Sivut kuvina

7 & 8 G. 4. c. 30.

c. 29.

7 G. 4. c. cxlii.


fore some near J. P. to be dealt with according to law. Id. s. 28.

Of apprehending offenders under the Larceny act, 7 & 8 Geo. 4. c. 29.

Persons found committing an offence under this

act, punishable either by ind. or summary conv. (except only for angling in the daytime) may be immediately apprehended in manner above mentioned, and taken before some near magistrate, to be dealt with as above. 7 & 8 G. 4. c. 29. s. 63. Of apprehending offenders under the Metropolitan Road Act, 7 Geo. 4. c. cxlii. Watchmen and supervisors of the watch, when on duty on the roads, and coming to and going off duty, are to assist all persons passing along the roads or on the footpaths adjoining, who shall be assaulted, attacked or ill treated, and prevent mischiefs by fire, murders, burglaries or robberies, and all outrages, disorders and misd. as well on the roads and foot-paths, as in houses, buildings or grounds by the sides thereof, or near thereto, and for that purpose they may apprehend and secure all night walkers, malefactors,

or the person apprehending him will not be protected by the Rex v. Curian, 2 C. & P.



rogues, vagabonds and other disorderly per-
sons found loitering, wandering, misbehaving,
or committing any disorder or offence on
such roads, or refusing to give a good ac-
count of themselves, or whom they shall have
goods reason to suspect of any evil intentions
or designs, and search any such person, or
the loading of any horse, ass, mule, cart or
other carriage which they suspect to have
any stolen goods thereon or therein, and
confine and secure every such person, and
such horse, &c. until he can be conveniently
taken before a J. P., and all persons are re-
quired by this act to aid and assist such
watchmen, &c. in securing offenders. 7 G.4.
c. cxlii. s. 73.

All such watchmen and supervisors of the
watch have the same powers as constables.
Id. s. 74.

7 G. 4.

c. cxlii.

s. 74.

Any person may apprehend offenders against s. 155.

this act, (the Metropolitan Act) and take

them to a constable or peace officer. Id.

s. 155.

Every person acting under this act is entitled to s.180,181.

30 days' notice of action, to plead the general
issue and tender amends, and all actions must
be commenced within 3 m. Id. s. 180, 181.

7 & 8 G. 4. c. 30.

s. 11.

s. 22.

c. 29.

s. 19.

s. 20.


Destroying trees of the value of 1s. 7 & 8 G. 4. c. 30. s. 20. See p. 69, ante.

Vegetables, &c. in gardens. Id. s. 21. See p. 70, ante.

The like not in gardens, the same pun. as s.


7 & 8 G. 4. c. 29. p. 185. post. Id. s. 22. Petty trespasses. See p. 181, post.

Fences. Id. s. 23, p. 54, ante.

Larcenies the subject of summary conviction.
7 & 8 Geo. 4. c. 29.

Offences relating to wrecked goods. Id.
Goods, merchandizes, or goods of any kind
belonging to a ship or vessel in distress,
wrecked, stranded or cast on shore, found in
the possession of any person under a search.
warrant, or on his premises with his know-
ledge, and such person being taken before a
J. P. shall not satisfy the J. that he came
lawfully by the same, then the goods, &c. shall
be forthwith by order of the J. delivered to
the owner, and the off. on conv. of such of-
fence, shall forfeit and pay over and above
the value thereof such sum, not ex. 201., as
the J. shall order. Id. s. 19.
Seizing wrecked goods exposed to sale.

Goods, merchandize or other articles what-
ever, which have been unlawfully taken, or
even suspected to have been stolen, from any


c. 30.

ship or vessel in distress, wrecked, &c. offered 7 & 8 G.4.
or exposed for sale, any person to whom they
shall be offered for sale, or any officer of
customs or excise, or peace officer, may seize
the same, and with all convenient speed
carry the same, or give notice of the seizure,
to some J. P., and if the person who offered
or exposed the same for sale, or being duly
summoned by the J. shall not appear and
satisfy the J. that he came lawfully by the
goods, &c. then the same shall by order of
the J. be delivered to the owner upon pay-
ment of a reasonable reward, (to be ascer-
tained by the J.) to the person seizing them,
and the off. on conv. shall forfeit and pay
over and above the value of the goods, &c.
not ex. 201. as the J. shall order.

Offences relating to deer.

s. 20.

If any deer, or the head, skin or other part s. 27.
thereof, or any snare or engine for taking
deer shall be found (on search warrant) in the
possession of any person, or on his premises,
with his knowledge, and such person being
carried before a J. P. shall not satisfy the J.
that he came lawfully by such deer, or the
head, &c. or that he had lawful occasion for
such snare, &c. and did not keep them for

7 & 8 G. 4. c. 29.


c. 30.

c. 29.

s. 39.

s. 40.


unlawful purposes, pun. on conv. to forfeit and pay not ex. 201. 7 & 8 Geo. 4. c. 29. s. 27. If such person shall not be liable to conv. under the provisions of this act, then the J. at his disc. as the evidence given, and the circumstances of the case require, may summon before him any person through whose hands such deer, or the head, &c. shall have passed, and if the person from whom the same shall have first passed, or who shall have had possession thereof, shall not satisfy the J. that he came lawfully by the same, pen. as for deer stealing. Id. See Deer, p. 40, ante. Destroying rabbits and hares in warrens, breeding


grounds, &c. in the night time, or in the day
time. 7 & 8 Geo. 4. c. 29. s. 30.
p. 109, ante.

Stealing dogs, beasts, or birds. Id. c. 30. s. 31.
See Beasts, p. 19, ante.

Stealing or destroying pigeons. Id. c. 29. s. 33.
See Pigeons, p. 133, ante.

Offences relating to fish. Id. s. 34.

p. 56, ante.

Stealing trees,

See Fish,

The 1st and 2d offences are punishable before magistrates. Id. s. 39. See p. 68, ante.

Stealing fences.

Stealing or cutting, breaking or throwing

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