

Dárai, a mountain in Díbiri.

Darnley (Yárubo), island in the Torres straits.

Dáru (Yáru), island W. of the Fly.

Dárube, village in Dáudai.

Dáudai, the district in New Guinea facing the Torres straits.

Daváne (Dáuan), island some distance W. of the Fly.

Daváre (Davári), village on the coast of Dúdi.

Díbiri, district on the coast between the Fly and the Bámu river.

Dírimo (Drímu), village on the Bínaturi river.

Djégei, island in the Torres straits.

Djibáru, village in the bush W. of the Bínatúri river.
Djíbu, village near the sources of the Bínatúri river.
Dóbei, place near Másingára village in Dáudai.
Dórogóri, village in the bush near the Óriómu river.
Dorópo (Dorópodai), village on the N. E. side of Kíwai island.

Doumóri (Domóri), island in the delta of the Fly.

Drágeri, village in the bush W. of the Bínatúri river.

Dúdi, the district on the Western of the bank of the Fly opposite Kíwai island.

Dúdupátu, place on the coast near the Óriómu river.

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Gémedai_(Gémede), place either in Wapi, the W. point of Purútu island, or in Sépe, the.

N. W. end of Kíwai island.

Géretáva, village in Dáudai.

Gesovamúba, point near Mawáta village.

Gíbu, village on the S. W. side of Kíwai island.

Gído, place on the coast of Dáudai.

Gimini, sandbank in the Torres straits.

Gómu, place in Mábuiag.

Gówo (Góvo), place near the Bínatúri river.

Gówobúro, place in the delta of the Fly.

Gúie (Gúia), village in Dáudai:

Gúrahi, village on the coast W. of the Fly.

Gúruru (Glúlu), village W. of the Bínatúri river.

Háemúba, point on the coast of Dáudai.

lása, lásamúba, principal village in Kíwai, S. W. side.

lásatúri, creek near Iása.

İdje, place near the sources of the Bínaturi river.

Ího, a locality in Dáru.

Ímióro, place in Dúdi.

İpidárimo, village on the W. bank of the Fly.

Ipisía, village on the N. E. side of Kíwai.

İrago, village in Dúdi.

Íribu (Sugáru), island in the Torres straits.

Írue (İrupi, İruúpi) village in the bush W. of the Bínatúri river.

İta (Green island), in the Torres straits.

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