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IN bringing forward a new Edition of the Life of THOMAS ELLWOOD, the publishers feel that little is needed from them to recommend a work, which from the earliest days of the Society of Friends has held its place, as an interesting and most valuable autobiography.

Contemporary and personally intimate with many of those self - devoted men, who in the stormy times of the English Commonwealth bore so noble a testimony to the true spirituality of the kingdom of Christ, the author was himself repeatedly a sufferer; and his unadorned narrative has frequent record of fines, losses, cruel and unjust imprisonments, patiently endured for the cause of Truth.

Thomas Ellwood was born and educated in a rank of society higher than many of his fellow

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labourers yet the following pages bear ample witness that he freely sacrificed estate and worldly prospects, when called to the work by his Divine Master. His example of faithfulness cannot fail to be instructive in these days of comparative freedom from persecution.

The following is a List of the previous English editions of this work:

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For the accompanying illustration, the publishers are indebted to the editor of "Select Miscellanies."

The book has been again carefully revised, and is for the first time divided into chapters.

It is

hoped that the Sixth Edition may by its accuracy

do justice to the memory of the author.



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