Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae, Niteet 47–48Suomen Tiedeseura, 1917 |
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Tulokset 1 - 5 kokonaismäärästä 100
Sivu 18
... Mawáta man encountered a Gúrahi woman who brought him to her people . They were married and settled at Mawáta . After that the two peoples became friends . THE MAWATA PEOPLE MOVED TO THEIR PRESENT VILLAGE . 19. Once when holding a ...
... Mawáta man encountered a Gúrahi woman who brought him to her people . They were married and settled at Mawáta . After that the two peoples became friends . THE MAWATA PEOPLE MOVED TO THEIR PRESENT VILLAGE . 19. Once when holding a ...
Sivu 70
... Mawáta ) . A. The coconut tree Gágama grew at Bárasáro in the bush , where the Kíwai people lived before moving out to the coast . A certain kind of coconut tree with a reddish trunk is still called gágama . As in the preceding version ...
... Mawáta ) . A. The coconut tree Gágama grew at Bárasáro in the bush , where the Kíwai people lived before moving out to the coast . A certain kind of coconut tree with a reddish trunk is still called gágama . As in the preceding version ...
Sivu 76
... Mawáta ) . A. A very similar version to the first one . When Simárobe of Iása was afraid lest the Kubíra people would kill him , his friend said , " You no fright , you my friend , you been kobóri ( have had connection with ) my wife ...
... Mawáta ) . A. A very similar version to the first one . When Simárobe of Iása was afraid lest the Kubíra people would kill him , his friend said , " You no fright , you my friend , you been kobóri ( have had connection with ) my wife ...
Sivu 82
... Mawáta ) . 12. In former times the Másingara and Áipúpu people lived together at Áipúpu , close to Glúlu . One day an Áipúpu man named Múta went to see the country round the present Búrau . The place was not inhabited at that time , and ...
... Mawáta ) . 12. In former times the Másingara and Áipúpu people lived together at Áipúpu , close to Glúlu . One day an Áipúpu man named Múta went to see the country round the present Búrau . The place was not inhabited at that time , and ...
Sivu 87
... Mawáta people were living in the stem of a large creeper called buhére - ápoápo . Bídedu walked underneath the creeper without knowing that anybody was dwelling inside . But when he had gone a few steps past , he heard voices behind him ...
... Mawáta people were living in the stem of a large creeper called buhére - ápoápo . Bídedu walked underneath the creeper without knowing that anybody was dwelling inside . But when he had gone a few steps past , he heard voices behind him ...
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Abére Adiri asked Bádu banana belong bird Bíri body Bóigu bow and arrows brother brought bush bushmen called canoe carried cassowary catch caught coconut cooked crab creek crocodile dance Dáru Daváne dead Díbiri digging stick dogs drum dugong father fellow fight fire fish Gaméa gámoda garden gave Gibúma girl ground harpoon head hiwai-abére husband Iása inside Ipisía island kaikai Káku kangaroo killed Kíwai Kogéa Kubíra Kúiamo lása lived look Mábuiag married Másingára Mawáta Meséde Méuri morning mother mythical Nábeamuro Nága Námai ngái night once origorúso pickaninny plant plenty returned home Sagáru sago Sáibai savy Sésere shoot shot Sído Sído's sister sleep snake Sóido spear spirit stone stop taro thing thought threw told took tree Túritúri turtle underneath Uúo village vulva Wáboda wailed Wawa What's wife woman women Yam island yams