Sivut kuvina

Kadáwa (Mawáta), village at the mouth of the Bínatúri river.

Kátatai, village on the coast W. of the Fly.

Káuaro, creek in Dúdi.

Kémusu (Kímusu), reef in the Torres straits.

Kíwai, largest island in the delta or the Fly.
Koábu, village in Dúdi.

Kóbuára-gówo, river in Dáudai.

Kuáwisi, place on the E. bank of the Fly.

Kúbání-kikáva, reef in the Torres straits.
Kúdi-kása, river in Dáudai.

Kúmadári, reef in the Torres straits.

Kuníni, village on the coast W. of the Fly, formerly situated inland.

Kupére, village in Dáudai.

Kúra, creek W. of the Bínatúri.

Kúru, place at the sources of the Bínatúri river.

Kusáro, island near Boigu.

Láugide, place near the Bínatúri river.

Lópe, village in the bush W. of the Páhotúri river.

Mábudaváne, village at the mouth of the Páhotúri river.

Mábuiag, island in the Torres straits.

Madíri, place in Kiwai between Iása and Kubíra.

Mádjaía, reef in the Torres straits.

Mádja Papáuro (Bramle Quay), reef in the Torres straits.

Mágai, river in Dáudai.

Mági, place near the Bínatúri river.

Mái-kása, river in Dáudai.

Maipáni, village near the mouth of the Bámu river.

Manávete, dictrict on the E. bank of the Fly river near the mouth.

Mánibádo, place on the Bínatúri river.

Máo, N. W. end of Kíwai island.

Márkai-mádja, reef in the Torres straits.

Márukara, island E. of the mouth of the Páhotúri river.

Másingára (Másingle), village in the bush W. of the Bínatúri river.

Mátarasése, place in Dúdi.

Máubo, district on the coast E. of the Fly.

Mawáta (Kadáwa), village at the mouth of the Bínatúri river.

Médjagáni, place near the sources of the Bínatúri river.

Méreovéra, place on the coast W. of the Fly.

Míbu, island W. of Kíwai in the delta of the Fly.

Mípári, place E. of Kíwai island.

Mírapu, (Mírapo), place in the bush W. of the Bínatúri river.
Mirisía, village on Purútu island.

Móa, island in the Torres straits.

Móre (Múri), one of the Murray islands in the Torres straits.

Móuro, place close to Mawáta.

Múba, place on the way to Adíri, the land of the dead.

Múdji, place on the Bínatúri river.

Múiere, place. in the bush W. of the Bínatúri river.

Mukáro, (Mukára, Mukúri; Cape island) in the Torres straits.

Múogído, place on the Oriómu river.

creek W. of the Óriómu.

Múrilágo (Thursday island), in the Torres straits.

Murray islands, in the Torres straits.

Nábedai, village on the W. bank of the Fly.

Nágir (Nágiri), island in the Torres straits.

are, mythical mountain in Díbiri.

Ngádji, sandbank in the Torres straits,

Ngámuára, place near the sources of the Bínatúri river.

Níboníbomúba, place on the way to Adíri, the land of the dead.

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Óimúba, place on the N. E. side of Kíwai island, at the mouth of the Abere-óromo creek.

Old Mawáta, village on the coast opposite Dáru island.

Óriómu, river W. of the Fly.

Óromosapúa, village on the N. E. side of Kiwai island.

Óromotúri, creek at Iása village S. W. side of Kiwai island.

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Páho (Páso), island at the mouth of the Páhotúri (Pásotúri) river in Dáudai.

[blocks in formation]

Purútu, island in the delta of the Fly.

Rámedji, place on the coast between Mawáta and Mábudaváne. Rígimúba, place on the way to Adíri, the land of the dead.

Ságásía, village on the N. E. side of Kiwai island.

Sagéro, village on the E. bank of the Fly.

Ságuáne, village at the S. E. end of Kíwai island.

Sáibai, island off the coast of Dáudai.

Samári, village at the S. E. end of Kiwai island.

Sanání, village in Dáudai.

Sáreéve (Sásasáree), place in the bush W. of the Bínatúri river.

Sáwa, village in the bush near the Bínatúri river.

Sébe, place in the bush W. of the Bínatúri river.

Sépe, N. W. end of Kíwai island.

Sívare, mythical mountain in Díbiri.

Sógale, village in the bush W. of the Bínaturi river.

Sómoróse, place in the bush W. of the Bínatúri river..

Sugáru (Íribu), island in the Torres straits.

Súi, village in Dudi.

Súmai (Paára), village on the N. W. side of Kíwai island.

Dábaiáni, sandbank in the Torres straits.

Tábatáta, village in Dáudai.

Tabío, village on the W. bank of the Fly.

Tamáni, river in Dáudai.

Táti, village in the bush W. of the Bínatúri river.

Tátírue, village in the bush W. of the Bínatúri river.

Téremúba, reef in the Torres straits.

Tétebe, place on Páráma island.

Téterátu, village on the E. bank of the Fly.

Tírio, village on the W. bank of the Fly.

Tódji, village near the mouth of the Mái-kása river.

Tógitúri, river in Dáudai.

Tógo, village in Dáudai.

Túdu, (Tútu, Túdo; Warrior island), in the Torres straits.

Túritúri, village on the coast W. of the Fly.

Turúpe, place in Dáudai.

Ubíri, place in Dúdi.

Úgri, place inland in Dáudai.

Úme, place near the sources of the Bínatúri river.

Úmudo, island in the delta of the Fly.

Úrahapúo, place between Mawáta and Túritúri.

Uúo, place on the N. W. side of Kiwai island.
Wáboda, island in the delta of the Fly.

Wádapebéna, place on the coast between Mawáta and Mábudaváne.
Wáleámu, village inland in Dáudai.

Wápa, passage between two reefs in the Torres straits.

Wápi, W. point of Purútu island in the delta of the Fly.

Wárabére (Three Sisters), island in the Torres straits.

Wáriobódoro, village on the E. bank of the Fly.

Wási, place in Dáudai.

Wási-kása, river in Dáudai.

Wáuma, place on Sáibai island.

Wávoi, place on the way to Adíri, the land of the dead.

Wímarimúba, point on the S. W. side of Kiwai island.

Wiórubi (Yórubi), village on the N. E. side of Kiwai island.

Wíraro, place in Dúdi.

Wodódo, place E. of the Fly.

Wóibu (Adíri), the land of the dead, situated at the extreme W. boarder of the world.

Wóruúpi (Wórupi), place near the Bínatúri river.

Wúibu, village in Dáudai.

Yám, island in the Torres straits.

Yáru (Dáru), island W. of the mouth of the Fly.

Yárubo (Járub; Darnley), island in the Torres straits.
Yómusa, place on the Bínatúri river.




If repeated in one and the same tale, or versions of it, these circumstances are merely indicated in the first instance. The figures designate the numbers of the tales.

1 Sandbanks and islands are formed in a river out of various refuse (which the people have thrown into the water, etc.), 1, 2 B, 121.

2 A child is left in charge of some person or other during the absence of the parents; an accident happens to the child, 2, 135, 476, 484, 487, 491.

The eyes of an animal or being turn red in anger, 2, 57, 171.

4 A garden has been created in a miraculous way without the people knowing; the rustling of the leaves in the wind astonishes the people upon hearing it for the first time, 2 A, 43, 44. 5 In the absence of the people some incident or other takes place which nobody is supposed to know anything about; a cripple (or some old woman, etc.), who has not gone with the rest, nevertheless witnesses the event and informs the people, 5, 21 B, 22, 24, 25, 47, 57 J, 61, 141, 147, 252, 287, 353, 479.

6 Certain marks have been inflicted upon a person's body; on some later occasion these marks serve as means of identification, 6, 223.

7 Children, trees, etc., grow up with extraordinary rapidity; women bear children after a very short period of pregnancy, etc., 2 A, 9, 15 C, 21, 34, 102, 263, 370, 459.

8 People are troubled by mosquitoes; they are obliged to move to another place, 11, 17, 19.


Young boys who begin to shoot game take the spoil procured to their parents in order to be instructed as to which is edible and which unfit for food, 14, 21, 321, 369 C, 459 A. 10 People live, or are hidden in trees or underneath the ground; some other person happens to come along and finding signs of the former he searches for them and at last discovers their whereabouts, 14, 15, 43, 59, 273, 291, 293.

11 A man and his children are far away from their native place; when thinking of his home the father sheds tears; the children see it and find out that they do not belong to the place where they are staying with their father, 15, 62, 111, 463.

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